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The Strangest Relationship With An Older Man.

He was 62 and she was 22. The sex, too? Age unquestionably makes it better.

By The Lost GirlPublished about a year ago 3 min read

It's difficult for a guy not to feel unstoppable when he has that "I want to do you now" expression in his eyes. And you consider yourself fortunate if you genuinely want to experience what it's like to have the finest sex of your life with a man who is 40 years older than you in bed.

I had only known Sony for a few hours when I first undressed him and noticed the tiny tufts of grey hair on his chest and the little curvature of his belly. We met during a medical conference he was giving at a hotel in Lewis, Washington.

I had already weathered a long day of dry lectures by the time I took off my heels and sat in the dining room amongst elderly people hunched over their steak meals.

It may explain what happened after that. I struck up a conversation with Sony, who was seated at my table, and we started out with the standard small talk before he learned I was a newcomer to the area. He lighted up as he began to list his favourite dive bars on The Eagle and Child, and I sensed the first stirrings of something very intriguing.

He may have been elderly; I would have estimated his age at 60 (after I learned he was 62), yet he was dressed comfortably in khakis and a shirt. His wedding band was already visible to me, yet he was clearly flirting with me. Before I knew it, I was returning the favour by caressing my chest, moving my hair away from my face, and laughing somewhat too loudly.

Sony offered if I would want a nightcap in his room while the other diners went to sleep, and I didn't think twice. I frequently daydreamed about having sex with an older man and wanted to experience it for me.

He made a gin and tonic from the minibar in his room. I took a sip, set my glass down, then drew him towards me. He started kissing me and almost instantly unfastened my jeans when I thought he would be hesitating. I could tell he was in good form as he undressed, with a big chest and strong legs.

He hadn't had sexual relations with a 22-year-old in decades.

Sony used his powerful arms to move me towards the bed, placing a hand on my body and informing me in a low voice what he wanted to do with me. I had never felt more desired, but despite his evident want to fuck me, he controlled himself and built tension by inserting two or three fingers inside of me and tease my G-spot.

Then, carefully licking me, he started working his way down my body. I slammed into him and grabbed his hair to get more leverage. He finally slid back up, kissed me, and then pushed inside. He had a rock-hard exterior.

Just as he was about to enter climax, he stopped, turned over, and pulled me up onto him as I reached down to touch myself.

We lay side by side afterwards, weary, and he stated, "I haven't came like that since I was a teenager. I had a surge of fulfilment and realised (a little guiltily) that Sony's thankfulness was a big part of why sex with him felt so nice. He hadn't had sex with a 26-year-old in decades.

I thought our relationship would be short-lived, but after I left, we kept in touch and continued to see one other virtually for about a year before things gradually cooled off. Never will I forget Sony.

WorkplaceTeenage yearsTabooSecretsSchoolHumanityFriendshipFamilyEmbarrassmentDatingChildhoodBad habits

About the Creator

The Lost Girl

A Lost Girl is: A woman in her 20s, 30s (and beyond) who's more than a bit unsure about what she's doing with her life, the direction that she's headed and how to make changes for the better.

You can buy me a coffee HERE😊

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