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Can 60 seconds of planking a day change your body?

Discover the surprising benefits of daily planking

By Ananda SubramanianPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Body weight exercises are becoming increasingly popular in the fitness world due to their simplicity and practicality. One such exercise that never gets old is the plank. The plank is perfect for those who lead a busy life and find it difficult to go to the gym due to time constraints. Doing a plank every day, even just for a minute, can help strengthen your entire core. Most fitness experts consider planking to be one of the top effective exercises to tone your abs. They are even more effective than crunches. In this blog post, we will explore what happens to your body when you do planking every day for 60 seconds.

Reducing the Risk of Injury

First and foremost, planking significantly reduces the risk of back and spinal column injury. When exercising, there is always a risk of getting back or spine injuries. However, with planking, when done correctly, you will strengthen your back muscles without putting too much pressure on your hips and spine. As a result, it can help ease back pain and improve your posture when sitting and walking.

Defining Your Abs

Secondly, planking helps to define your abs. Planks target every major core muscle, including your obliques and abdominal muscles. As you get better and stronger at your planks, you will also see an increase in strength when it comes to performing other exercises. For instance, if you're a frequent gym goer, you'll notice a huge strength increase in several compound lifts like squats and deadlifts. This is excellent news for ladies as well, as planking also helps to boost gains in your booty.

Boosting Your Metabolism

Thirdly, planking boosts your overall metabolism. Planks are a compound exercise, which means they engage several muscles at the same time. This means that you'll be burning a ton more calories at the same time than it would take to perform other abdominal exercises like crunches or situps. Furthermore, building up your muscles also leads to more calories being burnt. This is because the more muscles you have, the faster your metabolism will be.

Improving Your Balance

Fourthly, planking improves your overall balance. Have you ever tried standing on one leg but were unable to stand up straight or for more than a few seconds? If so, it's probably because your abdominal muscles weren't strong enough to maintain your balance. Planking for one minute every day can help improve your overall balance, which will ultimately enhance your performance in any sporting activity.

Benefiting Your Mental Health

Lastly, planking benefits you mentally. Plank exercises have a certain influence on our nerves, which makes them an amazing method of improving a person's overall mood. Planking stretches out muscle groups that influence stress and tension in the body. When you're sitting or standing all day long, your muscles get tight and tension forms in your shoulders, making you slump forward. This can be stressful on your muscles and nerves. Through planking, you can calm your brain while helping to treat anxiety and even depression symptoms.

In conclusion, planking is a simple yet effective exercise that can provide numerous benefits to your overall health and well-being. It can strengthen your core, reduce the risk of injury, boost your metabolism, improve your balance, and even benefit your mental health. So, if you're looking for an easy and practical way to get in shape, consider incorporating planking into your daily routine. Start with just one minute a day and gradually increase the duration as you get stronger. Remember to come back and share your results after a month of regular planking

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