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Create your own WhatsApp chatbot: The ultimate guide

WhatsApp chatbot

By EngatiPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Congratulations! You’ve understood that you need to engage your customers over the channel they are most comfortable using. But, you’re probably wondering, ‘How do I create my own WhatsApp chatbot?’

Well, we’ve got answers for you.

We’re going to show you exactly how to build a bot and tell you about everything that you need to deploy it on WhatsApp.

Grab on to your seats, we’re getting started!

How to create a WhatsApp bot (at a glance)

1. Building a chatbot

2. Requirements

3. Setup

4. Configuring WhatsApp

5. Test it

Time to create your very own WhatsApp chatbot

Building a chatbot

When it comes to creating a chatbot, you’ve got 2 choices.

1. Code it

2. Use a powerful, no-code chatbot platform (hint, this is the better choice)

Building it with a no-code chatbot platform like Engati is definitely the smarter choice. Afterall, why would you make the effort to painstakingly code a WhatsApp chatbot when you can build it visually?

Engati can help you get your bot up and running and start delighting your customers much faster than if you chose to code it yourself.

Also, Engati gives you in-depth analytics about your conversations with customers, helping you measure the effectiveness of your WhatsApp messages

Core components of a chatbot

Every chatbot you build has a few core building components

1. FAQs

FAQs are the set of query variations along with the appropriate response.

2. Paths

Engati lets you easily create your WhatsApp chatbot with paths using a drag and drop UI.

3. Intents and entities

You can even create FAQs with intents to handle specific system entities like dates and location. They can even handle custom entities.

4. Synonyms and stopwords

Your Engati chatbots even have the ability to handle synonyms and allow you to configure and manage stopwords.

Bonus: You can even automate the training of your bot with the help of our DocuSense technology. It can parse through the documents you upload and assimilate 12 pages of data every 8 seconds.

We’ve even embedded a video at the bottom of this article, showing you how to create a chatbot and deploy it on WhatsApp. It’s going to take you step-by-step through the process.

Requirements to deploy chatbots on WhatsApp

After you create your bot, there are a few things you need in order to deploy it on WhatsApp. First, you need to have access to WhatsApp Business APIs. WhatsApp grants access to these APIs themselves, through their partners. You’ll also need a verified business on Facebook.

You also need to register a phone number as your WhatsApp Business phone number. WhatsApp will call this number up to activate it, so you need to make sure that the number can receive calls from the USA.


In the Engati portal, navigate to the Deploy tab and select WhatsApp. Now you’d want to choose your provider from the drop-down menu.

Now, you’re going to have to update a few fields:

Phone Number

API key


Client URL

WhatsApp Chatbot setup Engati

Configuring WhatsApp

You’d want to log into your WhatsApp provider account. Click thisto reach it. Now, you need to navigate to ‘channels’ tab in the menu.

In channels, click on the WhatsApp manager and select the Configurations tab.

Copy your registered and approved WhatsApp Business phone number and paste it in the phone number field. Make sure to add the country code, without any spaces or a ‘+’ sign.

WhatApp Business Number

Engati will have provided you with a URL. Paste that in the URL section in the Configurations tab.

WhatsApp URL configuration

In the Developers section, hit the Generate API Key button.

After Naming and saving the new API Key, copy it, along with the SID and paste both of them in the Engati Portal.

Now, take the SID generated from your provider account and paste it in this URL:


That will give you your Client URL. Paste it along with your API Key and SID in the Engati portal.

Paste it all here

Test it

Now that you’ve entered all your details, you’re ready to test the Engati chatbot that you created on WhatsApp.

Sounds easy, right? It’s even easier than it appears to be! Time for you to get started! Register here and create your own WhatsApp bot today!

A step-by-step guide to creating and deploying a WhatsApp chatbot


Originally Published at (https://www.engati.com/blog/create-whatsapp-chatbot)

how to

About the Creator


Engati is the leading chatbot platform that allows to build chatbots of varying complexities & scale with ease.

A bot marketplace to choose template, conversational flow builder, easy training, integration options, deploy on various channels

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