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Devil's Island

by Julie Lacksonen

By Julie LacksonenPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 8 min read
Devil's Island
Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

“Run faster! We’ve got to make it back to the beach.” Graham shouted.

His wife, Jill, panted and shouted, “Go on ahead to alert the captain. I’ll be right behind you.”

“I’m not leaving you.”

“Then we may die together.” They heard deafening, terrifying shrieks behind them.

The story began when Graham and Jill were planning their 20th wedding anniversary. They wanted to do something spectacular. That’s when Jill came across a company called, “Luxury Islands.” They offered a couple’s week during which participants would be taken by boat to two different Caribbean islands for two nights each. They would sleep in luxurious tents, with air mattresses and food service. Swimming, boating, hiking, and bonfires were common choices. The experience would culminate in a two-night stay at a resort on San Pedro Island, just off the coast of Belize.

Jill exclaimed, “This is perfect! Look, Graham! We can tell ghost stories around a bonfire on Halloween. Maybe I can tell everyone the story of Old Farmer William’s mysterious disappearance. Then, we can celebrate our anniversary on the 2nd in style.”

“Sounds great. Book it!”


The two landed in Belize City a day early. They wanted to scope out the area and spend the first day with bathroom amenities. Graham suggested they speak with the employees of Luxury Islands. It paid off, because they hit it off with the co-owner, Javier. He offered to fly them over the islands with his sea plane, one of his great loves.

As they gained altitude, the aerial view was stunning. Javier pointed out Hatchet Cayes, the island on which they would spend their first two nights. There was a lovely cove where they would set up camp.

He said into his headset, “Part of the reason for this flight is that I’m torn between two possibilities for your second island, so you can help me decide.”

“Wow,” Jill beamed, “I’m honored.”

Graham added, “Just let us know which two islands we’re choosing from.”

Five minutes later, Javier banked the plane to the right, eliciting an excited squeal from Jill. He said, “Here’s the first choice. It’s small enough to walk all the way around easily, and there are lovely beaches, trees, and flowers.”

Jill said, “It’s okay, but I’m hoping for something grander. Let’s check out the other one.”

“Very well, it’s just past this big island.”

“Wait,” Graham interjected, “What’s wrong with the big island? It looks idyllic. Is that a lake in the center? Look how lush it all is!”

Javier’s eyes darted toward it briefly, “No, Señor! Not that one.” He took a ragged breath and pointed, “That is Devil’s Island. Most who go there are never seen again.”

“Oh, come on,” Graham scoffed, waving his hand, “They were probably just careless. I can’t think of a better place to celebrate Halloween.”

“No,” Javier insisted, “There are two other couples and the chef I must protect. My company cannot afford such liability. I…”

Jill interrupted, “What if the other couples want to go there too? We can sign a waiver so you’re not responsible.”

“Besides,” Graham laughed dryly, “If we all perish, who’s going to give you a bad review?”

Javier said, “I don’t know…Anyway, here’s the other choice. This is a great island. Look at how many beaches there are, and the rocky side is great for snorkeling.”

Jill sighed, “It’s very nice, but I like Devil’s Island. Let’s see what the other couples say.”


The next day, Sam and Madeline Miller arrived first. They were in their late 20s and would be celebrating Sam’s 30th birthday on November 1st. They loved the idea of Devil’s Island for Halloween. Finally, Scott and Dale arrived. They owned a nightclub in Miami and were getting away before the holidays. When the others told them about Devil’s Island, Dale said, “I don’t know. This whole tent thing makes me nervous enough, and I really didn’t want Scott to see me without makeup, but this sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.”

“You’ll be fine,” Scott assured her. “I’ll protect you.”

“Fine,” Dale waved her perfectly painted nails, “I don’t want to mess up everyone else’s plans.”

The first two days and nights on Hatchet Cayes exceeded everyone’s expectations. They swam, snorkeled, and enjoyed getting to know each other. They sang and drank champagne and Belikin beer. Their chef, Christopher, made them surf and turf platters with steak grilled to order, perfectly cooked garlic shrimp, and fresh vegetables. He used the leftovers for omelet ingredients the next morning.

They were loathe to leave, but the boat arrived, and the crew made quick, practiced work of disassembling the tents and loading everything up, so off they went.

When they arrived at Devil’s Island, Jill pointed, “Look! It’s a beautiful, red bird!”

Sam said, “That’s a scarlet macaw. I had hoped to see one since they’re endangered. Marvelous!”

As they stood in awe, the forest erupted with loud, raucous sounds. Everyone looked at Sam.

