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Dark Dig 6 - Yet Another Day

Ancient Gods and Modern Drama

By Bruce J. SpohnPublished 2 years ago 29 min read
6- Yet Another Day

Yet Another Day

Marcus awoke with the realization he should have stopped drinking at least four glasses sooner. He could hear Carol busy in the bathroom and he struggled to his feet to join her.

“Good morning sleepy head,” Carol chided.

“OH! Please tell the cat to stop stomping around wearing those combat boots,” Marcus protested. “Every time I get together with Jason, I wake up feeling like death warmed over – cooling rapidly. I’m not sure I remember all the things he told me last night, but he was talking about some strange cult that has been picking up a lot of followers,” Marcus moaned.

“Wow! Ellen was telling me about a strange cult that is lead by some stranger that seems to be invisible. At least no one knows who he is or where he stays. Maybe he is the one behind the kidnapping,” Mused Carol.

“Well, I’m not jumping to any conclusions. For the moment I will trust in the diligence of the team of international inspectors to solve this case,” Marcus grumbled. All the while he gathered his uniform together and made himself presentable.

“I hope you can get an update from our friendly inspectors. Maybe you could ask them what they think about this cult figure,” Carol suggested.

“If I don’t hear anything from them by 1 o’clock I will call them. I don’t want you worrying about this all day. You deserve a fun day out with the girls. I will be back here for dinner. I have to get going I have a lot of things I need to tend to this morning. I’ll see you later,” Marcus shouted over his shoulder on his way out.

After Marcus departed Carol turned to the very serious business of getting dressed. She was pleasantly surprised to see all of her bags were unpacked and her clothing was all washed and hanging in the spacious walk-in closet. She told Marcus to go on ahead and have breakfast while she picked out something fit to wear. As she rummaged through her meager selection it became all too obvious, she had nothing to wear that would fit in with Ellen’s elegance. Suddenly a motion just at the peripheral of her vision caught her eye.

“Maybe I can help. You and I are about the same size,” Fronia asserted and took Carol by the hand to her room, “See if there is something you like here. Better hurry. Ellen hates to wait on people.” Fronia said with theatrical foreboding.

Carol took heed of the warning, not knowing just how much was Fronia’s sense of humor and what was a real threat of Ellen’s potential for animosity.

Carol decided to make life easy and chose an outfit like the one Fronia was wearing. Carol’s years of making quick changes paid off. In a wink, she was wearing a dark blue skirt and a lightweight, white cotton blouse with a lace bodice. The casual open-toed sandals were a welcome relief from the heavy steel reinforced toed boots she wore at the dig site. Standing before the full-length mirror, Carol could not help but notice how she looked almost like Fronia’s clone. With just one more pass of her hand through her hair, Carol was ready to join Ellen and Fronia for a day of shopping and girl talk.

By the time Carol was finished dressing, Fronia and Ellen were waiting by the shiny new Mercedes Benz. Fronia took a moment to compliment Carol on how good she looked before she slid in behind the steering wheel. Ellen greeted Carol with a wide – all-knowing smile and a kiss on both cheeks.

“Oh dear! You look ravishing. This is the first time I have seen you wearing anything other than those horrible work clothes. Now it is abundantly clear why Marcus is unable to resist you,” Ellen crooned softly as her eyes washed over Carol in a detailed inspection.

Carol modestly showed off her ensemble shifting from side to side enough to cause the skirt to flare out showing more of her well-tanned legs. While Carol felt the X-Ray scan burn through her outward appearance, she took the opportunity to give Ellen a thorough evaluation. From the shortcut, low-maintenance hairstyle to the tip of her expensive sandals, Ellen radiated elegance.

The sleeveless, blood red, silk blouse gave her tanned arms a Coppertone glow. The cream-colored slacks were obviously Taylor made as they fit her like a second skin. The ebony walking stick with the gold owl only accentuated the charm and grace of Ellen’s appearance. Yes, this was a woman born and bred in elegance.

After a moment Carol commented. “Thank you! I must say you look exquisite. Fronia was nice enough to let me borrow from her wardrobe. I don’t think I packed anything except work clothes. Oh, well I did pack a swimsuit and some shorts, but I was sure they would not be appropriate for a day shopping in Athens.”

