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What is hidden under the Earth's permafrost? Scientists seriously warned that no one is allowed to dig

A serious warning from scientists

By Derwall DonPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

There are many permafrost layers on Earth, such as the Siberian region of Russia, northern Canada, the Alaskan region of the United States, the Arctic Circle, and China's Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which is distributed in the permafrost zone, then this permafrost, what is hidden under it? In this regard, scientists issued a serious warning, no one is allowed to dig, because there is a hell, and may even lead to the complete extinction of mankind, why the permafrost layer under the tundra will be so terrible?

The main reason why the permafrost layer is formed is that the temperature in these areas is too low, so the water vapor in the soil naturally gives frozen, but the permafrost layer is also divided into permafrost layer and non-permafrost layer, with the change of seasons, non-permafrost layer in the summer may be upgraded ounce, to the winter will be refrozen, while the permafrost layer is the same all year round, however, tens of thousands of years ago, the permafrost zone is also a large number of living creatures survive, However, there are many creatures buried under the permafrost for various reasons, and generally after death, the body will be naturally decomposed, but the permafrost zone is different, it is like nature's natural refrigerator, so a large number of prehistoric creatures were effectively preserved by the permafrost, you can find many specimens of extinct animals in the permafrost zone.

For example, mammoth specimens were found in the permafrost. Since prehistoric animal specimens are very valuable, especially mammoth tusks, which can be made into various artifacts, it also directly gave rise to an industry that poaches wild animal carcasses from the permafrost zone and thus puts them on the black market, but scientists found that there are deadly bacteria as well as viruses in these animal carcasses in the permafrost, and there have even been serious incidents of human infection, For example, the anthrax bacillus in the permafrost, which is a very dangerous virus that can pose a deadly threat to livestock as well as people, during World War II, the heartless Japanese Unit 731 launched germ warfare, which used bacteria including anthrax bacillus, there are still some victims surviving in the country and suffering every day.

The extremely harsh environment in the tundra is deadly for the vast majority of animals on earth, even plants are difficult to grow here, but bacteria and microorganisms can survive tenaciously and have even survived for tens of thousands of years. Some people believe that since the bacteria and viruses in the tundra are so dangerous, it is only necessary for the relevant countries to legislate to protect the tundra and crack down on theft, which can not prevent the bacterial virus from reappearing. The main problem now, however, is that with global warming, the polar glaciers have started to melt and, incidentally, some permafrost layers have also started to melt gradually, and some bacterial viruses will spread to the surface.

Although human activities can be controlled, there are still a few wild animals living in the permafrost zone, such as elk, moose, North American grizzly bears, etc. These animals have the risk of infection with viruses, if people are then in contact with these animals, then it is likely to lead to the further spread of viruses to all humans, this issue must attract the attention of the global health sector, after all, viruses and bacteria, has brought a huge disaster to humans.

In the context of today's global health crisis facing the test, humans need to pay more attention to preventing the invasion of viruses and bacteria, the epidemic alone is still rampant around the world, and has led to more than 200 million people around the world infected, the number of deaths is as many as a million, can be called another black plague, to know in the medical conditions so advanced today, viruses and bacteria are still the main opponents of the threat to human survival, and humans are currently on If they do reappear on the surface of the earth, it will be an absolute disaster, because of this, countries must cooperate and implement good environmental protection to prevent further global warming.


About the Creator

Derwall Don

The development of science and technology and the function is inexhaustible, science is a wonderful thing。

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