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Love of a Siren

By Mimi Published 11 months ago Updated 11 months ago 26 min read

Through my eyes, Acacia of Atlantis

The seas are riddled with the creatures of the water barren, the sharpest water hunters, the cunning predators and prey living amongst one another whether above or below. The Sirens of Atlantis were intelligent, quick, charming, and the most adored(or feared) amongst them all, all while staying hidden in the depths of the ever changing waters. Humans have the stories of how we lead men to their deaths, and that part of history is true, but humans are not our main source of food. We eat sharks, whales, and anything else The Deep allows us to hunt successfully. There is a pecking order amongst the deep- and they all answer to us. But we are still fair and just, as we do not hunt for sport. We only have to hunt only a few times a week since we are able to also eat plants amongst the sea floors as well. Sometimes, we even find food going through the scraps of the shipwrecks we stumble on with our human hunts.

Acacia is what my people call me, and they say I am one of the most beautiful heirs the Kingdom has been blessed by, aside from my father, the Alpha Triton amongst us Sirens. Atlantis is a wonder of the old, new, and consistently evolving world. Throughout my years of swimming to the surface world, I have met eyes with many men and gotten great at hunting tactics to lure them to my sisters, the Imperial Guardian Corps, as I am the highest ranking general within the fleet- yet have never experienced the warmer feelings that elder sirens have foretold to us about falling in love with some of these human men. Personally, it has never been that way for me, as I see them as a food source alone. Easy prey since they fall for their seductions once the time has grown weary on their points of view- in other words, if it is beautiful, they will come to us without an ounce of hesitation or fear.

When our people grow hungry for human meat, they call upon me and other elite hunters to grab the meat on their behalf, as they usually have offspring or elders to care for. We embarked our hunting trail, and a white and red ship with the most beautiful music I have ever heard had made its entrance. My mouth was watering at the sight of over 50 sailors, but they looked...different. They didn't wear the usual matching uniforms as they did in the past. They all wore individual uniforms, but one in particular was a very enchanting creature: skin of a bronze-copper tone, slanted almond eyes of emerald, and locks of long, coiled black hair. Glints of silver glistened in the creature's hair. The human smelled of sea salt and another unfamiliar fragrance, that of which is intoxicating for me, but I seemed to have branched off gazing at the creature, as my captain had snapped my focus back into reality. It was a woman. I have never seen a woman chest began to ache, but I had to focus.

We looked towards the male passengers of the ship, and one had caught the eyes of Nessa, one of the faster hunters to date. Her hair was a deepened burgundy, her skin looked smooth and enticing for the man. Suddenly, we heard a loud horn, and I overheard a soothing yet stern voice- in which belonged to the breathtaking beauty I had been entranced by moments ago. I was swimming idly, listening to her voice:

"We are closing in on the docks, and will be here for a few days. Stock up on food, make the needed reports, and water. Anything else you may need, get it handled while we are here, because once it is time to leave, we have to leave by dawn, no exceptions. Write your families as well, let them know you had a little stop and will keep it pushing in 6 days time." She hopped down from her pedestal and everyone was bustling to their quarters, and she looked at me. Our eyes caught one another, and she looked at me with such wonder, my heart fluttered once again, and I fled away with my group. The hunt was over- Nessa had gotten one of the men to come along with her. We sang him to sleep eternally, and shared his body with our clan. Although I was back home, my hunting party had began questioning me on my distracted and abnormal behavior.

"I...think I have found my first human obstacle... the woman that leads the ship captured my heart and I am willing to pursue her for the resolve of this problem." They looked at me, some judgmental, some supportive, but one in particular was extremely against it father. He was very displeased, as my purpose for the hunt was just that- the hunt. "Finding what you think is love at first sight with a human woman is forbidden and I will not allow this abomination to grow," he boomed. "Hunting men has been our go-to for centuries, and I have never heard of a Siren falling for a female of their species until today. Completely unacceptable-"

"Then I will be unacceptable. I have my mind made, and you will cease your tone with me. You are but another Triton. Know your place amongst a Siren." I cut into his rant. He settled, as it is law for Tritons to obey any Siren of authority. He ceased as requested, and I went back to the surface to embark on my impulse. Once I had reached the shores, I had hidden myself behind a rather large boulder, concealing myself as well as having a fair enough view of the ship and its whereabouts: human men and women carrying baggage and bustling amongst themselves, some having conversations and banter, others reading, others just dying to get off the ship to explore...and her, behind them all, searching the sea for something... or someone. She looked as if she was accounting for all her passengers and even helping some along the way, still looking to the sea afterwards.

