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Dark Dig 7 - Back at the Dig

Ancient Gods and Modern Draama

By Bruce J. SpohnPublished 2 years ago 26 min read
7 - Back at the Dig

Meanwhile Back at the Dig

Marcus was visibly upset. The day was not going well and the video update only added to his frustration. Now he was mad because he wasted time on the video instead of working with his crew to move the huge stone blocking their progress.

The entire morning was devoted to erecting a tripod strong enough to lift the massive stone. The block and tackle were being assembled when he had to attend the video conference. Marcus trotted back across the open field in an effort to be present when the team started to hoist the monolithic obstacle.

“Hey! Glad you made it back! We really need some more muscle on the block & tackle to get this rock moved,” Kevin shouted.

“What! You haven’t finished moving that pebble yet? Did you all go on a coffee break while I was gone? Seriously, what seems to be the problem?” Marcus inquired.

Kevin wiped sweat from his forehead before answering, “Sorry Boss, as you know, we had a hard time getting the hoist and pulley system positioned. Then, after you left, we started to attach the harness. That took much longer than planned because the rock is very hard granite. We have only given a few tests to check the rigging. I’m sure we can use the extra muscle on this and I thought you might want to be present when we cleared the way.”

Marcus nodded and took a moment to evaluate the situation. He grabbed several straps and tugged on them, testing to see if they were seated properly. After one more examination of the Tripod he shouted, “Let’s do it!”

All ten men of the digging team and Marcus grabbed the thick cable and laid their backs into pulling. The pulley assembly slowly moved upward.

From deep within the pit, a sickening sucking sound could be heard as the huge monolith was pulled from the grasp of the clinging clay-like material it was wedged into. The sucking sound was accompanied by a putrid odor. The stench was almost overpowering, like a tangible presence looming over the crew. The rank odor resulted in loud sporadic coughing mixed with rhythmic grunting of the team as they reputedly HEAVED, throwing all their weight and muscle into the effort.

At long last the stone was dropped at the edge of the excavation. Marcus pulled a tape measure out and started to make initial measurements for the documentation protocol. After he finished making his notations, the team continued to move the stone away from the area. This stone, like all the items unearthed would be cataloged and shipped to the university, for further analysis.

Standing on the ledge peering into the darkness below, Marcus waited a few minutes allowing the brisk breeze a chance to clear the chamber of the gut-wrenching stench. While he waited his mind pondered some of the new questions this find brought with it. With all the trouble they had getting this monolith hoisted a few feet, Marcus began to wonder who moved it here and how did they move it to this location. For one thing, there are no rock quarries within 50 miles where this type of granite is found. He was sure that mystery would become some sub-plot for the next generation of “ANCIANT AILIENS”, or some other ever popular show made for TV FAKE science program. Not wishing to dwell upon the current state of MISS-INFORMTION, Marcus descended into the excavation to examine the newly cleared area.

“Someone tosses me a light! I think there are some etchings on a second stone,” Marcus shouted.

Kevin dropped into the pit next to Marcus. He held a bright LED light up over his head. This provided enough light to make the dark hole as bright as day. Kevin moved the light closer to the area being inspected, while Marcus brushed his hands lightly over the area where he thought he noticed some design or writing.

The bright light burned away the shadows and made the damp surface of the stone glisten. Kevin was smart enough to realize the need for photos to document the findings. So, he thought to bring a digital high-resolution camera along with the requested light. Marcus took the pro-offered camera without comment and started taking photos from every possible angle.

“So, what do you think?” Kevin inquired.

“I’m really not sure what to think. I don’t think it is writing. At least not any language I can identify, but ancient languages have always been my short suit. I want these photos cataloged and sent to the university ASAP. Maybe some of the bright lads can identify what we are dealing with,” Marcus mumbled as he continued to scrutinize the odd configuration of etchings.

“Ok, I’d better run to the office and get started, if you want the geeks to get this before they run out the doors heading to happy hour,” Kevin responded before grabbing a rope to climb out of the deep pit where the huge stone had been vacated.

