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Children Of the dominion

war for New Orleans

By Zachary Blanchard Published 3 years ago 10 min read

Three evil people from a land made of pure creation energy. They are standing in a room full weapons futuristic technology and crates filled with white glowing crystals. They are looking at an empty wall. All of a sudden an outline of a door begins to draw itself on the wall.

One of the three begins to say the conqueror’s poem. Another world for our god and country. Another world that is added to the hordes of the dominion. We will colonize you through money politics and violence. If you truly knew what was coming for you. you would give yourself over to us willingly. Then you would know the greatness of the dominion. The door finishes drawing itself on the wall and opens. The room quickly fills with a white glowing mist then they disappear.

In a warehouse not far from New Orleans. A white glowing mist fills the warehouse. The three evil people appear. One is a man one is a woman and the last one is a five-year-old little girl. They appear In a circle Made of blood and the body parts of children on top of a layer of dirt. The mist disappears. The man name Kakashi looks around and sees naked people all around him sleeping of various ages from young teenagers to middle-aged adults Looking like they were sleeping off an orgy. Kakashi says another group of people committing acts of abominations. Just to open a door to invite some of the hordes of hell for reasons I cannot imagine and now they will be colonized by the dominion. Just because they played with forces they cannot comprehend and they don’t know how to close the door behind what they have invited.

A possessed man jumps up and kneels before them. Kakashi quickly puts his hand on his sword. Lilith Kakashis’s wife points her staff at the man. A black energy surrounds her staff. their daughter Harley gets into a fighting stance you can see a clear outline around her body of a type of armor. The demon speaks through the man. Wait lord Kakashi I am not your enemy. Then who are you? I am one of the hordes of hell that was called here. What is their purpose for you being summoned here?

It was for a family tradition to create a corrupted Child of Lycan. Are all these corrupted children of Lycan? No Lord Kakashi just the one teenage girl against the wall with torn close. The teenagers here are all in the same coven. The adults here most of them were compelled here by some master wizards. They helped with the ceremony for our summon. How many of you have come through the door? One billion of the hordes of hell have come through but I am the last here.

Why is that? There’s a woman here of a sweet spirit that we cannot resist. Her name is Division but they call her Mama Shiba. A thump comes from a metal shipping container. The woman that’s name is Lilith says my lord husband there are children of Lycans here. Yes, there is lord Kakashi some of the adults that were compelled here had dormant Lycan genetics.

I understand so we have a newborn to deal with. Yes, lord Kakashi except there was more than just one person in that container more than likely they’ve all been infected and will probably wake up from the tranquilizers soon now that you are here. Good, I was starting to think things are going to be boring. I must leave now I wish you luck in your colonization of the birthplace of humanity. Black mist comes from the human body. The body falls asleep the same as it was before.

Kakashi smiles and says birthplace of humanity this will be the greatest colonization since the Birth of the Dominion. Lilith go kill those newborn children of the Lycan. Yes, my lord husband. Harley go take the adults that have been compelled and put them in a different area. As for these teenagers and wizards take the females and make them ready to be colonized. Then tie up the men to make them watch. Yes, father.

I’ll start with colonizing this young corrupted child of Lycan. Kakashi walks up to the teenage girl. He grabs her by the hair and picks her up to eye-level. The girl opens her eyes they look at each other. Kakashi says are you ready to suffer the consequences of your actions.

The girl quickly wakes up and gets angry her eyes turn red and swirling patterns appear in her eyes. She responds that depends are you strong enough to make these consequences happen. As she says that she kicked him with both feet knocking him back some of her hair is ripped out as he slides back. The teenage girl squares off and rips off her torn clothing. Then she transforms into a humanoid wolf. Kakashi looks at her with a smile. So you’re going to make me work for it. Lilith quickly turns to Kakashi. Do you need my help with her? No, I have everything under control. Just deal with the newborn children of Lycan before they cause a problem. Yes, my lord husband.

Lilith turns and begins walking to the storage container that the Lycans are in. The teenage girl rush’s Kakashi. He sidesteps her first strike as she pulls back to strike him again. Kakashi strikes the girl with 200 quick jabs and 20 power strikes. She flys back and hits the wall. Kakashi with a smile on his face waved his hand to come on.

Then the sound of ripping metal comes from the storage container that the newborn children of Lycan are in. Everyone looked in that direction. The teenage girl snapped her fingers. A shockwave of black magical energy comes from the snap. all of the teenagers and the wizards that were there quickly get up. The teenage girl screamed as loud as she could. The Lycans are free run! Every one of them gets up and ran away.

50 people walkout from the metal storage container. Each one with the look in their eyes of unrelenting aggression. The teenage girl begins to make howling noise like a wolf as loud as she is able. The people coming from the storage container begin to transform each one either a large wolf or a large humanoid wolf. One of them didn’t transform physically instead energy surrounding his body like a super Saiyan except the energy is black and some of the energy float off of him as a black floating thick liquid.

