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Top 10 Reasons to Develop Cross-Platform Apps using Xamarin in 2022

Develop Cross-Platform Apps using Xamarin

By Vinit KariatukaranPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 6 min read

To get the most out of your cross-platform project, you'll need to pick the right UI framework. A poor user interface leads to a frustrating experience for end-users, causing the app to be deleted quickly.

There is no shortage of dependable frameworks for cross-platform programming, thanks to the highly competitive environment. Xamarin, on the other hand, has established its worth over time amid a variety of solutions. According to Statista, Xamarin will be used for cross-platform development in 11% of projects worldwide in 2021.

There are a plethora of reasons why Xamarin is the greatest choice, but here are our top 10+ reasons why it should be yours as well!

Although HTML, CSS, and JavaScript may be used to construct user interfaces for all three platforms, Xamarin advises using their native UI components to develop native user interfaces. As a result, your app's user experience and appearance will be consistent.

Using a development approach, you may improve the user experience on all four major app distribution platforms. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Here are the top ten reasons you should choose Xamarin for your cross-platform app development initiative in 2022.

Extremely Secure and Safe

You want to make sure your cross-platform application is safe and secure. End-to-end encryption and authentication is the best way to do this.

To ensure validity across all devices, I propose leveraging Xamarin's code-signing features within Visual Studio; if Microsoft digitally signs it, it's good! Another reason why Xamarin's security is unrivaled.

On-Time and Within Budgets

One of Xamarin's most appealing features is the ability to accelerate software development projects from start to completion.

Furthermore, Xamarin apps are less expensive to produce because of lower maintenance costs and fewer errors caused by familiar source code being moved across platforms.

Scale with No Boundaries

It might be difficult to scale an app across several platforms. With Xamarin, however, you can make your cross-platform apps appear and feel the same across all devices. It enables you to create programs that work flawlessly on iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Mac! Your customers will have a more consistent experience across devices that may or may not have the same operating system.

By creating a single app with various interfaces, you can reach out to millions of prospective clients all over the world!

Reusability of Code: Write Once, Use Anywhere

The ability to share business logic across several mobile platforms is one of the most exciting reasons to invest in a cross-platform framework like Xamarin. You can use whatever code you develop on Android and iOS with minimum changes if you use C#. As a result, development time is reduced, and future code maintenance is reduced.

The Visual Studio IDE allows developers more control over their user experience, something they typically take pleasure in and like working on!

The Write Once, Run Everywhere (WORE) app concept is one of Xamarin's main advantages. WORE apps allow you to create code once and have it operate on all devices. It saves time by removing the need to maintain several versions of an app and enables cross-platform use cases such as having a single source code that can be deployed to iOS or Android. There is a new app development trend is going on which is known as low code no code development. It require minimum amount of code making it accessible for anyone.

There are a variety of approaches to attain cross-platform capabilities, but hiring Xamarin mobile app developers guarantees native performance.


The ability to compile high-performance native applications is one of Xamarin's main selling points.

It allows you to leverage Visual Studio and the coding features, resulting in more performant projects. As a result, you'll be able to easily edit, test, debug, and deploy your program across many platforms.

Exceptional Adaptability

Xamarin can operate with any framework, library, or service you require, thanks to its 22 supported platforms and 6000+ native APIs for iOS and Android. As a result, Xamarin is an excellent alternative for creating unique apps without the use of third-party components. With the power of.NET at its foundation, plus C# or F# to represent your business logic — as well as Java and other popular languages for different sections of your app — Xamarin gives you the freedom to choose whichever language you want.

If something goes wrong, Xamarin provides tools like cross-platform profiling to help developers figure out what's wrong with their apps and how to repair them.

It Requires Less Upkeep

As a result of ever-evolving operating systems, developers must frequently update their programs to stay up with platform changes.

In other words, developers may focus on adding features rather than upgrading code on a per-app basis. Furthermore, using C# allows you to upgrade your program without having to rewrite all of your old code.

Colossal Community Support

People from varied backgrounds make up the user base, including corporate software developers, amateurs, and independent mobile app developers.

It means that regardless of your technical ability level, you can get assistance with your project.

There's no need to continue asking yourself if anyone would be interested in what you're doing; if someone wants something similar, it'll almost certainly already be accessible in some form or another.

On Stack Overflow and GitHub, you'll find a vibrant community, despite the fact that they're both very new. This developer-driven development strategy ensures that you will always have someone to help you with your queries and difficulties. Overall, if you want a large group of people to help you develop an app, Xamarin is the way to go.

Languages like Objective C and Swift are supported

Apps may be created in standard languages like Objective C and Swift with Xamarin. It makes it easier to find developers who have worked on iOS or Mac apps. Furthermore, developers that use these languages will feel at ease building apps in any of them.

Continuous Support and Customer Service

In today's app development market, the problem with most suppliers' API support is that it usually ends when your membership expires. That's because once you buy an API, it's no longer being developed or improved by the firm that sold it to you.

However, the good news is that Xamarin's assistance does not terminate when your annual subscription expires. Instead, they create a forum site where developers from all over the world can interact and build on others' work in order to produce even better APIs for all of us to utilize!


Many individuals and businesses have embraced cross-platform development since it allows them to swiftly create feature-rich software without having to start over from the beginning. Connect with a Xamarin app development company if you don't want to start from scratch with two app versions. You can also use code sharing between platforms to cut down on project expenditures.

Instead of being rebuilt many times in different languages, Xamarin code can be shared across all mobile apps.

They function flawlessly with all versions of Visual Studio, whether you utilize third-party solutions or develop your own (or other compatible IDEs). So there you have it, the top ten reasons to use Xamarin for your cross-platform app development initiative. We trust that this article proves informative. Until next time, happy developing.


About the Creator

Vinit Kariatukaran

I am Vinit Kariatukaran, a mobile developer at Radixweb, a leading mobile app development company, passionate about developing and designing innovative high-reach mobile applications that work well.

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