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Exam Preparation Tips for Brilliant Students

Follow these tips and see your good results

By DaceyPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Exams can be extremely stressful for students even if they are academically inclined and considered brilliant by their peers and teachers. Scholarly students can also find examinations to be the source of mental agony, anxiety and stress, even though they may be better prepared for the assessments than others.

But, there are methods to ensure that exam preparation is done well in advance and is done in a way to keep stress away. With a proper set of plans and routines, taking an exam would be a cakewalk for students who can use the days before the finals in a clever way to be better prepared and keeping pressure at bay.

Here are a few tips to excel those examination days:


It is easier said than done but scheduling is very important before the students start studying for their exams. Make a comfortable schedule that allows you to take proper breaks in between study hours. Japanese international schools, like GIIS, helps students in formulating a good schedule if they ask teachers for help.


Undoubtedly, note making is an amazing way to quickly grasp and understand new concepts. One quick hack is to read and reread a certain portion from a chapter and summarize it in your own words. When you write concepts in your own words, it helps in understanding and retaining information much better. Make use of bullet points, colored pens, markers, highlighters, and post-its to enhance your notes further.


It is always advisable and encouraged to talk to your teacher. If you are not able to understand a particular topic, go to your teacher and ask them to explain it to you. This will help you in understanding and retain the information for long. Students can also go to their teachers whenever they feel stuck or demotivated. Teachers are the guiding force and thus one should never shy away from asking any questions. Remember no question is wrong.


During the exam season, the sleep pattern goes for a toll. Students are extremely busy studying and thus they forget to sleep on time. They are generally very restless. It should be kept in mind that a properly rested body will be able to study for much longer than a tired body. It is highly important to take rest, sleep properly, and energize before studying.


Students often resort to black coffee and other junk food while they are studying. These unhealthy food choices are not good for the brain or for the body. Make sure to eat healthy balanced food. A proper diet will keep you strong and going for a long time. Consume lots of nuts, dried fruits, proteins, and vegetables. Japanese international school vouches and believes in students having good and proportioned meals throughout the day. Good eating habits go a long way. Also, keep in mind to not skip meals because you are studying.


It is always recommended to solve practice questions. Students should make an exam-like environment at home and solve a practice paper within the stipulated time. This will make them well prepared for the original exam day. Practicing mock test papers are also a good way to assess how well the students have prepared. It also gives them an understanding of where the room for improvement is.


It is quite easy to panic once the student is in the exam hall. It is recommended that they take deep breaths and focus on the paper. Relax and take the exam.

These tips will definitely help a student who is worried and stressed about exams. It is important to know that exams just sound stressful, in reality, they are not.

ALSO READ: What parents think about - IGCSE vs IB

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About the Creator


Dacey is an explorer and blogger by heart♥️. Her concise articles provide valuable insights on top franchises, small businesses, the education industry, being health, and more.

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