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Game Changing Innovations That Will Change the Construction Industry in 2021

7 innovations that will change the industry once more, as it adapts to an ever-changing technological landscape.

By Felix YimPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

Innovation has always been a part of the construction industry, ever since the industrial revolution. It’s no surprise that with each passing year, new technologies or new methods emerge that supersede the way that the construction industry used to operate. Laser precision has made life easier for sawmills. Hydraulic scaffolding has made it much easier to install windows on high-rise buildings, or put up walls high-up. And so on.

Innovation is synonymous with construction, as without innovation, the construction industry could not exist for today’s standards. The following are seven innovations that will change the industry once more, as it adapts to an ever-changing technological landscape.

AI Construction Management

While the construction industry is no stranger to technological changes, perhaps one of the most promising and interesting changes that will occur in the future is the settling-in of artificial intelligence into the construction process. All the way through the construction process, from concept to completion, there is the potential for artificial intelligence to assist any project manager. ‘Generative design’, or the AI analyses of one particular type of design and the finding of multiple different variations of that design by the computer, is one such tool that could be used by construction managers to help spot potential flaws and come up with solutions.

Another, more simplistic application of AI is in site-management. You hover your drone over a site and within minutes, the drone reports that there’s a safety issue in Sector B. Or, the drone has spotted an issue with waterlogging in Section C. Drones can help your site safer and increase productivity and decrease construction time - which can save your clients money overall.

Resource and Workforce Management Software

One of the biggest things that construction companies hate is waste. Generally, a building project will, by necessity, create a lot of waste, particularly when it comes to materials. Through utilising resource management software, you can plan your wastefulness far better and hopefully decrease the on-site waste. Do this by making sure you’re ordering X number of 2x4s or X number of feet of steel piping, so you’re not left with a surplus, or worse, less than you need. Reliance on mathematics algorithms built into resource management software takes the onus off your project manager to do their math properly.

Workforce management is another key aspect of construction and software that helps you build a picture of what your workforce is doing and if/how it could be more efficient. In construction, efficiency is everything, as deadlines are there to be met.

3D Printing

Think about everything that you own that’s made of either plastic, wood, or copper. Now, these materials are likely manufactured in some large-scale plant. But what if they didn’t have to be? 3D printers are growing in popularity and their utility in construction is almost unfathomable. Oh, you didn’t order enough plastic zip-ties? Give yourself 12 hours and you can print a new set of 20, 30, 50, as many as you need. The cost of production decreases dramatically, as filament for 3D printing is relatively cheap, depending on the type of filament. 3D printing will genuinely change the way construction companies buy their supplies.

Increased Safety Regulations

If there’s one thing more important than completing a project on-time, it’s completing it safely. The construction industry has had in place safety standards for over half a century, after realising the shocking failures of the Industrial Revolution. Now, companies are turning to technology to help keep their workers safe. From safety vests that monitor and regulate body temperature, monitor vital signs, detect blood gases, and other elements of the body that could point to a serious health problem for the worker.

Another improvement in worker safety comes from physical barrier technology like edge protection. This allows for workers who are high above the ground on scaffolding to feel safe and secure, despite their precarious position.

Gone are the days when construction workers could be worked for as long as possible, now, the industry standards are being reinforced by both physical wearables, and new construction technology that helps both the employee and employer create a safe work environment.

Bridging Communication Between Teams

One of the most important elements of any construction project is communication. Whether that’s a team meeting in the morning and then again in the evening, or the planning phase meetings between the owner of the lot and the construction company. Communication is key. It could be an app like FieldLens, giving site managers the ability to see real-time updates and respond immediately or integrate communication technology into smart helmets or smart glasses - allowing for the old walkie-talkie to die off and allowing for instantaneous responses from employees using speech-to-text software. New technology has really made communication both on and off the job-site so much easier.

Final Thoughts

Regardless of where you stand in the construction field, the advent of new technology will make your life easier. You’ll be better able to keep in touch with team members, have a better idea of what’s going on on-the-job. You’ll be able to offer a better quality final model to a prospective client via the use of AI.

Overall, the construction industry will be better off because of innovations like the above. It will be a safer, richer, better workplace for everyone.

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