The sun began to set, and I watched as she was the last off of the ship, carrying a map. I had stayed here watching and realized how dense this interaction has been for the first day- I can dwell on land for as long as I wished, but still could not fathom what I would present to her as a gift of servitude or anything of the nature. I swam down, grabbing up clusters of our best pearls and shells, and reconvened at the surface. But when I surfaced the waters, she was nowhere to be found. My heart sank, and I started to begrudge myself when suddenly I heard a beautiful melody coming from the ship. The sweet sounds of a song I have never heard before. Her voice mimicked the ebb and flow of the seas, which I was only aware we Sirens could sing. I couldn't help but to inch my way towards the melodious display.

As the singing grew louder, I had perched myself atop her anchor chain, dissolving any fears or inner conflict, as I was drawn internally from her beautiful voice. But then, she stopped singing suddenly, and I snapped out of it. She was looking at me, with a look of bewilderment on her face. She said nothing, and I started to panic. I offered the pearls and shells, and found the courage to tell her how I felt. "Your song is enchanting, miss," I inched my shaky hands to hand her the offerings I had collected for her. She blinked a few times, no response to my words. I was starting to get internally overwhelmed, and my face was starting to flare into a burn. I took this as my queue to depart, as it seemed she was not interested in the gifts I had given. I gently set the shells down, and was on my way to depart, as I have been wrong and assumed such a silly notion that she would have me.

"Wait!" I froze, my back to the lovely woman whom I snapped back to look at, our eyes meeting once again. She hesitantly stepped forward. "Th-thank you for the gifts. I'm sorry if I have offended you, it must have taken a lot of courage to come to me with them," she started to pick them up one by one as she intently watched my eyes follow her. "It must have taken quite some time to get these as well, so I don't want to be rude and not receive your gifts." She smiled warmly, and my heart flicked in my throat. I guess my reaction made her joyous, as she giggled at my reaction. I was sure to have heard the most beautiful melodies, but her laughing was a dire necessity as soon as I had heard it. She felt comforting and welcoming, however I know I cannot stay long. I seen the sun set with her, and I longed to see it rise with her as well.

"I have to go now," I stated melancholily. She seemed saddened, and she clutched my hand, "But will I see you tomorrow?" I looked her in her eyes again, and the reply leapt out of my throat before I could filter it out. "If you wish it so, I will come as soon as daybreak, and possibly before if you so commanded it." Her face lit up like the sea of luminous creatures of the deep. "Then I will see you in a few hours? I really don't want you to leave-" the interruption of one of her passengers asking if she was busy, with steadily approaching foot steps. I panicked, and leapt from the bow into the familiar seabed, and I waited just below her ship. The passenger had gotten her for the rest of this evening, but I still think I have gotten the best interaction of my entire life. I arrived at my quarters when my father swam to me seeking for my safe return frantically.

I had apologized for the earlier interaction, and he seemed puzzled. He began to sniff me, until he got to my hands, and scowled. "What is that smell? It smells of ink and human. Tell me she didn't allow her hands upon you," he seemed to be with mixed emotions. Sadness, relief, confusion, and worry is what I was gathering, and immediately explained what the interaction was like above the waters. After the interaction, he softened his reaction, but still held steadfast to the sadness and relief. I told him I was to meet her again at daybreak, and he seemed defeated, but still warned me: "If she is to fall into any lustful feelings, you are to disconnect this attachment and hunt accordingly. Your instincts will not allow anything else." He spoke from what seemed like a place of...awareness. Deeper than just some empty warning. I pressed.

"You speak from a place of all-knowing of the situation. Would you care to share why you feel this is true?" I pressured his answer, and he gave in with slight recoil. "I fell for a human once. A man. His name was Ezekiel. We met at the shores. I was much younger, and he abandoned his shipmates to stay with me, no matter my pleading. His resolve was too strong, and so he forced himself to stay with me. He grew ill over the years, and I did not have the necessary resources to keep him alive. I was growing quite hungry as the years had passed. He offered his body for my own sustenance on his dying breaths, and I couldn't bring myself to do it...but the Sirens killed him with pleasure as I watched," he began to weep. I comforted him, held him, and let him fall within my arms and he wept for some time. He came to stability again, and ended the conversation with, "I do not wish for the same feelings for any of my daughters. I have loved no one else ever since the way I loved him, because I know I almost couldn't bear the pain when it was present." He embraced me, told me he loved me, and asked me to be careful, and swam back to his throne room. I felt the pain my father had felt when he was explaining it to me, and it made me hesitant to meet her again.