Marcus took one more look around the face of these new obstacles trying to ascertain what course of action to take next. After several minutes of careful consideration, he decided it would be best to wait until the language geeks gave him their thoughts. After he climbed out of the excavation, he checked his watch and turned to the remainder of the digging crew.

“Well, I think that is all we can do for today. You guys did a great job with this. You must be tired, I know I am, Go gets some rest. I think we may have a lot to tend to tomorrow,” Marcus informed the crew,

The sun was way past the meridian casting long distorted shadows over the barren terrain. Quickly he put markers around the hole to prevent someone from falling into the pit. Once satisfied everything was secure, Marcus stopped by the admin office to check for any updates and get a progress report from Kevin on the photos.

Kevin was waiting at the door and handed him a report on who was the POC at the university who would be coordinating the request. Quickly, Marcus went by each desk for their input on their current status. Next, he dashed to the security building. He was pleasantly surprised to see he had to be scanned before entering. Once inside he got a review of the past twenty-four hours. Out of curiosity he asked the two techs, “don’t you guys get bored looking at the monitors?”

“Back when all we had was stationary cameras it was really hard to stay focused, but the drones are a lot of fun. They are sort of like a video game. You can move them and zoom in sort of like a video game. That really keeps us going and we only work four hour shifts so we are always focused,” replied the team chief.

Marcus nodded his head as if he really understood everything. All he really wanted was assurance the site was secure. Nervously he checked his watch. He knew Ellen, Carol and Fronia would be expecting him home for dinner. Hastily he bid the security team good night and wished them a quiet night.

Satisfied with the progress made and the much-improved security, Marcus hopped into his Land Rover and sped off as fast as the terrain permitted. Now that he was alone with his thoughts, he found he really missed Carol. He was happy Carol was able to be present for the video conference and was eager to hear what she had to say after her visit to the police HQ. Then the image of the three women bustling through the busy streets of Athens flashed in his mind and forced a big grin across his craggy face. Shaking his head to clear that image he quietly hoped his credit card could weather the storm.


By the tine Marcus burst into the house the three women were deep in the modeling phase of the days shopping spree. They were eager to show off their treasures to each other. Sure, they did that for the larger garments in the stores before making the purchase, but many of the accessories were bought separately and now they wanted to exhibit the complete ensemble.

Clapping his hands enthusiastically, Marcus made his way into the room and said, “So this is what you brought back. I hope the credit cards are not still smoking.”

“Marcus, you are home already!” exclaimed Ellen.

“What do you mean ‘already’ it is past seven? Oh, and for the record I’m starving,” Marcus quipped.

“Well dinner is not yet ready. You better use the time to take a shower and put on something that can match the level of attire we are wearing” scolded Ellen.

Marcus raised his hands in front of his face as if to ward off a vicious attack from an angry lion.

“Ok, but I want a full report on your day’s activities once I’m freshened up.” Marcus requested as he made his hasty retreat.

Ellen shooed him away in the direction of his quarters and resumed the impromptu fashion show. It was not long before Marcus re-appeared dressed in a stunning light gray suit, blue silk shirt with a western string tie and brown loafers. Seeing Marcus enter the room, Carol rushed to his side.

“Wow! What a transformation. The last time I saw you this dressed up was at the fundraiser in New York” Carol whispered in his ear. She put her arms around him led him to the dining room. Ellen, Fronia and Jason followed close behind. The servants just finished setting the table as the entourage paraded in.

“Marcus, I have so much to tell you about the strange events after the video conference. Remember I said I wanted to talk to Ruth. Well, I went to her office after the video conference to see if she had anything to tell me about the people following me. This is where it gets really weird, Ruth said the men were not following me. She went on to say they were Greek Secret Police investigating the Konus family,” Carol recounted.

“WHAT!” Shouted Marcus and Jason simultaneously.

