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Self care

With love

By TestPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

It’s happening!

As time approaches I’ve been pondering on whether or not to wait longer for me to continue taking care of myself without him, but my conclusion is I can’t do that.

I’m still going to continue taking care of myself in all aspects, but I really don’t want to wait any longer.

He’s been so patient and I know I can continue my self care with him.

Getting out of this misery will be another weight off of me.

I can’t wait to care for him, the way I’ve always wanted.

I wrote a blog about caring for him month ago.

I pray he read it.

I pray he’s been in tune with how much he means to me.

I miss him so much, I can’t afford to have him wait longer nor do I want to wait any longer.

All of this has been so long and it’s such an awful way to live.

This Friday is going to be so important to me.

Self care has a lot to do with your mental health. My mental health has only gotten better with his presence in my life and getting through each obstacle I’ve needed to get through.

Being together and taking care of each other has been all I’ve ever wanted.

He’s everything to me.

I’m so excited.

I’m so nervous.

This is really happening.

The time I get to admire him.

The time I get to cling to him.

The time I get to spend time kissing him.

Will he kiss me?

Living what feels like such a dream, a fairytale right now.

Thank You Hashem.

What a year of miracles.

Dreams coming true.

I just feel like there’s more coming, more blessings.

I’m so thankful.

Self care has also been daydreaming.

I travel so deep, full speed sometimes.

I’ve gotta catch myself.

I still have to wait.


Be patient.

I’m so grateful, so thankful, so blessed.

The man of my dreams is waiting for me.

I’ve waited such a long time to spend time together.

He’s all I’ve ever wanted.

He’s everything to me.

What will I feel when we say we love one another?

If just one smile, one sweet daring stare made me so nervous.

If so many surprises made me shake from the inside out and I swear I cried.

Everything he does is so well thought.

Nothing he’s ever done has felt empty nor fake.

He’s my knight in shining armor.

My Prince Charming.

Amor da minha vida.

Minha vida.

Meu desejo.

Quality time.

The time I get to admire him.

The time I get to cling to him.

The time I get to spend time kissing him.

The time I get to not worry about the time and other responsibilities.

Can you imagine being with a man who you don’t have to order around every 5 seconds?

Can you imagine being with a man who wants to be a man?

Who is such a man? I swear he makes me feel so weak. I can’t describe it.

He’s such a dream to me.

The man I’ve prayed for, for so many years.

What if he does tell me he loves me?

What if I cry infront of him?

What ifs are so dangerous. I just can’t help it.

My dream.

I pray he comes see me/be with me when I call.

I’m so scared if he doesn’t.

I’m so scared this isn’t what I think and dream it is.

I honestly blame all of the romance novels, love songs, and romantic movies I’ve ever seen.

This is when I catch myself, stop myself.

I just have to be patient.


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