But I still met her at the same spot we had met the night before, and she was there, dressed differently. She now wore an flowy soft grey gown, her hair in a wrap. She was drinking something aromatic and sweet, and when she saw me, her eyes lit up and the smile that graced her face made me mimic it immediately. She beckoned me to come to her and that she was having her morning tea and wished me to join her. I did as I was asked, and I had initiated an embrace. She smelled of chamomile flowers, honey, mint and sea salt. Her scent was engulfing me, and I desired more time with her. She had told me all the shipmates she was embarked with were looking for Atlantis, and I froze. She saw my change in posture, and asked me if I knew anything. I was honest. "That is where I assist in ruling alongside my father and my fellow Sirens. I do apologize deeply, but your shipmates are in our hunting grounds, and your ship was already preyed upon. However, the woes of the Siren and human men are well known, they are curious as to how YOU have drawn me forth." I started to flare up again, and I wasn't sure what was happening.

"Are you an enchantress?" I asked sharply, gaining my guard back to it's original state and fiddling my fingers. She laughed and said no, that she was just a regular explorer looking for the legendary city of Atlantis for some relics to bring back to her research team, whom she was with. I quickly shook my head. "My father would not allow that. He will have your men hunted, picked off one by one, and will proceed to drown your entire fleet. No one is to know where Atlantis is, so we may continue living in peace amongst the new world." She looked saddened, but I was being honest with her. My father was very protective as well as the Sirens he reigned alongside- including me. I made a compromise as much as I possibly could. "If you would like, I could give you some artifacts from Atlantis so it won't be a total disappointment," I lifted her chin up to look at me, and she felt warm to the touch.

She had happily accepted the artifacts idea, as they just needed proof they never found it, but tried anyways. She flickered, "And I will tell no one of your existence. You will be protected, I promise. I will never betray you," she caressed my face, and I leaned into it, yearning for her honesty. I see the sun rising on the ocean, spreading a golden orange hue on top of the vast blue waters, painting the side of her ship as well as drifting upon her soft features. She had asked my name, and I replied, "Acacia. It means of the sea," she held my hands and squeezed for a few seconds. She took a breath and replied, "My name is Freya, my parents wanted to name me after the Nordic goddess of beauty, love, war and death. My father is Celtic, and my mother is an African American. She held our house together when dad was on expeditions, like what I am doing."

She proceeded to tell me her life story, as well as I was sharing mine, and thus our bond had formed. At times, I would have to hide away, but that was all fine by me, as long I was seeing her again shortly. We kept this up until yet another day had passed, and I was starting to get hungry. She asked if I ate meat, and I said yes, but only occasionally. She then asked if she could help with anything, and I shot her a look of disbelief. "I can hunt fine on my own. I will not target your people if you give them a nightly curfew, we hunt for meat mainly at night." She fully understood that I was not a further threat, even though we had plucked one of her shipmates earlier this week. When it was time for us to hunt, she had made the curfew announcement, and it seemed like everyone agreed, the exception being a group of men that clearly thought her authority was optional. This did not sit well with me, so I waited for her to finish and the passengers to disperse, and I told her about it.

"Are you planning on eating them?" she asked sheepishly. I looked to her, saddened by her tone, but staying firm. "Yes. My family needs to eat, and they seem out of turn mocking your authority for the curfew." She looked to me and then down, then back up at me. "Is this purely for an example to retain how crucial it is to listen to my curfew request?" I looked at her confused, but she looked at me with more space for opportunity. "...yes. It is so we will be sure and certain the remainder of your passengers may take heftier heed to your demands-" she placed a gentle finger upon my lips, holding steady. "Recommendation, not a demand. They are more welcome to stay in town, but as for my ship, I recommend they stay indoors with ear plugs due to what the town is afraid of. We always want to listen to the locals, but as I am newly aware, they fear what I look forward to seeing every day we are here." I quickly met her gaze, and she leaned into my cheek, her lips gracing my cheek warmly. Her lips were as soft as water lily petals, and smelled of mint and felt a bit sticky but felt like home. My face lit ablaze when she stepped away.

