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Spiced DandyLion Oat Milk!

Way cheaper than the grocery store—with added health and flavor!

By Justin Patrick HeriotPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
HomeMade Oat Milk!

I don't really like to brag, but I've got to say—I've really outdone myself with this one.

This stuff is *reeeeally* good!!

(And so much cheaper than if You buy it in the store).

You will need:

3-4 cups Water (or tea!)

1 cup of Oats (More Oats=thicker Oat Milk)

1/3-2/3 cup of DandyLion Petals

2-3 tablespoons of Pumpkin Pie Spice (tweak these spice as You like)

1/2-1 cup of Your choice of syrup—I recommend Maple (Optional—if You want it sweetened)

You can sweeten it however You want, but I think a syrup works best! If You don't put the syrup in with the blending, then it won't mix in after! You can also skip sweetening it, but because DandyLions are a bit bitter, I think it's better to add the spices and sweetness. Here I used half Maple Syrup and half Liquid Stevia.

Feel Free to tweak the spices as You like too. I made my own Pumpkin Pie Spice mix for this. My ratio was:

3 parts Cinnamon (1 Tablespoon)

3 parts fresh Ginger (1 Tablespoon)

1 part Allspice (1 teaspoon)

1 part Nutmeg (1 teaspoon)

1/2 part Cloves (1/2 teaspoon)

I also brewed tea first, instead of Just using straight water! I used a Green+Chamomile blend. (I also snuck in a tiny bit of powdered Ginkgo Biloba. Any powdered supplement/multi-vitamin would be great!)

3:1 Water:Oats for thick Oat Milk.

4:1 Water:Oats for thinner (but more!) Oat Milk!

Feel Free to conduct Your own experiments, but this is what I found to be the ideal range.

If the DandyLions are freshly picked, it's easy to just pluck the petals off. You can save DandyLion heads in a sealed bag in the fridge for a couple weeks, but then it's easier to cut the petals off with a knife/scissors, cause they wilt a bit.

First, remove the yellow DandyLion petals off from the green part of the flower head. Then simply put all the ingredients together in a blender and bBBBBBBRRRRRRRRR for about two minutes on high.

Then Just set it aside for at least 30 minutes or chill it overnight.

Following the ratios I posted, it should be all separated after just 30 minutes-1 hour.

If You increase the amounts, it may need more time to separate. Letting it sit longer gives more time for Goodness and flavor from the Oats to seep out into the water though, so chilling it and letting it sit for like 24 hours before You separate it would probably be best, but You don't *have* to.

Did You Know that every part of the DandyLion flower is edible?

The flower petals are the least bitter, but the whole thing is incredibly nutritious

So we use the yummy and pretty petals here for yummy Oat Milk, but don't throw the rest of the flower away! Put in hot water for Tea, or mix them into a Salad with Dressing, or be a total BA and Just eat 'em raw!

Instructional Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0VKVxPhh3w

After some time, the tiny Oat and DandyLion particles will float to the top, and the larger pieces will sink to the bottom, leaving "Oat Water" in the middle and "Oat Cream" at the bottom.

You'll want to ready two bowls.

Scrape the top layer of tiny particles off and put into bowl A. Then in bowl B, slowly pour the "Oat Water" into it until You reach the "Oat Cream."

Now, get a fine wire/rice strainer and, while holding it over bowl B with the "Oat Water," pour the "Oat Cream" into the strainer.

Some will fall through, but the strainer will quickly clog up, so You must move the "Oat Cream" around from side to side and gently squish with a spoon/spatula/Rubber Scraper to get the "Oat Cream" to separate into Oat Milk and "Oat Gunk."

(See linked video above).

When a lot of the liquid has fallen through into bowl B and the "Oak Gunk" left in the strainer is visibly thicker, put it into bowl A. Repeat this process through all of the "Oat Cream."

Pour the Oat Milk in bowl B into containers and chill (;

And there You have it!

Spiced DandyLion Oat Milk!

Put it over cereal, in tea and coffee, or just drink it by itself!

It's really delicious!

Spiced DandyLion Porridge :D

As for bowl A, filled with the "Oat Gunk"

Don't throw it away!

You can heat it up and make a nice Porridge! Here, I mixed in Prunes and Chia Seeds. It's ready to eat already ('cause it's soaked) but it heats up really quick. Then I put a dollop of Cottage Cheese and another prune on top, and sprinkled more Chia Seeds on! Super Healthy!!!

I also heard that You can dehydrate the "Oat Gunk" and it will turn into Oat Flour! I have yet to try that though...

Porridge is so tasty!

Tha brochan cho blasta!!


About the Creator

Justin Patrick Heriot

I'm one of those, "I think I'll quit my jobs and sell my things and go travel and write a book about it" writers.

The book is titled, "To Reflect Upon The Moon"

It is online, for free

Just google the title, it comes right up.

I enjoy writing (:

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