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A Zero Waste Lifestyle Doesn’t Have To Be Scary

Learning To Produce Less Waste

By Emma Jarek-SimardPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
A Zero Waste Lifestyle Doesn’t Have To Be Scary
Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

Living more sustainably can seem intimidating, but shifting to a zero waste lifestyle doesn’t have to be scary!

Here are some pieces of advice that are tried and true (by myself and others) on how to make a low-waste lifestyle more approachable. The key is to take baby steps, and strive to do a little bit better every day. A little bit really can go a long way to save our oceans and environments!

Get Rid Of The Idea Of A Zero Waste Lifestyle

One of the biggest misconceptions that scares people away from living a zero waste lifestyle is thinking that it is truly a zero waste lifestyle.

In the modern age we live in, it is nearly impossible to produce zero waste. Instead, think of a zero waste lifestyle as a journey to produce less waste. When we shift the meaning of a zero waste lifestyle from something harsh and restrictive to a process of becoming a little bit better every day, the pressure is released and shifting to a more sustainable lifestyle becomes so much more approachable.

Pick One Thing. One.

If you want to make a lifestyle change to become more sustainable from day to day, it can be tempting to try to tackle everything at once. This, however, is a recipe for speedy burnout and losing motivation to make positive change in your life.

If you’ve ever set a New Year’s resolution and tried to bite off a bit more than you could chew, you’ll know exactly what I mean here.

If you want to shift towards a zero waste lifestyle, pick one area of your life to start with, and focus on that. After you work on reducing waste in one area for a time, add in one more aspect of your life. Then, add in another, and so on.

This can look however you want, but here is an example to help us all visualize the process.

- Start in the kitchen. Investigate where packaging can be reduced, try swapping plastic products for more sustainable options, invest in a compost bin, and make some of your own foods. Maybe even consider trying a few vegetarian or vegan meals throughout the week.

- Move to the closet. Use the clothing you have for as long as possible, invest in sustainable brands and buy second-hand.

- Head to the bathroom. Try out some sustainable product swaps (i.e. makeup, cleaning products, hygiene items), use up products you already own, and buy less stuff.

- When out and about bring along some reusable tote bags, a water bottle, reusable mug, and portable utensils. If eating out, try bringing along a reusable container to bring home leftovers.

Audit And Acknowledge Your Waste

The first step to making change is acknowledging where you are. For a few days, audit the amount of waste you produce and what that waste consists of. This is not to spark judgement for the waste you produce, but to help paint a solid picture of where you can reduce. Knowledge is power!

Once you gather this information, you can start taking action to create a more zero waste lifestyle.

Look Into Sustainable Product Swaps

One big way that we can all live more eco-friendly lives is investing in sustainable product swaps. There are so many options out there for any area of life that is in need of a sustainable makeover, and here are a few tried and true items that are hugely helpful in reducing waste.

- Bamboo toothbrushes

- Toothpaste/mouthwash tablets

- Organic cotton towels and reusable napkins

- Stainless steel or glass food storage containers

- Refillable, stainless steel pens and biodegradable stationery

- Travel utensils (wooden or stainless steel)

Of course, this only begins to scratch the surface of these sustainable swaps, but feel free to use these as a starting point and do some of your own research!

Make (Some Of) Your Own Products

Living a zero waste lifestyle is sometimes reputed to be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be! An incredible and cost effective way to reduce your waste is to make some of your own products at home.

Try baking your own bread if you are able to, or make your own dressings and condiments to save on packaging. You can also easily make your own non-toxic cleaning supplies and some cosmetic and personal hygiene items!

There are tons of great tutorials and recipes out there, so it’s definitely worthwhile to do a little search to see if anything tickles your fancy.

Give Living With Less A Try

Another extremely simple yet often overlooked area of low waste living is to simply live with less.

Decluttering your home and being mindful of buying things that you genuinely need (as opposed to going on a shopping spree on a weekly basis for things you don’t) can have a huge impact on the waste you produce.

This waste can come in the form of excess packaging, production waste, shipping waste (i.e. pollution), and the waste the item itself will produce when it is eventually thrown out.

This is not to say that you can never go shopping for fun, however, the next time you want to buy something on a whim, ask yourself if that item will really bring you lasting joy, use and fulfillment. If the answer is yes, go for it! If not, though, consider going without.

Be Mindful Of The Businesses You Support

One last piece of advice I want to throw in here is to do some research on the businesses you support. What are their core values as a company? Are they transparent about their production? How are their items packaged? Do they give back to the world in any way?

Becoming aware of some of these things can be surprising but eye opening. Knowledge is power, and when we become aware of what we are voting for with our purchases we become conscious consumers.

When we support companies that align with our values and give back to the world, we become active participants in the change we want to see in the world.

Like I said above, baby steps really do make a substantial difference over time, so don’t be discouraged if you are starting small! Progress is progress, and that is amazing.


About the Creator

Emma Jarek-Simard

My name is Emma, and I am hugely passionate about personal development and the environment. I believe that when we see the beauty and worth of the world that surrounds us, it’s a powerful motivator to become the best versions of ourselves!

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