My swim back to the docks in the nighttime with my fellow sisters. I waited for the three men to surface themselves again, and we went in for hunting, with myself leading the party. The men were on the pier, each smoking a cigarette to themselves. The brunette man, who seemed the weaker of the three, asked if the townsfolk was right. The blonde man, the same from earlier, boasted a hearty laugh. "There' s no way that bitch was right, who gets swooned by a group of fish?" I swam closer, revealing my disguise of his desires as our eyes met. I locked eyes with him and beckoned him to the water, his body willing to my silent demand. Stepping forward slowly came forth his two friends at the sight of my fellow sirens, all chiming in different tones and hums. They leaned towards the waters, and we invited them to swim with us. Their initial reactions seemed drained from their spirits, as they hurriedly started to take their shoes off to take a dip, which unbeknownst to them, would be the last time they would ever see the surface again.

The feast was not as calming as the last time, since they had disrespected my human. I beckoned my team to tear them to shreds without the sleep, and the men screamed in the bubbles of their own blood as they felt each rip and tear of the skin and bones, all silenced and muffled by the calm waters engulfing them. I watched as they fed, anger seeping from my body into the fellow deep, as I watched my clan swarm them and disperse with tattered and bloody cloth specks floating around in the bloody tides. We made sure to leave their shoes where they lied to set the example I promised to my human. Then I blinked in confusion...why am I claiming her as mine when she is in fact, not mine? My clan offered a limb of one of the men and I refused. I just wanted to go to her, as I had longed for her warm embrace, and whatever else she had in store for me.

The next few days, she didn't have much duty, as the warning was loud and clear and the passengers just stayed in town for the remainder. We had the time to ourselves. We talked extensively, we laughed and connected in deeper ways than I had ever dreamed of. Her favorite color is periwinkle, which apparently is my skin tone in her eyes. Her favorite food is seafood alfredo with a medium rare steak on the side, her favorite fruit is papaya and mango, and she didn't grow up as heartily as I imagined. She was such a kind soul, looking out for the wildlife around her, attracting butterflies and looking like the overall personification of spring- or love. She shown great concern and humor for me when I had incorrectly used some trinkets from her world, like a fork to clean my dorsal fins along my arms.

We got to know one another intimately, which she taught me was not related with sex at all. I had embraced her world, and I felt it was fair to show her mine. She was hesitant at first, but we went anyways. I shown her how the coral reef shimmers in the midday, how it cast a golden blue hue that dance among the sands of the bottom, seeing different fish along the way. When she needed more air to breathe, we swam to the surface and went down again, until I figured the multiple trips would prove exhausting for her, and shared my breathing with her. I pressed my lips to hers, and the warmth just got heavier within our faces. I pulled away, seeing as she could now breathe, but she was now pinker looking. I tilted my head in confusion, and she leaned into me again, holding my face gently on both sides while we swam in place. Her hair frolicked in the water, consistent waves of black and glints of shimmery silver hairs encompassed her face as well as mine.

The kisses got deeper, and I quickly realized what was happening- we were 'making out'. This was so exciting! My stomach turned and toppled with light flutters, and I felt as if the world and time was no longer applicable. She loved being around me. But our time was becoming to the end, and I was a bit saddened with the reminder. The last two days she had with me was just starting, and I had finally decided to use my disguise, tanned skin and light brown eyes, and my hair, long and the same color as in the waters. Ready wade to land and walk with her as she had swam with me. She let me borrow a dress, frilly and white with burgundy roses and pearls, matched with white lace gloves. When I told her the plan the evening prior, I do not think she expected me to look better outside of water than in it. Her mouth opened but no words were spilled. Her face got pinker again, and I opened my mouth to say something when another human woman saw me and locked eyes with me. She was enraged, and was walking towards me, I stood there confused. She grabbed me by the waist and hand and stepped between the woman and I. "She did not permit you to trespass against her. I suggest you take your leave-" she pushed her out of the way, and clutched my throat.

"That is one of them damn things. Her and the rest of them monsters need to die. She took my son from me! And my husband!" she was gripping harder and harder, my airways closing and I began to choke. Freya pulled me away from the woman, while also screaming at the woman for assaulting me and lying, saying I wasn't who the woman said I was. I stood there, watching as more and more people gathered, angrier than ever as I gathered my breath, clutching my throat and gasping for air. Some men and women came with weaponry, guns and blades alike, some were in shock of my beauty, but most were looking at me as if they had wanted me dead for centuries. Some shouts were of how I needed dissected for science to rid myself of this world, others wanted to kill me themselves, others wanted justice for their loved ones. Some held up photos while streamed tears of anguish spilled within hiccups and memories of whom they loved had been snatched unwillingly from us.

