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Secret to Building Muscle for Skinny Guys

Bulking Up

By Ananda SubramanianPublished about a year ago 3 min read

As someone who is naturally skinny, gaining muscle can seem like an impossible feat. It's easy to get discouraged when you don't see results quickly, or when you feel like you're putting in a lot of effort for very little return. But don't give up just yet – with the right workout routine and some dedication, you can start to see real progress.

In this post, we'll take a look at some effective exercises for building muscle, and how to incorporate them into a total body workout routine.

1. Dumbbell Deadlifts

Deadlifts are a classic exercise for building strength in the lower body, and dumbbell deadlifts are a great variation for beginners. This exercise targets the muscles in your legs, lower back, and core, which all play a role in maintaining good posture.

To perform a dumbbell deadlift, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold two dumbbells in front of your thighs. Hinge forward at the hips, keeping your back straight, and lower the dumbbells towards the floor. Pause briefly, then lift the dumbbells back up to standing.

2. Dumbbell Row

The dumbbell row is a compound exercise that targets your back, shoulders, and arms. It's a great way to build upper body strength and improve your posture.

To perform a dumbbell row, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Hinge forward at the hips, keeping your back straight, and let the dumbbells hang down towards the floor. Lift the dumbbells towards your chest, keeping your elbows close to your body, then lower them back down.

3. Dumbbell Reverse Lunge

The dumbbell reverse lunge is a great exercise for building strength in your legs while putting less stress on your knees than traditional lunges. It targets your glutes, quads, and hamstrings.

To perform a dumbbell reverse lunge, hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Step back with your left foot and lower your body down into a lunge, keeping your right knee directly above your ankle. Push back up to standing, then repeat on the other side.

4. Close Grip Chin Up

The close grip chin-up is a challenging exercise that targets your upper back and arms. It requires a lot of upper body strength, but it's a great way to build muscle and improve your overall fitness.

To perform a close grip chin up, grip a pull-up bar with your palms facing towards you, and your hands closer together than shoulder-width apart. Pull your body up towards the bar, keeping your elbows close to your body, then lower yourself back down.

5. Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat

The barbell Bulgarian split squat is a compound exercise that targets your quads, glutes, hamstrings, and calves. It's a great way to build lower body strength and improve your balance and stability.

To perform a barbell Bulgarian split squat, stand with your back facing a bench or step, and hold a barbell across your shoulders. Step your back foot onto the bench or step, with your toes pointing downwards, and take a long step forward with your front foot. Keeping your torso upright, lower your back knee towards the ground, making sure your front knee stays above your ankle. Once you reach the bottom of the squat, push through your front heel to return to the starting position.

In conclusion, gaining muscle as a skinny guy may seem like an insurmountable challenge, but with the right mindset, workout routine, and diet, anyone can achieve their goals. The key is to stay consistent and disciplined in your approach, incorporating a mix of compound exercises that target multiple muscle groups at once. By incorporating exercises into your routine, you can make significant progress in your muscle-building journey.

Remember that muscle gain is a gradual process, and it requires patience, determination, and hard work. It is also crucial to fuel your body with the right nutrients and get adequate rest and recovery time. So, keep pushing yourself and stay committed to your goals, and the results will surely follow.

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