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How To Love Someone Perfectly Without Boundaries

You should always decide not to be one of the numerous dishonest persons in this world.

By The Lost GirlPublished 12 months ago 4 min read

It's crucial that you love yourself first and foremost. You don't want to change your plans to make time for someone who will simply take up your time. You constantly make an effort to monitor your time management. You must understand that you are not leading a life for others. You must lead a life of which you can be proud.

It's important to constantly be able to rely on yourself. You should always make sure that your spirit is strong and independent. You won't really be able to rely on anyone else in this world when things go tough. You can ALWAYS count on yourself to be the only true person who has your back.

You don't have to put your own needs above everything else. You're under no obligation to value oneself above others. All you need to do is be sure to love yourself. In a nutshell. People who will only be a source of stress and distraction in your life shouldn't be tolerated.

So, celebrate who you are. Own up to the person you were born to be. Don't be afraid of hard work and effort. Be the person you've wanted to be all along. You should be content with yourself even if that is all you have in life. You ought to always be content with the person you have become.

You must be completely honest about your desires and expectations if you wish to love without conditions. You ought to discontinue the game if you're sick of interacting with other gamers. Don't let the text message go unanswered for days on end. Once you've committed to a date, don't bail out on it. Make sure to always be sincere in your communication, and avoid working in any ambiguous areas.

You should always decide not to be one of the numerous dishonest persons in this world. Yes, occasionally you might come out on the wrong side of a manipulation or a lie. But it's all right. Be able to accept it. Be able to handle it. The reason being that you will ultimately only attract those that are similar to you. And that's the kind of person you'll draw if you're going to be harsh and dishonest. But you'll need to be the same way if you're interested in getting married to an honest and sincere person.

You must master the skill of compassion if you truly want to love with anticipation. You need to consider the instances in your life when you cheated and lied. You need to consider the times when you didn't live up to expectations. You always accepted responsibility for your shortcomings and moved on. You must realise that other people deserve the same level of luxury that you do.

Not everyone will receive treatment from you perfectly. But you shouldn't ever abandon someone completely because of a single mistake. The failure of a relationship should not be justified by a personal failing.

You must let go of things that are outside of your control if you truly wish to love unconditionally. You must learn to let go of the things you are aware you can't fully control. You won't always get to make the decisions. You won't always be able to predict how things will turn out in life. You won't always be able to plan ahead for everything. And living is just a part of that. Being dynamic is it. Being adaptive is it. It's the capacity to push yourself to assume any form that the circumstance needs of you.

You must have a greater appreciation for what is in front of you if you are going to learn to love with expectations. Wherever possible, you really need to learn to express and manifest your gratitude. You must not take for granted the advantages you enjoy in life.

Dream big; it's acceptable. Being optimistic is acceptable. However, you shouldn't daydream to the point where you lose sight of the reality that is right in front of you. You need to develop the habit of celebrating those things that are deserving of it. You have to learn to be appreciative. You must acknowledge that most things in life are transient, so you must always value those things that are still there.

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About the Creator

The Lost Girl

A Lost Girl is: A woman in her 20s, 30s (and beyond) who's more than a bit unsure about what she's doing with her life, the direction that she's headed and how to make changes for the better.

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