I had gotten ready to be in full defense mode until the crowd was silenced by the calls of my clan. They had seen everything and this was their way to protect me-killing the humans whom wished to harm me. The first only tears I have ever felt streamed down my face, and the singing stopped, as well as the angry screams. "I am so deeply sorry for the mourning we have caused this town. We never meant to hurt anyone intentionally for trying to survive and feed our young. I was trying to protect my clan as well as myself and tried to make sure we had eaten properly to continue surviving." I looked to the sea, then back to the mob. On one hand, I felt sympathy for them, as they have also shortened our fish supply, thus making hunting grounds more and more scarce unless we moved our clan. Then, the idea flooded from my mouth, no longer obliged with tears.

"We will leave." The crowd was hushed, and gasps and whispers spread like wildfire. I continued looking around, projecting my voice loud and clear. "Although we are unable to return your loved ones, we will take heed to your request and disperse from here. You will see, hear, recognize us no further. I am so very sorry." The humans were silent, of exception to one. Freya. She was saddened and she fell to my feet. "Please, don't leave me just yet. I want to know you entirely. I want to know your soul, your favorite times you experienced, your moods. I want to explore your mind and heart as well as lend you the maps to mine. Please, Acacia, I and starting to love you," Freya started to cry, gripping my hands and beginning to stand and place her face only inches from mine. I started to tear up, but looked away. She tried to force my face back to look at her, and I refused, physically pulling away from her.

"I will no longer be needing this, so you may have your gift back. I will miss how pretty it made me feel, and how beautiful you thought it was on me." I slipped the dress off effortlessly, along with the gloves, and I stood there, free of garment. Most parents covered their offspring's' eyes, others were statues by the act itself, some giggles here and there, and some slaps throughout the crowd for the men whose wives failed to keep their attention. I looked to Freya, who was still crying but also as shocked as everyone else. I walked to her, and spoke my heart. "You were wonderful. You are still wonderful, and will forever continue to be a wonder amongst the world of cruelty and sin." Freya was sobbing in between each soft stroke of hair I had provided to her. "Although we had not shared bodies, we shared souls. You have given me the best and happiest times. But it is time well spent nonetheless, and it is my time to leave, although it is premature to your departure, I will do my best to keep up with you. We will not hunt your people. We will find other food sources, but I love your soul when it was latched to mine-" She kissed me, cutting me off from my departure speech.

"My soul isn't latched to yours, like some disgusting leech! Our hearts reconnected from our past lives. I love you, no matter the monster they think you are. You have given me beautiful insights to your life, how your pains have shaped you..." she moved my hair out of my face, revealing my continuous calm stream of tears. "I love you, Acacia of the Sea. I will never regret the day I locked eyes with you, nor will I regret having my soul meet yours. We fell asleep on the beach together, you sheltered me from harsh outcomes, and provided me with as much as you could offer me from your position, and I can never thank you enough. But please," she took my hands, as I stood there as stone with tears galloping down my face. "Let me repay your finest hospitality with my gratitude, and allow me to repay you every day, loving you." Her pleading gaze struck my soul.

I turned away from her, my chest aching and crying, and walked to the water to embrace me fully, as I was always to be accepted here. I just could not face Freya in such a state of distress while I was trying to make well press with the town I had promised to flee. She called to me and followed me, on the edge where the sea hugged the shore. She spun me around, unexpectedly and held my arms strong yet gently, "If I never see you again, my heart will always call to you." And with that, she kissed me passionately and deeply, swaying me as I melted within her arms. I cried heavier and heavier, yearning to stay but taking my father's words in tow as well.

That encounter was years ago now, and Freya has since been a very good host when it came to giving my clan and I a sanctuary to hunt freely and without worries of being hunted or killed. She expired the expedition, and with her father's assistance, retired to an off coast island with a cove at the center. We Siren would scatter across the fellow seas, searching for men amongst the seas, calling out to them, and having Freya as my wife was the best outcome of my meddlesome spirit I have ever dreamed of. The multitude of June flower blooms are seeming to be my absolute favorites, amongst the ever familiar chamomile flowers, honey, mint and sea salt aromas.


About the Creator


Fantasy stories is my specialty, along with letting my imagination run as wild as the untamed rivers during an unruly storm. I am still fairly new as a writer, but I still enjoy my craft, and I appreciate everyone who takes time to read!

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