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Ghanians insult Meek Mill & President Akufo-Addo because of meeting

Insults hurled about Meek's English & Akufo-Addo Ghanians are constantly insulting foreigners

By IwriteMywrongsPublished about a year ago 4 min read
See File history below for details., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Meek Mill met with the president of Ghana Akufo-Addo, the video was shared on UTV News Ghana's public Facebook page. During the video which at one moment gained over 600 comments, Ghanians posted insulting comments.

For some reason Ghanians decided to insult Meek Mill, taking this time to talk about his arrest record and upbringing. A few even saying they needed someone to 'translate this type of English'. Ghanians who say things like "massa" when talking to their bosses, or "No Please& Yes Please" that pronounce "Regina" as vagina.

Often times Ghanians are very insulting to Black Americans as well as many other foreigners living and citizens of Ghana. America doesn't have an official language unlike Ghana which has made English their official language.

Screenshot from comments UTV NEWS Public Facebook Page

Screenshots from UTV News Ghana's PUBLIC Facebook Page

Ghanians are some of the most judgmental people in the wold, many Ghanians have been victim to the judging attitude of others. The violence towards homosexuals, the hatred for those whom look different is oppressive.

Hatred towards the Asian and Arab population is high and always ignored. Dreadlocks and tattoos are also not welcomed by most Ghanians. Which is odd considering the country claims to be such a welcoming place for everyone.

The comments aren't surprising, living in the country with Ghanians being refused service and insulted on a daily basis for being overweight, light skin, having dreadlocks and tattoos is difficult. Ghanians proclaim to be welcoming yet the hypocritical, fake Christian attitudes many are quick to judge. Then quick to condemn others, when scamming and crime are on the rise within the country.

While Ghanians creating over 23,000 new HIV cases in just 6 months in the country, from rampant unprotected sex and cheating which is joked about in the country. Men freely and openly cheat on their wives and girlfriends.

This same media outlet UTV News has posted about buying Christmas gifts for 'side chicks.'

Yet when the Philadelphia rapper opened up about his life in America hundreds of social media warriors decided to insult him and their own president.

Screenshot of Comments left on UTV NEWS PUBLIC FACEBOOK PAGE

Screenshot from UTV NEWS GHANA PUBLIC Facebook Page

Screenshot from UTV NEWS GHANA's Public Facebook Page

Screenshot from UTV News Ghana Public Facebook Page

Screenshot from UTV News Ghana's Public Facebook Page

Meek Mill whom also lost is phone while in Ghana to perform for the Afrochella 2022 festival. His phone was later recovered from a Ghanian man that was arrested. Meek Mill went to his Twitter account saying her didn't want anyone arrested, he says he could have lost his phone while riding on a motor cycle.

Meek possibly went to meet with President Akufo-Addo to have the suspect released. No one knows however it isn't odd for a foreign performer to meet with a president of another country.

Joe Biden had a meeting with the Korean Kpop group, several American presidents have met with famous people from other countries as well.

Office of the Vice President of the United States, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

During the Afrochella 2022 held in Ghana it was announced as the last show for the festival. It was at the end of the concert while many people were trying to leave the venue. At the moment the reasons behind this decision are unknown.

Here are some more of the comments from the video of Meek Mill:

Screenshot from UTV News Ghana's Public Facebook Page

Screenshot from UTV News Ghana's Public Facebook Account

Screenshot from UTV News Ghana's Public Facebook Page

Screenshots from UTV News Ghana's Public Facebook Page

Screenshot from UTV News Ghana's Public Facebook Page

Screenshot from UTV News Ghana's Public Facebook Page

These comments are coming from people that have often proclaimed themselves as the "politest people of Africa!" This is much like the everyday street harassment some have to deal with living in Ghana. Many women I've met that speak of the street harassment as well, from calling them "fat mommy" or the constant hissing and commenting on their rear ends.

This is much like life in Ghana for some who look or are different, this is sadly what people with disabilities and skin conditions face. There are some with vitiligo and albinism that have to endure brutal insults.

Villages are much kinder and peaceful in most parts of the country.

Considering Meek Mill was in the country to perform and lost his phone in the process you'd think that people would not insult him.

I fear one day that xenophobia will get even worse in Ghana. The government should seriously rethink inviting Black Americans to the country. Until they control the growing hatred for foreigners this author has written about prior.

Thank you for reading 🙏🏽 Please consider buying a coffee for Lacey's House efforts in Gender Equality & Children's Rights as it tries to move international.

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About the Creator


I'm the president of a nonprofit. I've lived in 3 countries, I love to travel, take photos and help children and women around the world! One day I pray an end to Child Marriages, Rape and a start to equal Education for ALL children 🙏🏽

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