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Better Off Dead

Chapter One: It’s My Life

By Alexandria Published 3 years ago 13 min read
Better Off Dead
Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

Lorelei arrives at the exquisite, Mediterranean styled mansion shortly after dusk and the 'party' is already in full swing. There are numerous luxury vehicles parked along the teardrop driveway. The massive, intricately carved wrought iron property gates are swung wide open for access.

She swallows dryly as she makes her way towards the looming entrance. Loud, booming music rattles the windows of the neatly parked vehicles around her. As she reaches a quivering finger to the doorbell, she smooths out the invisible wrinkles on her mother's navy blue, Chiara Boni cocktail dress.

A tall, diamond clad woman opens the door. A shimmery, black dress clings softly to her lithe figure. The dress flows enchantingly and resembles a starry night sky. Her dark, espresso-colored hair is pinned neatly away from her heart shaped face. The only true authenticator of her age being the small crows feet etched in the corners of her large, olive green eyes. She is easily the most stunning woman Lorelei has ever seen.

"Hello, Darling. You must be Lorelei." The woman exclaims in a thick, German accent while eyeing her up and down. "You definitely...favor your mother."

Lorelei's stomach churns with butterflies. Did I wear the wrong dress?

She anxiously tucks a strand of caramel colored hair behind her ear. "Yes, ma'am. "

The woman arches a delicate brow, peering at Lorelei like a wolf ready to devour their prey.

"What a dear!" She exclaims, breaking into an easy grin and taking Lorelei's trembling fingers into her dainty palm. "Tabitha has told me all about you. I am Mrs. Ingrid Godier."

"A pleasure." Lorelei mumbles half heartedly.

Mrs. Godier steps back, granting Lorelei entrance to the threshold. "Well, don't stand out there all night, you'll catch a cold!"

Lorelei's heart hammers erratically in her chest as the wrought-iron barred door clicks shut behind her.

Mrs. Godier has already melted away into her guests.

There is cheesy upbeat music playing in the background. Bow-tied servers are passing around heavy Hor D'oeuvres and colorful cocktails on mirrored trays. The tiered crystal chandelier casts a rainbow glow from the ceiling above her. The crystals cling and glint with every drop of bass from the sound system.

Lorelei ducks her head and moves through the throngs of lavishly dressed guests into a more quiet part of the house. Two arched, iron french doors lead to an open courtyard that is decorated with hanging string lights and colorful paper lanterns.

She recoils as a hand grabs her shoulder. "Drink for the beautiful lady?"

Lorelei places a palm over her clobbering heart and eyes the Server reproachfully. "No thanks, I'm a minor."

"C'mon, live a little!" The guy goads, gently nudging the tray towards her.

Bon Jovi's "It's my Life" starts playing on the sound system.

She gives a breathless chuckle. "How ironic."

The server winks, "It's destiny. I won't tell. Scout's honor."

"Well, it is a cocktail party." Lorelei reasons while gnawing on her lower lip. And maybe it will ease my nerves.

"That's the spirit!" He says, handing her a random blue drink that's topped with a cherry in an umbrella toothpick. He gives one last wink before making his way outside to the small clusters of people gathered in the courtyard.

I just want to live while I'm alive, it's my life....

Cheers to that. She salutes the air and takes a small baby sip out of the glass.

It's fruity, but not fruity enough to mask the biting taste of alcohol. Lorelei makes a sour face.

She is startled by deep, booming laughter.

"Not a drinker?" The handsome boy is tall and broad shouldered.

He is dressed in a serving uniform, but unlike the other servers, he doesn't have on a bow tie. His dirty blonde hair is styled in that messy "I don't care" way.

"No." She places her mostly full drink on his almost empty Hor D'Oeuvre tray. The crumbs on the lapels of his suit jacket suggest that he has probably had more than his fair share of sampling.

He arches a brow. "Well, you're not supposed to be drinking anyway."

Her cheeks burn red. "I...I..." She stammers, not knowing what to say.

The Server bursts into laughter. "Chill. I'm not gonna tell your Mommy and Daddy."

Suddenly, she feels angry. Who does this guy think he is?

Lorelei stiffens haughtily.

"Don't you have serving to do?" She snaps, feeling the heat radiating off of her cheeks.

He gives a sly grin and pops a little meatball in his mouth while shrugging nonchalantly.

She rolls her eyes and goes to turn away.

"See you in class tomorrow!" He yells after her.

She stops dead in her tracks. "What?"

