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when were gadgets invented? (and what is a gadget, anyway?

When were gadgets invented? We'll answer that question and more in the following article.

By Claudie DelafossePublished 2 years ago 3 min read
 when were gadgets invented? (and what is a gadget, anyway?
Photo by Alienware on Unsplash

I don't know about you, but I sure love my gadgets. The kind of gadgets that are electronic, electronic devices and other types of devices. What is a gadget, anyway? I'm glad you asked! Believe it or not, there's actually no exact definition of what a gadget is. And the word “gadget” itself comes from a colorful source; it's derived from “gadding about” (which means to wander around).

Got that? You can learn more in my article below.

When did gadgets invented? it might be better to ask, “what is the first gadget that was invented?

A gadget is a small tool or device that performs a specific task. Gadgets are usually powered by electricity, but they can also be hand-powered. The first gadgets were probably simple tools that people used to make their lives easier. For example, a hammer is a gadget that helps you drive nails into things.

A knife is another gadget that cuts things apart. But these aren't the only gadgets out there! The word “gadget” comes from a word used in 19th-century England, which means “to move quickly and lightly in a random way.” By 1900, this word had come to mean something that was useless or silly — sort of like someone who moves too fast and randomly!

Today, however, the meaning of “gadget” has changed again to refer to any small tool or device that performs a specific task — whether it's useful or not depends on your opinion!

The first gadget that was invented was actually a simple clock.

The word “gadget” isn’t exactly a term that means something specific.

When did gadgets invented? (and what is a gadget, anyway?) The word “gadget” isn’t exactly a term that means something specific. It has become a catchall for any kind of “thing” that can be quickly identified as something modern or high-tech. The word was first used in print in 1891, according to the Oxford English Dictionary.

The earliest known use of the word “gadget” dates back to 1889 and comes from a story called “A Gambling Episode,” which was written by British author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In his story, Doyle wrote: “He took up his residence at an hotel which was kept by a man who had been formerly in the employ of Gatti the banker, and who had already acquired a reputation for his knowledge of the ways of thieves and rogues." The word was used again in 1890 by American writer George Ade, who wrote: “By all means let us have some more of your gadgets.

Gadgets are generally thought of as small, easy-to-use devices.

What is a gadget? Gadgets are generally thought of as small, easy-to-use devices. The term "gadget" can be traced back to the late 19th century and was originally used to describe an item that had multiple uses. Today, the word is used to describe any small device that performs a specific task.

History of Gadgets Gadgets have been around since ancient times, with some of the earliest examples being weapons like swords and spears. These early gadgets were designed for specific purposes, such as hunting or combat. Today's gadgets are used for a variety of purposes including entertainment, communication and transportation.

In a nutshell

So it seems that gadgets have been around for a while, with their history stretching back to the clockwork and steam-powered devices of the eighteenth century. Since then, we've seen countless iterations of these devices, ranging from handheld stereos to palm-sized computers. It's an interesting history, especially when you consider how our perceptions of these gadgets have changed over time.

At various points in the past, they were considered unnecessary accompaniments to everyday life, status symbols of eccentric millionaires, or simply novelties. In today's ever-more connected world, though those perceptions persist in some circles, there is no doubt that the uses and purposes of many gadgets are well-established.


About the Creator

Claudie Delafosse

📰Hi, I'm Claudie and I write about phones, tech, fashion and more. My work has been featured in Mashable, CNET, Gadgette and more! I live in London 🇬🇧 and I love to travel 🌎

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