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A glimpse of Peru

Better than a tourist book

By Antoinette L BreyPublished 19 days ago 3 min read
this is me taken by ?

It was a miracle that I even got on the plane. Hours before we left I recieved the money to finance the trip. The church had paid for the tickets and arranged our housing. I was pushing through my own inner demons to get there.

The guy sitting next to me on the flight barely spoke english. He lived in the USA in a spanish speaking community. He was not at all interested in blending into the melting pot of the US. Even if he lived in the US for the rest of his life he would still be Peruvian.

He had not heard of the address I was going to. I thought it was near a beach, but it wasn't.

When we got to Peru, I was surprized by the dogs and the policemen. One little boy tried unsuccessfuly to befriend one of the dogs. The dog was working. I was thankful that I did not smoke pot. I let nobody near my luggage. I relaxed as we left the airport. Although we surrounded by chaos. It appeared that the street signals were very loosly followed. but there was no anxiety in the attitude of the driver. This was normal. I was surprised by the built up of modern faire. Electronic signs. Not at all what I had been expecting.

I had thought it would be undeveloped. I was expectmg three or four cars on the road, not a maze of action.

After days in Peru - the family, my fellow travilers- it felt like home. In the apartment house we were staying the tv- which was in Spanish- hummed in the background. On the screen it appeared that the world was in conflict. There was far more to experience in Peru, than what was in the tourist book

The children seemed glued to their phones. I had tons of ideas for activities. There was a icecream shop around the corner. Usually when I went I could find others to go with me. One night we also tried the local alcohol. The musicians I was traviling with put on a concert for the neighborhood. The commuity residents all knew the english lang.pop. songs. They sang along to the Beatles songs. I couldn't imagine my neighbor hood taking part in community concert. Neighbors just popped in throughout the week.

Our hostess ran a school were local children learned english. We helped the students wiht english worksheets. It had been awhile since I had spoken Spanish. I pointed alot. This was our mission service. We also attended church services, We actively took part in one service and sang along in others.

Another day we went to the city. We traviled on public transportation. We were unable to move in the mass of tightly packed passangers.. In the United states half the riders would have been told to wait for the next bus. It was a exciting fun ride.

This picture was of a group of us, in the city. I did not take it, since I am in it. We went to a small market in the city. Diane bought some artwork -drawn pictures. My only regret of the trip was that I didn't buy some that I saw a street vender selling. You have to grab the moment when it is there.

It was a great trip. It was far better than the photos, and blips in a travil magazine. Even with the diarrhea I got from eating pasta boiled in the water. It was the best pasta I've ever had, I found you are better off experienceing the moment instead of not taking any chances. If you go to Peru the icecream shop I hear is no longer there. You should get out of the overpriced tourist sections, enjoy the excitement of the transit, and interact with the people who call it their home.


About the Creator

Antoinette L Brey

I am an elder in a time of freedom. I am now retired. All i want to do is have fun. Without a daily routine, my imagination is one of my only salvations. I am not planning on writing a book, it is just for my own pleasure

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  • Roderick Makim18 days ago

    I loved Peru - Arequipa and Pucallpa were two of my favourite cities to visit while I was there

  • Tiffany Gordon 19 days ago

    Awesome review! Captivating writing! You made the trip sound so fun! Well done Antoinette!!!!

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