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PassportJS Authentication in NodeJS: How you can implement the Facebook login feature in the Nodejs

In this tutorial, we will learn How to Implement PassportJS authentication in NodeJS. Here, get Steps to Implement Facebook Login Feature in NodeJS Application

By BacancyPublished 3 years ago 2 min read

We all need to develop a simple authentication system in our Node.js app using the right username and password. The requirement of only one option for users to login could make your users easy to use. Instead of contributing to and creating a brand new username, we should all accept that we tend to use features such as "Login with Facebook" and "Login with Google."

It is time-consuming, bothersome, and frustrating to process and set your profile to various apps repetitively; it also becomes hard to memorize usernames and passwords for all those apps.

You must include social logins in your apps to avoid such turmoil. OAuth allows us to easily use social media for user authentication, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google.

We'll learn how to perform authentication of PassportJS in NodeJS through this article. In this section of our Node.js app, we'll use Facebook Login Feature.

Authenticating PassportJS in NodeJS: steps for implementing the node.js application Facebook Login feature

To implement Facebook authentication with NodeJS and PassportJS, follow the step-by-step guide.

Setting Up a Facebook Developer Account

You will need to have "client-id" and "client secret" to implement "Login to Facebook" on any web app. Both these factors guarantee that our Node App and Facebook have a reliable connection. To get this, a Facebook developer account needs to be created.

When creating a Facebook developer account, you need to construct a "test" app that provides app/client id and customer secrecy. You must also register your URL, which will need authentication from Facebook.

You will see the "Create app" option after creating and logging into the Facebook developer account. Hit that choice, and you'll see the picture displayed below. Choose the sort of app as the "consumer."

Fill out all the other details required later. You will see something like this once you've successfully created the app:

You'll notice your app name in the top left corner. Choose "Create test app" and click on that drop-down menu. For the same app you just developed for development reasons, we should create a test app. You will need to host your Privacy Policy page on some domains to utilize a standard app to authenticate login requests. Therefore, we will generate a test app from our freshly developed app for only development and debugging.

You'll see something like this after you create the "test" app. Go to "Preferences -> Basic." you will find your App ID and App secrets here. We'll use our code to do the same. After noting it, we need to add Facebook authentication requests to our website path (URL).

You will see the "Add Platform" option in the settings page. Choose a platform for "Website." Then enter the URL as described below.

That's all there is to create a Facebook developer account. Let us see the coding part

The coding part includes:

  1. Project Structure and Setup
  2. Initializing npm and Installing Dependencies
  3. Basic Server Setup and Database Connection
  4. Initial Model Setup
  5. Set Up Routes
  6. Define Passport Strategy: Logic for all the Routes
  7. Run Server

Now I hope that you will use the PassportJS in your Node application to integrate Facebook Login. If you would like to acquire detailed code information or any inquiries and recommendations for PassportJS Authentication in NodeJS, feel free to contact us.

Visit NodeJS Tutorials to learn fundamental and advanced NodeJS themes. For more of those tutorials. In addition, the guide gives you a repository that you may clone and execute at any time on your machine.

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