“That is exactly what I said when Carol told me,” Ellen injected.

“Yes, she really said that. Ruth explained that the authorities were investigating the Konus family because they could not understand how you manage to live so lavishly. By that time, I was getting really strange vibes. It felt like I was setting in front of an open freezer. I nearly felt like shivering. I was really happy to get away from her. On my way-out Ben asked to talk. He warned me to be very careful about what I do and say around Ruth. She is a powerful woman and is known to reach her goals using a ladder of dead bodies. Oh, you will have an opportunity to talk with Ben tonight. Ellen said she wanted to have an eye-to-eye conversation with him,” Carol announced.

“Marcus sounds like we need to get some wine and prepare to have a pleasant conversation with ‘Brother Ben’. It sounds like we might need a friend in high places,” observed Jason.

“I agree. This conflict between Ben and Ruth makes me think we really are not getting the whole story. Carol and I were talking about my doubts the day we met with CYBER EYE. When I ask specific questions, I always feel like their answer is evasive. They never really answered the questions. They are too quick to blame everything on lack of evidence” Marcus grumbled in response.

“I’m sure we all want to talk to Mr. Ben Farley, but first let us try to enjoy a family meal with more pleasant conversation,” Ellen commanded as she took her seat at the head of the table. The servants quickly served the courses and filled glasses with wine. Conversations revolving around the shopping spree and the back breaking task of removing the huge stone from the new dig location. The chatter flowed as freely as the red wine.

Jason had sent for a bottle of brandy to be served when one of the servants entered the dining room and announced that Mr. Farley was waiting in the study.

Ellen stood up and tapped her walking cane to attract the servant’s attention, “Please have the brandy delivered to the study,” she said.

Ben was standing near the center of the spacious room admiring the collection of books and fine art. The clacking of Ellen’s cane on the terracotta caused him to pivot toward the open doorway.

“Good evening Mr. Farley. I’m very glad you could find your way here. I hope we have not kept you waiting too long,” Ellen said in her most regal greeting.

Ellen indicated everyone should take a seat and instructed the servant to serve brandy. Jason grabbed Ben’s hand and shook it vigorously and guided him to a chair between him and Marcus.

Ben coughed nervously attempting to clear his throat before sitting.

“Thank you for inviting me to your home. When I talked to Carol earlier, I mentioned there is a power struggle going on and I have been having some very strange experiences. Carol suggested I talk to Ellen as she seems to have some greater understanding of such events. But I also wanted to talk to you Dr. Atonasis to see if the information I provided has helped you,” Ben admitted.

“You can call me Marcus, and yes, the chart you showed me has resulted in a new find. At least it led to a new start. So far, we have only come up with more questions, but that is good too,” Marcus replied.

Jason jumped in asking. “What is going on with the off shore raids? Why are boats being boarded and searched? What about the two dead men my crews pulled out of the water the other day?”

Jason suddenly fell silent when Ellen slammed the tip of her cane on the tile floor. With elegance and grace, Ellen stood and raised her glass.

“Ben, I ask you to forgive this ruthless attack, I hope you understand everyone is on edge and thus have forgotten their manners. First, I propose a toast to a prosperous future and good health to all. Oompa!” Ellen toasted.

Everyone raised their glass and shouted “Oompa!” and downed the contents of their glass in a single shot.

“Now, before I turn you over to these two jackals, I want to talk about the strange feeling you have been getting” Ellen commented.

She turned to Jason and Marcus and dismissed them, with a wave of her hand, to seek food and drink they might share with Ben once she was done with her interrogation.

Once the two men were out of the room, Ellen grabbed Ben by the wrist and peered into his eyes. At first Ben wanted to pull away, but quickly relaxed. Suddenly he felt soothing warmth spread through him, like the feeling of coming home for the holidays after a long absence. As he relaxed, he found himself staring into Ellen’s eye. He felt her soul reaching out to him. Fronia and Carol looked on in spell bound silence. Long moments passed in this silent void while volumes of data were exchanged between Ben and Ellen.

