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Applications to accelerometers: Can technology help elderly individuals' mental health?

Technology can help older persons manage their mental health and drugs.

By The Multimedia BlogPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Applications to accelerometers: Can technology help elderly individuals' mental health?
Photo by Matt Bennett on Unsplash

Especially when there is a physical separation, it can be heartbreaking to see older people struggle with memory issues, low mood, anxiety, or a lack of ambition. You could be considering alternatives if there are months-long waitlists for mental health appointments.

Talking through stressors with family members or religious leaders may be beneficial. Alternatively, for older adults who want to keep their troubles hidden, self-help books may offer skills or a fresh viewpoint. However, with the proliferation of wearable technology, telepsychiatry services, social media, and mobile applications for mental health, where does technology come into treatment?

overcoming ageist prejudice

You might question whether to pursue technology-based therapies after witnessing your loved one struggle with their computer. The worry of confirming unfavourable preconceptions may make older persons hesitant to utilize new technology, but with a little assistance from loved ones, technology discomfort can be reduced. Over the past ten years, older individuals have adopted technology at a rapid rate, which may have positive effects on their quality of life, everyday functioning, and mental health.

the switch to virtual

Older adults are increasingly seeing their doctors virtually two years into the pandemic. How effective is this for mental health? Thankfully, research has proven that online counseling is just as effective as in-person therapy.

What about mobile applications that eliminate the need for people? Here, the statistics imply that while mobile apps may not be enough to treat mental diseases on their own, they can be complementary.


Your information is safeguarded by law if the platform you use to access online treatments complies with HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). FaceTime and Skype are not HIPAA compliant; Zoom and BlueJeans are. Read the privacy policies of any mobile apps you use for mental health: Information sharing with or selling to third parties and the use of your information for advertising are red flags.

Which apps are most beneficial for senior citizens?

Since the landscape is constantly shifting, navigating the boom of mental health apps for online treatment can be challenging. Start with Teladoc, K health, and Doctor on Demand if you're looking for teletheraphy


Paragraph on Health –

While most definitions of health focus on the fact that how weak or strong one’s body physically is and how immune they are to illnesses and injuries, a new conversation has been stirring about the well-being of your mental health. If we go through the pages of human history, the greatest assets identified for all individuals are good health and a sound mind. What is noteworthy is the strong conjunction and interdependence these two variables have on each other.

One who does not have good mental health fails to maintain good physical strength and stamina. Only a stress-free headspace and the right frame of mind can lead to strong physical health. This combination makes it possible for us to see and feel the true eternal happiness that is intrinsic and arises from within. The endless and tiring pursuit of happiness often makes one forget that they also have to take care of their physical as well as mental health.

As kids, we’re often told that maintaining a good lifestyle can lead to the best health. But only as we grow older, do we realize that introspection, self-realization and reflection of one’s own thoughts is also a crucial aspect of maintaining good mental health which perhaps leads to a fit and fine body. The lack of this approach often leads to this gloomy thought process at times, where one fails to understand what is troubling them and what particularly are they lacking. Maintaining good health hence becomes vital for the overall core development of our personality and perspective towards life.

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The Multimedia Blog

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