"Tsk. tsk. tsk. Lorelei Reynolds, I'm offended!" He feigns hurt, placing a tanned hand over his heart.

She peers at him, trying to gauge whether he's serious or not.

Surely I'd remember somebody this annoying.

"You're lying." she accuses smugly.

He gasps, "I would never!"

She shrugs. "Well, I do not remember you. Sorry."

He shoots her a coy grin. "I can change that."

Lorelei blanches. "Perv!"

His ears tinge pink. "I didn't mean it like that!"

She chuckles, taking a mini sandwich off his tray and stares at him innocently through her lashes. "Sure you didn't." She says, taking a small nibble off the corner of the sandwich.

The boy wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, "I mean. If you want to arrange something..."

This time it was Lorelei's turn to blush. She covers it up with a yawn. "As much as I've enjoyed our little conversation-" She pauses.

"Matthew." He says easily, running a hand through his hair and showing off his well sculpted biceps from beneath his suit jacket.

Lorelei shakes her head to break herself out of her trance.

"I should really get going." She finishes her sandwich with one last little bite, her eyes glancing around for Mrs. Godier so that she can give a proper goodbye to the host. For her parents' sakes, not hers.

Lorelei catches a glimpse of dark hair and shimmery dress in the courtyard. She smiles in recognition, her eyes lasered in on her target..

"See you around Reynolds!" Matthew calls after her.

She chuckles while opening the sliding doors. "Don't count on it!"

Lorelei makes eye contact with Mrs. Godier as she walks towards her. She is smiling kindly and conversing with a small group of people on top of a covered pool. She pats somebody on their shoulder and politely meets Lorelei in the middle of the yard.

"How are you enjoying the evening, Dear?" She asks sweetly.

Lorelei gives a tight smile, "It's nice. You have a gorgeous home. Thanks for inviting me."

"It's a shame your parents couldn't make it. Are they still in Germany?"

Lorelei nods her head, "Yes, Ma'am. They send their best wishes and hope you get settled in well in the States." She says, a little too well-rehearsed.

Mrs. Godier takes cue and smiles warmly. "I am sure I will find it just fine. I take it you must be leaving soon."

Lorelei sighs, feigning reluctance. "Unfortunately, I have to be up early for class tomorrow."

Mrs. Godier nods her head sympathetically. "I understand, Darling. It was a pleasure meeting you. Please do come back."

She places a kiss on her cheek and returns to her guests by the pool.

Lorelei turns away and in her peripherals catches a glimpse of a dark silhouette on a balcony overlooking the courtyard.

She shivers, but not from the cold.

To her right, she notices another wrought-iron covered door facing the opposite end of the courtyard. She looks back through the sliding doors and sees a familiar tuft of unruly dirty blonde hair. Heat spreads to the tips of her ears.

I am not doing that again.

Lorelei takes a chance and makes her way to the other door. She pulls it open, and looks anxiously behind her before ducking inside.

As the door slams heavily into place, she checks out her surroundings.

Circular halogen lights from overhead cast the room in a muted, yellow glow. The colorful mosaic tiled floors bear a stark contrast to the painted black stucco walls. The room itself is completely void of any furniture or decorations.

Well, they did just move in... Lorelei thinks to herself.

A cold gust of wind on her neck evokes a shiver, dotting her flesh with goosebumps.

Lorelei swings her head around the room with new found paranoia.

The room is empty, yet the hammering of her heart inside her chest tells a different story.

She retreats and pulls on the door handle to escape back out to the courtyard. It doesn't budge. Locked. She curses under her breath and glances around the room, looking for another way to exit. She lets out a huff of air and walks briskly from one end of the room to the other.

I can't call for help. That would be too embarrassing. Lorelei thinks to herself.

The clacking of her red stilettos sound like gunshots in the hollow space. Her pulse thuds heavily in her ears.

"Stupid rich people and their fancy houses with fancy rooms that lead nowhere." As she rants, her eyes skim the walls around her for a means of escape. She is a bird stuck in an elaborate cage.

Another chill tingles down her spine.

Oh god, what if this house is haunted?

"Listen, ghosts. I've got salt packets in my pocket and I'm not afraid to use them!" She says shakily.

A low, eerie laughter echoes ever so softly through the chamber.

Lorelei's eyes dart frantically in search of the culprit. Another breeze through the still room lifts the hair off of the nape of her neck. Tendrils of fear snake through her heart as she runs to the door and starts tugging on it, banging on the solid wood with her free hand.