“Come sit here in the back with me. We can continue our conversation and let Fronia concentrate on driving,” Ellen said with a sweeping motion of her walking stick. Fronia had the motor running and already the cool air from the A/C was making the interior of the vehicle feel comfortable. Ellen slid in next to Carol and placed the walking stick against the door so it would not be between her and Carol. It also made it more accessible if needed in the event of danger.

The stately Benz glided more than drove down the road. Carol could not believe how fast Fronia was driving until she peered over to view the speedometer and saw they were cruising at 80 KM (50 miles) per hour along the old worn road running through town. Soft Greek Folk music filled the cool air of the car, providing a relaxing ambiance. The music was soothing, yet not so loud that the three women could not converse.

“So dear, were you able to talk to Marcus about the cult?” Ellen opened.

“Well. Obviously, Marcus was not fit for any form of communication last night. But this morning I was really surprised when he told me that Jason told him about a cult that has been growing in popularity among young people. That is when I told him you mentioned the same thing to me,” Carol responded.

“Are you referring to that crazy bunch running around trying to sell ‘love potions’ to college students? I’m sure Jason must know a lot about their activities. They are always hanging around the fishing boats when they dock at a village with a real market,” Fronia blurted out enthusiastically wanting to be included in the conversation.

“I really did not know Jason was even aware of this activity. Maybe his tentacles go deeper than I thought. It is good that Marcus heard about it from Jason too. Maybe it will make him take the warning more seriously than just the crazy ranting of his older sister,” Ellen commented.

“I’m not so sure about that. When ‘I was talking to him this morning he sounded like he always does – cantankerous!” Carol retorted.

By this time Fronia was pulling onto the highway and accelerating to what could only be described as warp speed.

The topic quickly shifted from the drama of the past few days to the excitement of shopping in the big city.

Fronia glanced over her shoulder and said, “sorry to interrupt, but we will be landing in about 30 minutes. Please ensure your seat belts are fastened and your valuables are stored safely,” At the conclusion of her little statement she made BING BONG sounds as if she were the announcement made on a jetliner.

Ellen could not stifle her laughter. She leaned toward Carol and quipped, “The way she drives you could think she is really flying.”

“Oh, really! I have been trying my best to avoid looking out the window from the moment she drove out the gate. I must say this car really handles nicely. If I had not seen the speedometer, I would not have thought we were at warp 7,” Carol agreed.

“OK! That will be enough from the peanut gallery,” Fronia complained.

“Anyway, I hope Marcus does think about the possibility of this cult you were telling me about and he brings it up at the next briefing,” Carol intoned.

“Well, if we don’t get too bogged down shopping we could swing by the building where your team of the special investigator is located. Maybe they will welcome a chance to talk to someone who is not jumping down their throats” quipped Carol.

“Yes, I know my little brother all too well. When things do not go his way, he can be a real first-class ass,” affirmed Ellen.

“I think you have a point. Every time Marcus talks to the inspectors, he manages to piss them off. Then he goes around making fun of them by comparing them to comic figures from the movies or TV shows. I think I would like to have a little woman to woman chat with Ruth. I only talked to her a few minutes the last time we were in their office, but I had the feeling she wanted to really confide in me,” Carol asserted.

“We’re going in. Hot - Wheels down! Grab your bags and prepare to de-board immediately upon touch down,” interrupted Fronia, as she joked about finding a parking spot.

Not knowing her way around, Carol was happy to let Fronia take the lead. Ellen shifted gears in her conversation and now it was all about the latest fashion trends and who the hot designers were and what shops had the very best fashions. In the spirit of sisterhood, the three intrepid adventurers forged forward, their credit card charged-up and ready for anything that might capture their fancy.

Even though she was born and raised in a small farming community, Carol was no stranger to high fashion. Her years attending college in New York exposed her to the very best designers in the world. As a poor student, she was never able to do much more than glaze enviously through the store windows. This was the first time she was going to be able to actually indulge herself. Marcus ceremoniously gave her his credit card before he left that morning.

“Please don’t make it melt,” was his only cautioning remarks.

She was not sure what limit would result in making it melt, but she was sure a few nice things to wear when she was out with Ellen and Fronia would not kill the budget.

Three hours of shopping resulted in three tired women trudging back to the car laden with bags filled with their treasures. Fronia stowed the bags in the trunk and after checking her watch suggested they find a nice place for lunch.

“Excellent idea. I think we have earned a break, and I’m starving. Do you remember where that delightful cafe is located? I think it is someplace near here,” Ellen asked Fronia.