He laughed and said, “What, I know what a scarlet macaw is, which means I’m supposed to know every creature here? I'm an amateur birder, not a biologist.”

Scott asked one of the crew members, "What are they?"

He smiled and said, “Howler monkeys.”

Dale looked at Scott, furrowing her brows. “We’re not in danger, are we?”

Madeline stepped forward. “I think I can answer that. I was paging through a book about wildlife native to Belize yesterday. Howler monkeys are mostly vegetarian.

“Maybe, Darling,” Dale said, grabbing Scott’s arm, “But they sure sound frightful. Is it too late to change my island vote?”

Graham said, “They’re probably just trying to alert each other to our presence. Besides, the crew is almost done setting up the tents. We’ll be fine."

Dale grabbed Scott more tightly and rested her head on his shoulder. “All right, but stay close, Honey.”

Because of the oppressive humidity and insects, everyone spent a fair amount of time in the water during the day. That evening, they got a roaring bonfire going and spent some time laughing about how nervous they had been when they heard the monkeys. Then, they were treated to a spectacular lightning show from a distant storm.

Madeline stood up and said, “I’m going to see what culinary delights Christopher has in store for us. Maybe I can get cooking tips if I help.”

A minute later, she came running back and shouted, “Christopher is missing!" With a worried expression, she said, "He doesn’t have anything cooking, which means he’s been gone a while. What should we do?”

“No need to panic,” Graham assuaged. “If he doesn’t come back soon, we’ll use the satellite phone to call Luxury Islands.”

Twenty minutes later, clouds had moved overhead. The satellite phone connected, but it was scratchy. Graham spent five minutes conveying that they wanted an extraction. He heard, “Not…storm…morning…11.”

Graham said, “Roger,” and turned the phone off. He looked around at the circle of new friends and admitted, “We’re on our own until morning. Let’s make the best of our Halloween and we’ll search for Christopher in the morning.”

“Yeah,” Scott chimed in, “Maybe he just got lost looking for fruits.”

Dale chuckled lightly. “He should have checked out our tent, darling!”

That lightened the mood enough for the group to enjoy some Halloween tales and finish off the remaining champagne.

In the morning, Graham awoke to howling monkeys and squawking macaws. He went around to gather everyone. “Let’s head toward the lake at the center of the island. If we haven’t found Christopher by then, we’ll come back and wait for the boat.”

“Should we split up to cover more ground?” Jill asked.

Graham shook his head, “We can spread out, but let’s try to stay in sight.”

They took off as planned, Scott and Dale on the left, Graham and Jill in the middle, and Sam and Madeline on the right. The vegetation, insects, and humidity made the going slow. The area was eerily quiet, except when they called, “Christopher!”

Fifteen minutes in, there was a drawn-out scream to the right. Sam yelled, “Madeline!” Everyone ran in that direction as the scream was squelched. They found Sam sitting on the forest floor, hands over his face.

Jill squatted next to him and asked, “What happened?”

“Something dragged my Madeline away.” His voice hitched. “I didn’t see what. I just saw her legs disappear in the undergrowth.” He pointed. “I ran after, but she was too far.”

“Oh, my God!” Dale clung to Scott.

“We’ve got to see if we can find her,” Graham said. “Let’s go together.”

They followed the track laid by her body, and soon found a spot where blood was seeping into the ground.

Sam stared, frozen in shock.

Jill and Dale’s shoulders shook as they held back tears.

“What do you want to do, Sam?” Graham gently touched his shoulder.

“I…I can’t leave her if there’s any hope,” He gestured toward the beach. “But you can head back if you want to.”

“I’m with you. What about the rest of you?”

They all nodded their heads solemnly. Scott added, “We’re not leaving you.”

As they continued to follow the trail, they saw splatters of blood on the vegetation. In a clearing, they discovered what was left of Madeline’s remains. It looked like she had been torn to pieces by multiple animals. Dale lost her breakfast bar on a fern. Sam rushed forward. A group of screaming monkeys rushed out and attacked him, jumping onto his body. One quickly bit into his neck.

The remaining couples ran.

Dale tripped and screamed. When Scott went back to help her, the two were immediately set upon by yet more monkeys.

Jill and Graham ran, but no one made it to the boat. No one knew that a strange hybrid of howler monkeys had developed a taste for human flesh.

Javier personally landed with the crew at 11:00. They quickly loaded the boat and remained moored until noon. They heard the shrieking monkeys.

Javier shook his head gravely and whispered, “Monos Diablos.”

Devil Monkeys.


About the Creator

Julie Lacksonen

Julie has been a music teacher at a public school in Arizona since 1987. She enjoys writing, reading, walking, swimming, and spending time with family.

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