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My Goals and Aspirations as a creator on Vocal in 2024

😳 ✍️ 📝 🍄

By Grz ColmPublished 4 months ago Updated 4 months ago 3 min read
My Goals and Aspirations as a creator on Vocal in 2024
Photo by Krzysztof Niewolny on Unsplash

My, what a beautiful Grzyb! ⬆️

I feel like most of the stuff on this topic I’ve already written about in Rick’s writing questions. I hope Rick gets a hefty tip from Vocal for pinching all that writer introspective gear for their challenge! 😉

On the whole (as I’ve said to a few in comments) I’d like to be more daring. I.e Try new things, try different writing styles and push myself a little more outside of my fears. I don’t do well with big pushes. I’m a gradual exposure kind of person.

I also wish to get into a pattern of writing everyday. Someone like me will undoubtedly NOT write WRITE everyday (I’m too much of a master-procrastinator) but just a few lines or sentences a day I.e at least five days a week, I think that is doable, right? Otherwise, I fear I tend to lull to a stop when I don’t post for a couple of weeks! One needs to keep the momentum going like a speeding train or at least like one of those older locomotive trains 🚂 that’s probably more my style! 😉 “Slowly and mindfully, one thing at a time” - use to be my motto so as to not get overwhelmed - and then move on to the next thing. 😊 Instead of my, now, poor habits of working on multiple pieces at the same time and not finishing any! I realise that this is not working for me at all, which is why I’ve been cleaning out and posting things from my Vocal WIP folder the last few weeks. Thanks for allowing that.

As I said in my ten questions self interview courtesy of Rick - I wish to branch out into different forms of poetry and work on my fiction writing such as short stories as I’ve not written very many at all. I’d also love to do a chapter a week type thing in Chapters, but that might take a few months to get off the ground. I work slow like a snail (OH SHUT UP GRZ COLM! DON’T MAKE ME COME OVER THERE. WHAT SORT OF NAME IS GRZ COLM ANYWAY?! SERIOUSLY) Ahem! Sorry about that. What was I saying? THAT was the old me - uh.. yep, speeding train writer person now and all that jazz!

The platform has already given me a measure of confidence in writing that I’ve never had before. I want to tap into those feelings more! I, too, would like to read more again. I’ve been very quiet on that front the last few weeks bar a few things here and there. I just find it overwhelming at times due to the sheer volume, so I’m not yet sure how to balance this. I want to be “loyal” to the writers, many of whom I’m a fan of or friends, but it seems if I’m reading too much - that’s great but I’m not writing. Or if I’m focusing on those creators I’m most familiar with, I’m neglecting others that might be newbies etc. When someone figures this balance out on Vocal, please let me know, thanks in advance!

There are also a few longer form short stories I randomly started a few years ago now before coming to Vocal. I never finished these, but I often think back and wonder what happened next. I’d love to revisit these which might be the starting point in helping me gradully hone my fiction writing skills.

I also wish NOT to be so intimidated by Vocal challenges and enter more this year. I have gradually been entering more but not all. If I push myself to think outside the square I believe I can do it, even though I don’t like rules and prompts which usually turn my brain to mashed potato. I hereby declare I will enter 52% of the challenges! 🤣 I think that is reasonably fair! I currently enter around 25 %. For me this goal is big, so I’m setting the intention, something I don’t do near enough in ALL areas of my life, so it will be interesting to see if I follow through on these goals, I mean, SEE how I surpass these aspirations! 😁

Thanks for the ride. 2023 was a blast and I will never regret stepping out of my comfort zones to engage with so many of you!

😁🚊👇🚂😎 (I don’t know why I use so many emoticons etc now, I never use to. I will try and do this less -promise!) 😅 Ah dang! There’s another!

* Thanks for reading. If you liked it, consider hitting the heart, commenting or subscribing for more to encourage my future poems, short stories and reviews. Many thanks


About the Creator

Grz Colm

Film and TV reviews, 🎞 as well as short stories and free verse poems.

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  • Babs Iverson4 months ago

    Fabulous aspirations!!! Loved it!!!💕♥️♥️

  • Kristen Balyeat4 months ago

    Fantastic, Grz! I resonated with this so deeply! Loved your insights, and love the fun and playful way you write! Looks like balance is a recurring theme amongst us all. Looking forward to more of your awesome work in 2024! 💞💫

  • Gina C.4 months ago

    This was an inspiring read, Grz! I feel you on the balance thing. I've had to cut back on how much I read in order to see my creations through. There is definietly guilt involved! I think we all just need to do what we can - I think the key is to remember to be kind and considerate to yourself. That said, I'm certainly very grateful for your support! ❤️ I am wishing you all the luck in your 2024 challenge entries! 🤗❤️ We should all follow your goals and take more risks!

  • L.C. Schäfer4 months ago

    The balance thing is basically impossible; just do what you can and then forgive yourself! 😁

  • Novel Allen4 months ago

    This is so very Grz. Love how your personality shines through. You have your style, embrace your uniqueness. I agree, enter more challenges, be brave, jump in sink or swim. None of us has a handle on balance, as Rachel says, day at a time. Have you seen how far you have come from just writing your great reviews. I am rooting for you, me and everyone. Balance would be great, but fingers not crossed...just plodding ahead. Bring on the stories, Woohooo, yeah!!!!!

  • Abby Kay Mendonca4 months ago

    Good luck with all the goals. Some of ours are the same it seems!

  • I'm like the last person that you should come to advice regarding that balance. I read 95% of the time and only write 5%, lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Anyway, I wish you all the best to find your balance! I'm looking forward to reading your short stories!

  • Sorry, I can't help you in the balance department, Grz. I haven't figured it out either. A 100% increase in challenges entered this year. That's quite a goal you've set there. Best wishes. I don't think I'm likely even to come close to that 52% threshold. By the time I've figured out something I want to write, that challenge is over & three more have come & gone. I enjoyed your ruminations here. Best wishes for 2024.

  • Cathy holmes4 months ago

    Great aspirations, honest, reasonable and they certainly sound doable. You'll find your balance. Well done, and good luck on the challenge.

  • Test4 months ago

    Thank you for sharing your reflections and goals. It's inspiring to see your dedication to personal growth and creative exploration. Here's to a fantastic writing journey in 2024! 🚂✨

  • Heather Hubler4 months ago

    I feel like you've set reasonable goals here and for me, that's the biggest thing. You want to challenge yourself but also not feel like a failure. Always that fine line to walk! Looking forward to all that 2024 brings for you :)

  • Rachel Deeming4 months ago

    Day at a time, Grz. I tend to set myself one tangible goal and then go from there. Once I feel I'm there with that, I move on to the next. Bite size. Mountains get devoured a bite at a time

  • Mother Combs4 months ago


  • Test4 months ago

    Loved the openess of this Grz. Definitely trying to do the same -I love reading but I also want to write. Plus inbtween mortgage still needs to be paid! Good luck with all any and all the challenges you decide to enter! Have fun!

  • Hannah Moore4 months ago

    Oh that balance...yup, working on it myself. Not wildly successfully.

  • Scott Christenson4 months ago

    Youre a great writer✨ Good luck with the challenges in 2024! 🎉

  • Mariann Carroll4 months ago

    Why did you not enter your Interview to the Challenge? You could also link it to this story as well. It would be nice to get a story of your to read everyday.Great goals ⭐️

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