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Behind the Last Window

"The Last Window to the Outside World"

By Jananan SandajeshanPublished about a year ago 4 min read

The outside world was unknown to her, but she could see a glimpse of it through the window in her room. She had been born and raised in this enclosed space, a small dome-like structure that housed the last remaining members of the human race. The world outside was said to be barren and uninhabitable, ravaged by a catastrophic event that had destroyed almost everything in its wake.

All that remained were the few survivors, living out their days in this artificial environment that they called home. The window in her room was the last one that remained, the only way to see what lay beyond the confines of their small world. She often found herself staring out of it for hours, dreaming of what it would be like to step outside and feel the sun on her skin, to breathe in fresh air that wasn't filtered and recycled. But those were just dreams, fantasies that she knew would never come true. The leaders of their community had made it clear that the outside world was too dangerous, too hostile, for any of them to venture out.

They had built this dome as a sanctuary, a last refuge for the human race, and they would do everything in their power to protect it. One day, however, everything changed. She was sitting at her desk, staring out of the window, when she saw something move in the distance. At first, she thought it was just her imagination, but as she focused her gaze, she realized that it was real. A figure was moving towards the dome, slowly but surely.

She rushed to tell the leaders, her heart pounding with excitement and fear. They were skeptical at first, dismissing her claims as delusions brought on by her desire to see the outside world. But as more and more people began to see the figure, they realized that something was happening. The figure turned out to be a man, the first outsider that they had seen in years. He was disheveled and dirty, his clothes torn and tattered, but he was alive. The leaders of the community were hesitant to let him in, fearing that he might bring with him some kind of disease or contamination. But he pleaded with them, begging for their help.

They eventually relented, and the man was brought into the dome. He told them his story, of how he had survived the catastrophe that had destroyed the world outside, of how he had wandered for years in search of other survivors. He was the last of his kind, the final link to a world that they had all but forgotten. The man's arrival sparked a change in the community, a newfound hope that perhaps they weren't alone in this world after all. People began to question the leaders, demanding that they explore the outside world and see if there was anything left that could help them. The leaders were hesitant, knowing the dangers that lay outside, but they eventually relented. A small group was formed, consisting of the man and a few volunteers from the community. They set out into the world outside, armed with nothing but their determination and hope.

What they found was a world that was indeed hostile and dangerous, a world that had been destroyed by war and disaster. But they also found something else – the remnants of a civilization that had once been great, a civilization that had built wonders beyond their imagination. The group returned to the dome, their minds reeling with the possibilities that lay outside. They had found a way to communicate with the other survivors, to share their knowledge and resources, to rebuild a world that had been lost. And so, the last window to the outside world had become a portal to a new beginning, a new chapter in the history of humanity. She looked out of the window once more, her heart filled with hope and wonder. The world outside was no longer unknown, but a place of

possibility and potential, a world that they could rebuild and thrive in. And all of it had started with a glimpse through the last window.


About the Creator

Jananan Sandajeshan

As a book reviewer and writer, I am dedicated to sharing my love of literature with others. I believe that books have the power to educate, inspire, and transform us, and I'm committed to helping readers find the stories that resonate most.

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