“Yes, it is just down this street and around the corner on the left. I am glad you thought about that place it is so quaint. Carol, I’m sure you will love it. They serve real family-style meals using the old Greek Family style recipes. They have an open terrace where you can sit and have a wonderful meal while watching the world pass you by,” Fronia beamed.

The restaurant was everything Carol had imagined. The atmosphere was charming and the food delightful. Then it happened. As she was scanning the street, she saw them. Two men in dark suites appearing to be obsessed with the window display in a tobacco shop.

There was something about them that reminded her of the two men she thought was following her at the Airport. But she was not certain. Maybe it was just all the drama of the past few days stoking unfounded paranoia. Non-the-less the event sent a shiver down her spine.

“You know, I think I should stop by the police HQ and see if I can get an update,” Carol announced while trying to avoid staring in the direction of the two strangers.

“OK dear, I think Fronia has a few more stores she wants to ransack. We will meet you at the car. If we get finished first and you are not in the car, we can come by the police HQ and rescue you from their clutches,” Ellen teased.

Carol Stood up and parted company giving both her companions a kiss on each cheek. As she headed in the direction of the police HQ she tried to see if she was being followed.

After she turned the corner, she stopped to inspect the window display, all the time checking to see if the men were behind her. Out of the corner of her eye, she detected the dark-suited men across the street. Panic boiled deep within her making her want to run, but she fought to remain calm. Taking her time, she counted to ten before entering the shop.

Standing behind the window display she surveyed the street. The two men were still across the street. Slowly, Carol made her way to the first sales person she could find and using all of her recently acquired Greek, asked if there was a second door she could use. Seeing the puzzled expression on the woman’s face Carol briefly explained how she thought maybe she was being followed.

The clerk’s expression changed to one of concern and she led Carol to a door that opened onto an alley. Carol thanked her and quickly took the narrow passageway in the opposite direction until she came to a wide busy boulevard. Carol paused briefly to get her bearings. With a rapid determined stride, she marched to the police station.

By the time Carol entered the old police HQ building and found the room where the team of international inspectors was located, she was out of breath. She took a moment to gather her thoughts and catch her breath before looking for someone to talk to.

Ruth came rushing out of a cubbyhole and sprinted down the hallway, without seeing Carol standing by the door. Intrigued by the activity, Carol followed Ruth. At the end of the hall, a door stood ajar. Carol pushed the door open enough to see all of the inspectors huddled around a monitor talking to Marcus.

Briefing in Progress

For a moment, Carol stood by the door. “Well, looks like I’m right on time! You weren’t going to start this briefing without me, were you?” Carol inquired.

She thought she must be out of camera range, but hoped her voice was picked up by the mic. Startled, the inspectors jerked around to see who was interrupting their video conference.

“Is that you Carol?” called Marcus from the monitor.

“Yes, I just arrived. I really did not expect to barge in on the video conference. I just wanted to check in and see what was new. Oh, and I think I was being followed by the same two guys from the airport. But I can’t for the life of me figure out how they found me. I don’t think I saw them at the dig or even in the village. I just happened to be on an open terrace for lunch and there they were. At least they looked like the same guys. Oh hell! To tell the truth they might just be some tourists out for a walk. But I thought I would mention it just in case,” Carol rambled on.

“Carol I’m really glad you came by. But I really think your paranoia is getting to you. When I heard about the airport incident, I had our local field office do some investigation. They went to the airport and went over the car rentals for that day. They did find two men who were indeed on the same flight you were on who rented a car about the same time you did, but they were just two sales reps from a Swedish company who just happened to be dressed in their normal business suites. As you can imagine they were very surprised when the FBI knocked on their hotel room door. They were interviewed and their story was 100% checked out. They were just two strangers looking a bit out of place,” Ruth injected.

“Please have a seat,” Ben said and took her hand. He pumped it vigorously several times before he pulled a chair up for her to sit down. The other inspectors waved and nodded in her direction as they settled down at the desk holding the monitor.

“I think we are now ready to start the briefing. We do have some points to cover. But first I want to thank Carol for reporting that she thinks she is being followed. We will make sure we have the local authorities check on this. Marcus, you asked about any activity concerning shipping in the area. Our section is not conducting any operations at sea, but we have coordinated with the Greek Navy, in conjunction with customs to conduct search and seizure operations at our request. We suddenly picked up signals from two of the cell phones and traced them to a boat off the cost. We did not mention this to you as we did not want to get your hopes up over yet another ‘WILD GOOSE CHASE’ and as it turned out, that is exactly what it turned out to be. The phones were sold to two sailors from a cargo ship,” Inspector Campus admitted.