"Can somebody help me?!?" She calls while rattling the door handle with all of her might. Through the wrought iron rails she can see the party continuing outside. Mrs.Godier throws her head back in poised laughter as she socializes with complete and utter oblivion.

Lorelei's heart drops into her stomach. They can't hear me.

Her hands fall limp at her sides.

Another gust of air slips through the still room, tussling her hair. Lorelei lets out a startled squeal and jumps away from the door.

There are no windows. The door is sealed too tightly, eliminating any chance of gust.

"I was just kidding about the salt thing, earlier." Lorelei squawks, backing into the opposite direction of the breeze.

A mini whirl-wind forms in front of her, and she rubs her eyes in shock. "This can't be real..."

Lorelei, stop hiding from your Destiny. A choir of ghastly voices hiss through the wind.

Lorelei backs away slowly as the whirl-wind gets closer. The lights flicker ominously above her head.

"Are you a Poltergeist?" She whispers fearfully.

The rumbling torpedo lets out a smoky laugh and edges closer to her. The sharp sting of hair lashing her face causes her eyes to well with tears.

A sandpaper-like surface bites into her bare shoulders and there is a loud creeeek as she is suddenly airborne.

The hidden wall closes with a loud THUMP locking the whirl-wind monster in the room behind it.

Lorelei's chest heaves rapidly as she struggles to regain her breath.

I am losing my mind.

She takes a moment, but not too long, to compose herself. She realizes she is in a large, arched hallway leading away from the room. Lining the ceiling are flickering bronze pendant lamps. Lorelei places a hand along the rough, stucco walls, allowing them to softly scrape at her flesh as she rushes through the eerily lit corridor.

All of her senses are in overdrive. Every thud of her heart in her chest sends a fresh jolt of terror through her veins.

A looming shadow causes Lorelei to whip her head behind her. She is met with silence and isolation.

She picks up her pace as her stomach churns uneasily. The soft echoe of bass from the walls beyond tells her she is getting closer to her destination. There is a bend ahead of her, and as she rounds the bend, she finds herself staring at yet another iron-clad, wooden door. She tugs on it, and is immediately bombarded with colorful lights and loud music.

Lorelei nervously ducks her head and steps out of the passage-way, the door swings shut behind her with a soft click and blends seamlessly into the winding staircase at the main entrance of the home.

Her heart still hammers erratically against her rib cage as she glances around the foyer. Nobody is paying attention to her, yet Lorelei can't shake the feeling that she's being watched.

She gulps as she leaves the house, wiping her sweaty palms along her mother's prized Chiara Boni dress.

While she is coming off the porch, her red stiletto catches in a crack along the stone driveway sending her sprawling on all fours.

I knew I should have worn flats. Lorelei's cheeks tinge pink with embarrassment as she picks herself up from the ground. She gingerly places weight onto her heels, testing out her balance. Luckily nothing is hurt beyond her ego.

Lorelei has had enough excitement for one night and her bed is sounding more appealing by the second.

The property lamps cast a pale glow onto the neatly trimmed shrubs and hedges along the driveway. Shadows from the parked cars seem to twist and reach towards Lorelei, inviting her to partake in their sinister dance. Another chill racks through her spine.

With newfound paranoia, Lorelei increases her strides. The massive, wrought-iron property gates tease her. She feels as if they may close on her at any moment, taking her as a prisoner.

As she is nearing the gate, a speeding car skims past with a loud screeeeech.

She gasps, noticing a small, crumpled figure in the middle of the road. Her own anguish is now long behind her as she is overcome with an urge to help the creature.

"Oh my god."

The shaggy dog whimpers pitifully. Its hind legs are flattened against the pavement. There is a dollop of crimson liquid against its snout and its chest is heaving rapidly in pain.

Her heart breaks in her chest. She feels oddly drawn to this animal and cannot bear the idea of leaving it to die alone in the middle of the road. She cringes at the mental image of another car running through his carcass.

"C'mon, baby, let's get you out of here." She bends down and grabs it gingerly by its sides. The dog lets out a low warning growl however, she proceeds to pick it up anyway.

OUCH! She grits her teeth in pain as fresh blood oozes from her palm, but does not drop the dog after it snaps on her.

"You're just scared." She coos, straightening up with the dog in her grasp. Its body is warm and sticky against her flesh.

The dog snarls and gnashes its teeth at her again, then stops mid growl, letting out a low whimper.

Suddenly, Lorelei is blinded by a flash of white-hot light.

The last thing she hears before her world goes black is the jarring sound of bones crunching.

Young Adult

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