Kakashi looks at the teenage girl. If your going to run now is the time but I will find you and I will colonize you for the Dominion. Kakashi grabs his sword and starts walking towards the children of Lycan. Lilith takes her staff and slams it into the ground a dark energy surrounds all of the children of Lycan. they all stopped in their tracks some of them fall to their knees. They shake themselves the darkness breaks off of them they jump at Lilith to striker at her . she jumps up in the air and does a backflip. She uses telekinesis to help her fly through the air. Lilith screams out Harley kill! She responds yes mama. Harley appears in a flash With a Thick energy construct armor around her body and a large armored fist.

She smashes them with great force breaking their bones and crushing their bodies. But they heal as quickly as she destroys them. Lilith uses her staff like a spear thrusting it into the Lycans as they come close to her. after striking them red energy lines begin to cover their body and give them great pain bringing them down to their knees. they quickly break it off of them and recover. Kakashi moves like lightning striking down every child of Lycan with multiple forms of destructive energy. But they quickly heal and continue the fight.

The one-child of Lycan with dark energy around his body walks up to the teenage girl and says. you are a traitor! Your bloodline is an abomination! The curse you were supposed to be upon the human demonic shall now be upon You. The teenage girl cocks her shorter back to punch him. Before she can he punches her in the stomach his black energy engulfs her body and burns her. She screams out in pain and turns back into her normal form. She’s on the ground crying in pain the black fire goes away. He walks up to her and lifts his right foot to kick her skull in.

a large piece of metal bust through the wall at the lycan with dark energy. He grabs it and slides back then throws it to the side. The sounds of two people howling like wolves with such intensity it shakes the building. Everyone stops fighting then the two people smash through each side of the building.

One is a large corrupted child of Lycan in the form of a 15-foot humanoid wolf. The other one is the alpha class energy type child of Lycan in the form of a humanoid wolf with energy circling his body. The alpha Lycan speaks. I see you’re committing more abominations. The corrupted lycan response not me this time but my daughter. I see so what we’re going to do about this are we going to slaughter each other or should we each go our respective ways? I already know you won’t back down especially with these newborns here. That’s true I am here to slaughter you all. Alpha Lycan looks at Kakashi and says.

Who are these warriors here they’re not of your clan are they? They’re not with me I don’t believe they’re with my daughter. The alpha Lycan looks at Kakashi and says. Who are you and what are you doing here. Kakashi response we are from the dominion and we are here to colonize this land. The alpha Lycan says I never heard of the dominion where is it. It’s in the lacrima dimension. The corrupted Lycan says I heard that place is made of power is that true? Kaashi says yes it is. it’s made of crystallize creation energy. A lot of it is coming here any second now. If your willing to submit to the Dominion I will give you as much as you want of it. Even teach you how to use it. alpha Lycan says are I can kill you and take it all for myself. Kakashi response you’re welcome to try. He looks at the Corrupted Lycan what say you will you submit to the dominion? are will you both team up against us? corrupted Lycan response I don’t submit or team up with a normal Lycans. alpha Lycan says the same here. Kakashi says so a battle royale then winner takes all. corrupted Lycan response that sounds like a good plan. alpha Lycan says that’s the only way this is ever going to happen.

Kakashi his wife and daughter walk into the middle of the warehouse and stand in a circle with each one’s back facing the other. Kakashi says Let’s do this. Alpha Lycan shout out come to me. All the newborns quickly move to where he is. The corrupted lycan begins to laugh and says let’s do this. other corrupt Lycan starts to walk into the building from where the first one came through the wall. They line up on each side of him.

Then out of nowhere the room starts to glow white crates with white glowing crystals begin to appear everywhere along with weapons and strange futuristic technology. Then a large white glowing crystal taller than the building comes out of the ground in the middle of Kakashi Lilith and Harley. Cords made of energy attached to their back‘s. Everyone covers their eye from the intense light. Kakashi speaks with a loud authoritative voice . This building and this land for the next several miles belong to me and the dominion leave now or die.

balls of energy begin to form in the air around them. Two blasts of pure destructive energy fired at the two Lycans that are in charge. The alpha Lycan uses an energy shield to block it. The corrupted Lycan uses his hand. The alpha Lycan shield begins to crack. The corrupted Lycans hand becomes severely damaged. The alpha Lycan says to the others run I will back you up he grabs a handful of crystals from the crate next to him then runs away. The corrupted Lycan Express pain he jumps to the side grabs his daughter and grab some of the crystals in the crate next to him. then runs away with the others that came with him. The two energy blast stop Kakashi says now we have a foothold let’s make it a fortress.

To be continued.

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