Marcus hammered his fist on the table and mumbled what must have been Greek profanity.

“They bought the phones cheap from a sidewalk vendor who got them from some drunk who could not remember where he got them. So yes, we do run down all possible leads as far as possible. We turned the phones over to the forensic team and they did a complete search. They checked all the calls all the records all the GPS data. They came back with a report that frankly is amazing. They said the phones were cleaner than the day they left the factory,” Inspector Campus continued. Marcus shook his head in total disbelief.

“Once again it appears we are dealing with someone who knows all about how we work and has gone to great lengths to stymie our best efforts,” Inspector Campus explained.

“What about the two bodies that were found,” Marcus hissed in his exasperation.

“Yes, we know about the two dead bodies that your brother-in-law’s captain found. No, they were not the same men who had the phones. Finding a dead body at sea is not all that uncommon, as there are many different criminal elements active in this area of the Mediterranean. Thank you for sharing the observations of your brother-in-law. I will personally check with the units conducting these raids to see if they might have come across some clues without knowing of the possible significance – one of the disadvantages of different folks doing different investigations that could over-lap,” Inspector Campus choked out.

Inspector Borga leaned into the camera to report, “INTERPOL has been busy running checks on all known groups who specialize in kidnapping. There are some hints of some high-priced items coming up for a special auction. There are no real clues or anything we are able to track down to find the source.”

“If I may inject a point here, the FBI and CIA have been coordinating with both the Greek secret police and INTERPOL and we have sent transcripts of intercepts showing the patterns hidden within certain communications. So far, we have not been able to break their coding but we do know there are between seven and eleven ships out in international water involved. It is very hard to pinpoint which ships are involved, as most of the transmissions occur when several ships are close together. They use the fact the waters in the area are crowded and they tend to transmit only when there are several ships very close.” Ben Farley injected nervously. This earned him a threatening glare from Inspector Borga. Borga cleared his throat loudly in preparation to speak, but was cut off by Ruth, “I have been working with all our combined resources to determine if there are any groups operating in the area that has thus far been undetected as a threat. Groups like college protesters, motorcycle gangs, odd religious groups etc. My contacts have not seen any indication of any action from any of the known groups,” Ruth reported.

Carol took this as a golden opportunity to bring up the mystery cult Ellen mentioned, “I was talking to Marcus’ sister and she said she has heard of a mysterious cult that is growing in the area. She said it is led by some very mysterious figure known as ‘ἑλληνική’ She said that was ancient Greek for ‘The GUIDE’. Have you heard of him?”

Inspector Campus grunted and stammered a bit before he spoke, “we are aware of this group, but so far they only appear to be interested in having wild parties and recruiting young college students to run around praising the ancient Gods, Aphrodite and of course Eros. So far, the only illegal activity associated with that group is strictly drug related. You are right, not much is really known about the group. We were not aware it was seen as a cult. It was generally assumed it was just a wild bunch of college students finding a new way to stage orgies. If there is a group leader, we are not aware of his identity.”

“I think Ellen has better contacts in this area than you do. She took this cult very seriously; please don’t brush it off as a bunch of horny students. I see a possible connection with this case. The fact the dig site is thought to be some sort of temple erected to honor Eros might have attracted their attention. At any rate, I hope you will try to find out more about this cult and who is behind their organization,” Carol demanded.

Ruth stepped forward and commented, “This is really important information. I will have our analysts gather as much data as possible and make it available to Inspector Campus and his team. Europeans have not dealt with youth cults as much as the USA. Most of their terror groups are more clearly defined.”

“Well, is there any more information to share? I really need to get back to the group trying to remove a rather large stone blocking our progress. I want to make sure all goes well and everything is properly documented,” Marcus mumbled as he looked in a direction out of the camera range.

“I think that is all we have for now. I assure you we will be working on the things you brought to our attention. You can expect an update tomorrow,” Inspector Campus concluded. Quickly he pushed the button to terminate the Video feed.

Carol stepped over to grab Ruth by the arm, “can I speak to you in private? I’m very concerned about how we are learning so much from outside sources,” she asserted.

“Well, there is my ‘office’ it is small but at least we can talk in private,” Ruth replied.