Fronia found herself strongly attracted to Ben’s gaze. Their eyes locked and she felt a powerful surge of energy. Ellen took Fronia’s hand and could feel the flow of power between the two. Carol looked on feeling like a voyeur. She could detect the power in the room. She knew from her own experience with Marcus what was transpiring. Just before Ellen jerked her hands away from Fronia and Ben, Carol thought she detected a burning red blush flash across Fronia face.

Ellen took a deep breath before announcing, “Ben, I have seen your soul. You have been touched/selected by the Gods. You are now able to see the truth even when hidden behind a façade of deceit. Carol said Ruth gives her the chills, and that you said she poses a threat. It is clear we all must avoid her and be on our guard whenever we must deal with her. I have been instructed by the Gods to welcome you to the family.”

“Wow! I’m really shaking all over. Carol told me about your ability to contact the Gods, but to tell the truth I was more than just skeptical. You know the FBI has a division dedicated to supernatural phenomena and they are convinced there is nothing to investigate. So that is what my background on the subject is. Now, I must admit I felt a strange surge of power that I can’t explain,” Ben stammered as he rubbed his waist where Ellen had touched him.

“Ben, there is nothing wrong with being skeptical. Marcus is more than just skeptical, but that does not change the fact he has been aided many times by the powers of the Gods. Carol admits she is not sure about what it is but she knows there is some force present that eludes definition. During this brief encounter with you I detected the presents of great power within you. I also felt the connection/bond between you and Fronia. You do not have to accept or believe in the Gods but that is not required for them to work through you” Ellen explained.

“Ellen stop! You’re going to make me blush if you reveal more of what just happened,” protested Fronia.

“Well, Ellen, I think it is high time we turn Ben over to Jason and Marcus. I know they have a ton of questions and maybe it is better to reserve some mystery about what the Gods have for us,” injected Carol.

“I think you are right Carol. I also think you and Fronia should join me on the garden. I want to talk about the events of the day and it might be nice for you two to chat a bit about the things you seem to have in common,” Ellen mused.

“Well, I can take a hint. Where can I find Marcus and Jason?’ Ben inquired.

Laughter from the three women filled the chamber. Ben stood with a bewildered expression smeared across his face.

“Hey Ben, we need to talk! Don’t you women have something to do outside? We have some serious drinking to do and want Ben to fess up to what is going on,” Marcus barked raucously.

Ellen grabbed her cane and stood up. Fronia and Carol followed her to the garden. A servant quickly appeared and Ellen Gave instructions to bring brandy and some finger food.

The trio instantly engaged in a flurry of disclosures about their personal encounters with the unknown forces Ellen referred to as Gods. In the background, the loud raucous voices of the men gushed from the open study window could be heard.

This is not a test

Marcus and Jason were just getting started with their interrogation of Ben, when Marcus’ cell phone started ringing. He knew from the special ring tone it was from the security team at the site.

“We have an intruder alert. The swat team is deployed and we will have the individual under arrest within minutes. This is not a test. This is a courtesy call, if you want to come back to oversee the operation, it is entirely up to you” a very professional sounding voice reported.

“Thanks for the call. I will be there ASAP. I will be bringing the FBI agent Ben Farley with me. He does not have an ID card so make sure the guard knows to expect him,” Marcus barked at the phone.

“Ben, grab your stuff we need to get to the dig site,” Marcus shouted as he headed out the door to let Carol know about the call.

“Carol. I have to go to the dig ASAP,” Marcus called out to her as he rushed past the group of women.

“Not without me!” Carol exclaimed and ran out the door just ahead of Ben.

Marcus had the motor started before Ben and Carol settled into the back seat. Loose gravel prevented the wheels from getting a grip on the driveway and the small rocks were heard ricocheting off the stone wall of the terrace. The land Rover fishtailed out of the big gate and sped down the deserted street.

