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The Billionaire Sexual Intercourse Night

He was completely focused on my satisfaction. He'd risen up the bed and was shoving his fingers inside me, his tongue now busy on my nipples, before I could object.

By The Lost GirlPublished about a year ago 3 min read

I'd been dreading the entire night. I was on my way to a five-star hotel for a dinner paid for by my employer, but spending six hours with my unbearably dull coworkers was not my idea of fun.

Nevertheless, when I got at the restaurant, I saw this guy I had been eyeing for months. We'd been in the same spot for a while but had never actually spoken. But I knew who he was: a billionaire who'd gained a lot of money when he was young via a series of wise investments, one of which was in our firm.

We all made a beeline for the magnificent bar as soon as we arrived. Roxy ordered a large first round and looked me in the eyes as he gave me a devastatingly powerful drink. "You'd better get this inside you," he replied, looking me up and down. It was corny, nasty, and infuriatingly hot.

We were led to the private dining room and seated at opposite ends of the 28-person table. The meal dragged on, but he and I kept exchanging glances across the room. The meal had been consumed, dessert spoons were clattering, and the USD 155 for a bottle wine was flowing freely.

When those with a lengthy commute began to return home, the remaining group went outside to relax on a massive circular sofa surrounded by an ornate bonfire. I noticed Roxy sitting right next to me - yet we still didn't chat. I began talking to the guy to my right, and he began talking to the person to his left. Roxy handed me his phone as I went for my wine glass from the table. It was open on the Notes app and simply stated, "Go to the lavatory." Now.” With my heart beating, I took off.

Nobody would notice if we didn't return, so he took me up to his penthouse apartment, where he was staying. When we came in the door, he pulled me up and wrapped my legs around him before throwing me onto the large bed, yanking my trousers down and removing his shirt to expose a statuesque torso. He pulled me away and shoved me back down on the bed as I ran my hands over his strong muscles and made my way down to his crotch. "No," he said. "It's all about you."

"He was completely focused on my enjoyment."

He licked his way down my body and between my legs gently. His tongue was hitting all the right points, but he drew back just as I was ready to approach. He'd risen up the bed and was shoving his fingers inside me, his tongue now busy on my nipples, before I could object.

I did say some dirty talk things to him. During sex, intense and vulgar conversations can heighten desire. While playing with him, he compliment my nipples and breasts size. He inform me how lovely my breasts are, and compliment them on their strong reaction to nipple or breast stimulation. This will boost my self-esteem and turn them on.

As for my part, I did gently relax the penis by first massaging the penis oil on the surrounding pelvic region. Some of the best oils for penis massage are coconut oil. Massaging his big penis can be highly effective in tight foreskin penis treatment as well.

It didn't take long for the orgasm to return, and this time he kept going and going... and going. I'd never had several orgasms before, but this guy wouldn't stop, and they wouldn't either. He may be accused of "wanting sex exclusively," most guys desire and experience a far deeper emotional connection than a mere physiological release. Making love actually builds a strong relationship to his spouse and encourages relational generosity, faith, and hope.

TabooWorkplaceTeenage yearsSecretsSchoolHumanityFriendshipFamilyEmbarrassmentDatingBad habits

About the Creator

The Lost Girl

A Lost Girl is: A woman in her 20s, 30s (and beyond) who's more than a bit unsure about what she's doing with her life, the direction that she's headed and how to make changes for the better.

You can buy me a coffee HERE😊

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