Ruth led the way to the cubical she calls “her office” and indicated a chair for Carol to sit. She then sat behind the rather cluttered desk and adjusted the chair height to make her appear taller.

“Ok, what is on your mind?” Ruth asked.

Carol fidgeted in the uncomfortable chair a moment before making her opening remark, “I’m really concerned about the events going on around the dig. The kidnapping, the bodies being found offshore and now this cult that no one has any information about, and then the strangers, in dark suits, lurking about is really making me and all the staff at the dig feel insecure,” Carol stressed.

Ruth looked somber and nodded her head in agreement. After taking a deep breath she pointed out, “This case is not very typical. We are more used to finding clues and analyzing the data. We are trained to follow the logical progression and develop a profile of the perpetrator. So far, this case has given us nothing to go on,” Ruth explained. Carol nodded and looked lost and seeking some direction.

“The cell phones suddenly being activated and found offshore on two sailors, who we interrogated, but couldn’t give us any real clues to go on. Then the two bodies found the next day turned out not to be the two sailors we questioned. They may not even be involved just a strange coincidence. One thing I will tell you under the strictest confidence. The men you saw today were not interested in you. The Greek secret service has many teams of observers trailing people. They might be more interested in the people you were with than you specifically.”

“You mean they are trailing Ellen and her daughter, Fronia? Why? That is so totally ridiculous,” Carol exclaimed.

“It appears the Greek Government is having problems with the lifestyle enjoyed by the Konus family. They do not see how that ragtag fishing fleet could support itself much less finance the opulent lifestyle, the mansion, the cars, the trips and all the servants. There may well be a logical explanation but the police are checking to see if there is not some sort of criminal activity,” Ruth explained in her most clandestine whisper.

“I don’t believe it! That is just too much. Why don’t they just ask them to show how they can afford to live like that? I guess they have to have some excuse to waste money tracking down imagined scandals, but I promise I will not say a word to anyone about what you just said. For one thing, it sounds too crazy,” Carol assured Ruth.

Ruth glanced at her watch for the third time, and Carol caught the hint that her time was up. Briskly, Carol stood up and shook Ruth’s hand and then looking over her shoulder when she reached the door, reminded Ruth of the need to spend more time looking into the real threats posed by this cult than snooping on the victims. In the hall leading to the exit, Carol bumped into Ben Farley.

“Do you have a moment?” Ben asked as he looked around to see if anyone was watching. “It is my lunch break. We could go out to the cafeteria where we could talk without being overheard,” he continued in a hushed voice while he still looked over his shoulder.

“Ok, sure, I have some time and I would love to hear what you seem to think is so important,” Carol agreed.

Ben smiled and held his hand up indicating she should wait for him. He ducked his head into Ruth’s office and loudly proclaimed he was going out for lunch. As an afterthought, he asks if he could bring her back anything.

“Have a good lunch and, no, I’ll be going out later,” was Ruth’s response. With that accomplished Ben signaled Carol to follow him.

Carol was puzzled about Ben’s strange behavior, but her curiosity drove her to follow. Still full from the lunch with Ellen and Fronia, Carol opted for frozen custard and a cup of coffee. Ben must have been starving, he filled his tray with a large plate of baked fish, fried potatoes, and broccoli along with two pieces of cake and a big tossed a green salad. Ben graciously paid for Carol’s meal then led the way to a table way back in a corner without windows.

“I saw you were talking with Ruth. I really should not be talking about internal operations, but you really need to be careful about what you say around Ruth. I’m her third partner and I have had more than one run in with her. She is driven to succeed at all costs. I can tell you she is climbing to the top on a stairway of bodies. She uses a special technique to get information. She will tell you that someone you are close to is under investigation to get you to react or give information she can use to drive a wedge between people. Yes, I overheard her tell you Ellen and the entire Konus family is under some sort of investigation, but that is not the truth. She was right, the two men you detected today were not following you, but they were not following Ellen or Fronia. They really are looking for someone from the cult you talked about. Yes, they know a lot more about that group than they let you know,” Ben explained.

“WOW! That is very interesting. But now I really don’t know what to think. I mean – Shit this is getting too crazy for me. By the way, why are you telling me this? Or is this some twisted good cop - bad cop routine you are using? Marcus said he liked you and told me you even went out of your way to help him, but how can I trust you after you tell me that your organization can’t be trusted?” Carol stammered as fear, mixed with anger, raged through her.

