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Jita and Kyrgyzstan are fighting again, Putin's program is ignored

Gita fights

By StajilaPublished 2 years ago 2 min read

Some time ago, Armenia and Azerbaijan were involved in a violent conflict. With the involvement of the international community, the Afro-Asian conflict was urgently mediated. Surprisingly, the Asian-African conflict did not end completely, as Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan also clashed.

The two countries fought again and Putin's plans went unheeded.

After the conflict between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, Putin first called the presidents of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to mediate the situation. During the call, Putin said that "both sides (of Kyrgyzstan) will end the conflict through peaceful, political, and diplomatic means as soon as possible."

Although Putin proposed a solution, it had little effect. This is not the first time these two countries have clashed. These two countries clash regularly. Last April, Tajikistani personnel installed cameras near the Isfara River reservoir, which Kyrgyzstan saw as a violation of territorial sovereignty. The two sides got into a fight over the matter, and Putin himself intervened personally to stabilize the situation.

Now Russia is so busy, with the Russia-Ukraine conflict entering a critical phase, that it is hard to free up its hands to take care of other matters. Putin fears that the United States will slip in, Central Asia is Russia's "backyard". If the U.S. military infiltrates, the consequences are unthinkable.

Take the Asian-African conflict as an example. Azerbaijan, with the support of Turkey, is provoking Armenia like crazy. Although Armenia has an alliance with Russia, Russia now only cares about itself and has no extra energy.

Instead, this situation gives the Biden administration an opportunity. Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi has strongly accused Azerbaijan of "attacking" Armenia and plans to visit the country. While Pelosi is ostensibly "supporting" Armenia, she has her agenda, which is fundamentally aimed at discrediting Russia's international reputation.

What Pelosi brings to Armenia is more "lip service" than anything else. In an interview, Pelosi said that "Yerevan is disappointed with Moscow's reaction," effectively accusing Russia of inaction in the Afro-Asian conflict.

Pelosi's propaganda campaign has had some effect, and some Asian politicians have been quite vocal about Russia and the CSTO. Secretary of the Asian National Security Council Grigoryan believes that Russia and Armenia signed the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance a long time ago. This conflict took place on the territory of Armenia, but the Russian side was indifferent and did not wait for Russian military assistance and support.

Now that the Tajik conflict has also erupted, the United States is likely to repeat the same mistake it made in the Armenia-Armenia conflict and continue to launch public opinion against Russia and smear it.


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