“Marcus what is going on?” Carol asked.

Ben echoed her question, as the headlights, of the Land Rover, burned a hole through the darkness.

“Security called – There is a security breach – SWAT Team deployed,” Marcus barked as he fought to stay on the narrow road. Carol’s knuckles bleached white clutching the arm rest in a desperate attempt to avoid being tossed around the back seat like a ragdoll.

“Thanks for bringing me along to see what is going on. Now I’m really glad I came by today, but could you slow down just a bit? I mean you have had more than just a few sips of wine,” Ben shouted into Marcus’ ear.

At that Marcus eased off the accelerator a tad, but still raced at breakneck speed through the darkness. He slammed on the breaks and came to a screeching halt at the guard house. The guard saluted and said he was told to expect them and lifted the barrier. Again, Marcus raced the short distance, up the steep slope, to the security building. The car was still rocking from the panic stop when the trio jumped out. Marcus was the first to enter the room and was greeted by the shift commander.

“Dr Atonasis? I’m Jake the team commander,” stated the security team commander as he extended his hand in greeting.

“Yes, I’m Marcus Atonasis and this is Carol Dunmore my Administrator and Ben Farley from the FBI,” Marcus acknowledged.

“I’m glad you could get here so fast. The SWAT Team has the intruder in your admin office. There is more room there and we need to keep this control center secure and avoid anyone seeing the equipment and methods we use,” Jake continued as he led the group to the office where the intruder was being interrogated.

“I’m not sure what I expected to see, but I really did not expect to see some teenage Sheppard boy,” Marcus exclaimed.

One of the interrogators turned to face the new arrivals and explained, “He only knows a few words of English, but so far all we have gotten from him is he was just going to visit his girlfriend.”

“Well yes, very few of the local Sheep herders have master’s degrees in linguistics,” grunted Marcus as he stepped up next to the young man cowering behind a desk.

Marcus sat down next to the boy and speaking the local dialect calmly started a conversation. He did not raise his voice or make any threats. He seemed to be joking and sharing local gossip. It was easy to see the boy relax and soon he was actively engaged in a rather animated conversation.

“Efharisto,” Marcus said as he stood up and returned to the talk to the security team, Ben and Carol.

“Well, what were you able to get out of him?” Jake asked with a sneering voice.

Marcus pulled a chair up and sat down before he answered. “You guys with your SWAT Team scared the shit out of the boy. He really was just trying to visit his girlfriend. She is one of the cooks that we hired locally. He is a Sheppard boy from the local farm. Oh, and he is not the only local boy with romantic interests here. It seems that many of our workers feel the need for romance and have established liaisons with some of the local residents. Looks like no one got the word out about the security upgrade and this poor soul was caught on his way to have a little fun while the sheep sleep. I was able to find a bit more about the mystery of how the attackers got away. The boy told me there is a small trail hidden by some bushes that the Sheppard’s use as a shortcut. Now, unless you have some compelling evidence this lad is a terrorist, I suggest you let him go visit his girlfriend,” Marcus concluded.

“Well, if you think he is telling the truth, we have nothing to hold him on. We found this envelop with some pills in it,” responded the huge SWAT Team member.

Ben stepped forward and grabbed the envelope, “I’ll have the lab analyze this it could be some clue to what is going on around here.

“I think we need to get the ‘girlfriend up here to get her side of the story. It seems that the police have neglected an entire group of possibilities in this case. The boy indicated there are many romances going on after dark. He spoke of an old Sheppard’s path along the Cliff that we were completely unaware of. When I asked him what these pills were, he grinned and said something about Aphrodite’s kiss. I asked where he got them and he mumbled something about ‘οδηγός’ – the guide,” Marcus recounted.

“Oh dear, do you think this has anything to do with the mysterious cult ‘ἑλληνική’ that I have been hearing about?” Carol gasped.