“I can understand how you must feel. At times I feel frustrated and even left out of the loop on key decisions. She is the senior agent and I’m still a ‘probe’, so I have to do as I’m told and ‘LEARN’ from the experts,” Ben confided.

“OK, I think I can understand your position,” Carol answered.

“I told Marcus on the first day that I studied archeology in college, and I even managed to get some special photos to assist him on the dig site. It is really strange from the moment I first talked to him I felt like we knew each other like forever. Now talking with you, I feel a special connection. Don’t get me wrong. I mean it is like you are my sister or some close relative. I have never had this kind of feeling before. It seems to have started when I first arrived at the dig. Suddenly I could see into people. That is when I saw what an ugly evil person Ruth is on the inside,” Ben confided.

Carol sipped her coffee and studied Ben over the rim. The steam rising from the hot brew made his facial features blur yet Carol thought she could see him more clearly than ever before. Now she focused her attention on Ben and she could suddenly see deep into his essence. A smile crept across her face.

“Ben, you really need to spend some time talking to Ellen. She has opened my mind and my eyes to some very strange aberrations. She refers to it as the Gods speaking, but I’m not into the GOD thing. What she has told me does explain a lot about the inner force I have been aware of since I was a little girl. But you say you just became aware of this strange feeling recently,” Carol asserted.

“Now that you mention your enhanced insights and that Ellen talks about these omens from the Gods does give a new point of view on what I feel,” Ben pondered.

“That does not mean it wasn’t there all along, maybe you have just become more aware due to some recent events. Is there any way you can find an excuse to get out to the dig and maybe spend a night? There is plenty of room at the ‘family home’ and I think you and Ellen could have a lengthy conversation,” Carol suggested.

“I will have to clear it with Ruth, but I’m sure I can convince her I need to talk to Marcus and go over some of the imagery in person. Could you call me on my personal cell later tonight to let me know if Ellen will talk to me?” Ben replied. He quickly scribbled his number on a napkin and gave it to Carol, before he checked his watch and nervously announced his lunch hour was almost over and Ruth loved to report team members for tardiness.

“Ok, I will talk with Ellen on the way home. I’m sure she will want you to spend the night so you won’t feel rushed. Marcus seems to be on the verge of a big discovery based upon your help. I’m sure he would love to have you see what your contribution has brought to light,” Carol concluded as she stood to leave.

“I’ll wait for your call and details of when and where to meet. Maybe it would be best if we do not walk out together,” Ben suggested.

Carol nodded agreement and waited until Ben left the room. All these new developments weighed heavily on Carol’s mind. Eager to confer with Ellen, she rushed back to where the car was parked. Upon reaching the car Carol was disappointed that her companions were not waiting there for her. Now she realized she could have avoided this by calling Ellen when she left the police building. But she still remembered Marcus’ stern warning not to use cell phones. With nothing else to do until her friends returned, Carol loitered on the sidewalk leisurely examining the window displays.

Eventually, her feet started aching and she noticed the sun was falling behind the buildings. She limped back to the car and had just rested her posterior against the passenger door when she saw Ellen and Fronia round the corner.

“Oh dear! Have you been waiting long?” Ellen queried.

“No, I just got back from the police station,” Carol lied to avoid any stress in the conversation. “I had a few very interesting, if not conflicting, conversations while I was there,” She continued.

“Well, we have a long drive ahead of us so please fill me in,” Ellen coaxed.

“I told you I wanted to talk to Ruth. Well, she was telling me the men I thought were following me were really Greek secret police following you!” Carol exclaimed.

“What!” Ellen shouted.

“Yes, that is what I said, but she went on about how they were suspicious of your life style. Then I started to get a strange sensation. It was like I was standing in front of a deep freeze. I felt a cold presence chilling me to the soul. I felt so uncomfortable I had to excuse myself and leave. On my way to the door Ben asked me if I had time to talk to him outside the building. So, I agreed to have a drink while he ate. So, he tells me that I should be careful around Ruth. He said she is a dangerous person. Then he said something that I think you will be interested in. He told me that since he has been here, he is getting some sort odd ‘insights or the ability to see a person’s soul,” Carol concluded.

“Very interesting indeed,” Ellen mused.

“I thought you might like to have a conversation with him. Would you like me to have him come by after dinner tonight?” Carol suggested.

“Yes, I think it would be good to hear what ‘Ben’ has to say. Here you can use my cell phone. I know Marcus told you to leave your phone at home,” Ellen offered.


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