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The best writing tip I've received as an author


By NooraPublished 4 years ago 3 min read


I Rewind in time to a year ago, when I was still a 13 year old author, releasing my first novel-Emily Lee Three Day Mystery, gauging for the feedback from my diligent English teacher/ proof-reader. I enthusiastically entered her assigned office, the warmth that emanated from the fire place instantaneously enveloped around my petite frame. She gazed at me from beneath her large spectacles and proceeded to leisurely stroll towards me, my novel peeking out of her tight grasp. Momentarily, she stood inches away from me, wearing a proud grin on her wrinkled face. She sincerely complimented my writing before she gave me a segment of wise advice which will undisputedly remain emblazoned in my mind till eternity, “Whenever you write, you should always describe the setting, emotions experienced by the characters and every other event taking place in your story in detail and just like you imagine it.”

When you describe things in depth, it adds colors to the art of writing. Think of it like a mundane, empty canvas before you fill it with the artistic paintings of your imagination. It enables readers from around the globe to see life from your perspective. You successfully unravel the readers mind and unlock a portal to your world. You impeccably allow people to envision the glorious landscapes, in your imagination, covered in luscious green grass and mountains-oozing with power as far as the eye can see; insurmountable butterflies roaming around freely. You may be describing the eruption of millions of butterflies, in the pit of your abdomen, when you first encountered your soul mate. You can cause people to subconsciously travel back in time by describing ancient kingdoms, with maidens adorned in garments of velvet and silk, knights training with determination in the castle courtyards; servants wearily chasing roosters and guards aligned at the frontiers of the kingdom. One can articulate and describe how you imagine the rush of adrenaline coursing through your veins as you commit acts of delinquency with your gang, dressed in a typical black leather jacket. Consume man with desire as you describe the sensation of warm, black coffee gushing down your throat, subsequently quenching your thirst and making you sigh in contentment. The grave sorrow and spiral of emotions, whirling out of control, after losing a loved one can be expressed through descriptive writing. The scarring, crucial moments amid a panic attack wherein your heart beats erratically; your vision is hazy, your chest constricts as you seep into unconsciousness, can now be described. Describe the vehemence howl of a werewolf as it shifts forms, during the phase of a full moon. Transport man to a fictional fantasy. You are articulating the inarticulate, enrapturing man to a land filled with places and moments that make their heart beat in overdrive and enable them to escape from their monotonous life and be entranced by your boisterous universe.

People often have the wrong perception regarding descriptive writing. It is not merely used in fictional composition yet it is practiced in all the vast categories of writing, such as content writing, blogs, website content, transactional writing and also assists one to become more precise in your literature examinations! Try implementing it in your essays; I am certain that you will undisputedly receive outstanding results.

Find that style of writing that ignites a sense of deep passion within your intricate soul. Use it, combined with your preferred genre, to conjure up a magnificent masterpiece; consisting of merely words from a powerful abyss- your mind. Persist in describing everything just like you imagine it!



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About the Creator


13 years old.

Author of Emily Lee Three Day Mystery

Blogger at SmartMallSA

Motivational speaker

Anxiety wellness

I aspire to produce my stories as a film in the near future.

Dedicate my time to assisting others

Coffee addict


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