“Hell, I don’t know what it means! This entire situation is driving me crazy. Ben, I sure hope you can get some straight answers. You say you do not trust Ruth; how do you feel about Inspector Campus and Inspector Borga? Do you think they are really trying to help or are they hiding something for some political game?” Marcus demanded.

Ben nervously looked around the room, as if hoping to find some secret hidden under one of the tables, before he choked out an answer, “I have years with Ruth, so I have a better feel for how she works. Ruth’s motivation is based upon her perspective of being female in a testosterone driven environment. She has been transferred several times from different sections. In the FBI what happens inside is never openly discussed. I can only make assumptions based upon what I have seen. Ruth has been the victim of sexual harassment by many different supervisors and that is why she has asked for reassignments. As an attractive female in a job dominated by ALPHA MALES she has had to develop some survival skills. I think she adopted the ‘kill or be killed’ method,” Ben contributed before taking a deep breath.

“This is my first case working with Inspectors Campus and Borga. From what I have been able to observe, they both appear to be working very hard to solve this case. They are as exasperated as you by the lack of tangible evidence. They were not completely honest about their knowledge of the cult ‘ἑλληνική’. I heard Inspectors Campus bring it up to Inspector Borga just the other day. So, they have been at least talking about the possibility of some connection, but maybe they think the group is not really big enough to be directly involved,” Ben concluded.

Carol sighed deeply and added, “I know how Ruth must feel. As a woman you deal with it daily. I know I have had my share of male dominance exerted on me in various forms. At the University the machos came out in force. The problem for women is to find a way to defend themselves, without being labeled LESBIANS. I mean after all I do like men to pay attention to me and to appreciate how I look and dress, but I don’t like lewd remarks, cat calls, wolf whistles, unsolicited touching or being leaned on in a corner where I can’t move without brushing against some aroused body part. I bet it is even more difficult for a woman to be respected in a job where male domination is institutionalized,” Carol concluded.

Her attention was attracted to the door where the security guard was escorting a young woman in for questioning. Marcus knew the woman was one of the cooks hired locally. In order to avoid scaring the woman more than she already was, he took her from the guard and moved her to a quiet corner where he could speak to her in her dialect. It took him a few minutes to calm her down and get her to speak openly. Soon it was clear by the way they were laughing and the hand jesters they used while communicating he had won her over.

After about thirty minutes, Marcus shook her hand, kissed her on both sides of her face and led her to meet her boyfriend, who was still cowering in the corner. He escorted them both past the security team and wished them ‘καλη ωρα’

“Ben, you can spend the night on the cot in the admin office. Maybe you should call Ruth and let her know what happened. I’ll drive you back to pick up your car in the morning. Tell Ruth to have your lab analyze those pills. It seems ‘Aphrodite’s kiss’ is some new designer drug that makes women become temporary nymphomaniacs and makes men have super erections that last for days not just hours. So that might be the clue to how this strange cult is growing so fast,” Marcus stated while fighting to stifle a chuckle.

“Well, it is late and tomorrow will be another busy day.” Carol announced. Then she pulled Marcus out of the office and headed to their sleeping quarters at the site. “Maybe we could find someone to give us a few of those ‘magic beans,” Carol whispered in Marcus’ ear and tugged on his arm.

“Dear, I assure you, you do not need any ‘magic pill’ I already have trouble keeping up with you,” Marcus quipped and slapped her ass.

“It was just a thought. Maybe we need to, you know, conduct some hands-on research to learn more about what it is that makes them so popular. But then it is late and as you said we have to get up early tomorrow,” Carol retorted with a seductive laugh.

As soon as they managed to navigate within their cramped shower, Carol was unable to resist the temptation to put Marcus’ stamina to the test. Even though fatigue made any movement a strain, Marcus proved to her satisfaction that he really did not require any pill to perform. With a deep sigh while he snuggled up next to Carol, Marcus commented.

“Well one advantage of being the boss is you can tell the worker to be on time, but you can show up anytime. Oh, and that goes for the Admin Officer as well,” he added with a laugh.


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