Vocal's Community Investment Round: On Being Both a Creator and Investor

Addressing questions around challenge eligibility

By Vocal TeamPublished 4 months ago 2 min read

As Vocal's Reg CF Community Fundraising Round approaches its January 31st deadline, we appreciate the insightful concerns raised by our valued community members. There is one question that we have seen pop up repeatedly across a few different channels: "Will investing mean a creator is unable to enter and win Challenges?" We want to address this concern head-on and allay any fears about the potential conflict between investing and entering the writing challenges that are so central to the Vocal experience.

Being both a shareholder and a Vocal creator will not create an unfair advantage in challenges. We understand the concerns about potential conflicts of interest, and we share a mutual commitment to safeguarding the integrity of Vocal challenges. The judges of the challenges will not be able to see whether a creator is an investor.

Vocal’s parent company, Creatd, is publicly traded, and we have never put any additional restrictions on dual creator-investors. The eligibility criteria for challenges, as outlined in the official rules for each challenge and seen below, will remain unchanged.

Eligibility: Contest is not open to employees and their families (spouses, parents, children/siblings and their respective spouses, and those living in the same household) of Vocal or Creatd Inc (“Creatd”), or their affiliates, advertising or production agencies. Entrants consent to the use of their registration information in accordance with the Vocal Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Any entries that are currently or have previously been published or protected by a copyright, trademark, or other proprietary right other than the entrant’s may be entered with the permission of the publisher or copyright holder only. Entries must be conceived and created entirely by the entrant. Sponsor or Vocal may prohibit any entrant from participating in this Contest or any future promotion offered by the Sponsor, if, in the sole opinion of Sponsor or Vocal such entrant (i) has tampered with the entry process or the operation of the Contest or website, (ii) repeatedly shows a disregard for the rules, or (iii) acts (a) in an unsportsmanlike manner, (b) with an intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass the Vocal or any other entrant, or (c) in any other disruptive manner. Entrants must be a Vocal Creator of https://vocal.media site and have a live and active Vocal+ subscription at the time of entry, as appropriate, in good standing as of the end of each segment of the Contest period to be eligible to win. The Contest may be terminated at any time after its commencement without prior notice; however if such termination should occur, all prizes will be awarded to winners according to the rankings of the editorial staff. All applicable federal, state and local laws apply. Void where prohibited by law or regulation.

We appreciate your valuable feedback and look to provide you with as much clarity about the Community Funding Round as possible. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments, reach out via email to [email protected], or attend Creator Chat on Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at 12PM ET. We are here to address any questions you may have. Thank you for being part of the Vocal community.

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  • Lacy Loar-Gruenler4 months ago

    As a new investor, this is great information, but I would like to see Vocal go a step further and NOT put badges on our Creator information so no writers are singled out as investors. I think it would divide us because a perception would be there in Challenges, even if the work is judged fairly.

  • J. Delaney-Howe4 months ago

    Thank you for the info!

  • Misty Rae4 months ago

    There it is, finally, in clear, concise language, publically for all to see and read thank you. This is all I was asking for, repeatedly. Generally speaking, shareholders are among those prohibited from entering contests, hence my very (pardon the pun) vocal concerns. Two words, man, that's all I wanted, 2 words, Blind Judging. Plain, simple English. Thank you again for finally communicating this publically and plainly.

  • Thavien Yliaster4 months ago

    Hehe, the coins in the thumbnail look like peeled and sliced cucumbers. Creatd and VOCAL are separate companies, with Creatd being the parent company. Even though VOCAL did just have a regulated crowd funding, is there a timeline that the company expects to go public, or will VOCAL remain a privately owned company selling its own shares to investors like other companies do such as BOXABL? Will VOCAL's dividends be shares of the spin off companies such as "The O.G. Collection." and "Vocal Ventures (or was it O.G. Gallery)?" If VOCL (previously CREATD) is now a portfolio of the companies, will it eventually have a dividend yield?

  • Novel Allen4 months ago

    I was aware of employees and family being a conflict of interest with entry of contests etc. with any company offers. Good to know that being a shareholder does not fall into that category. Clarification is appreciated.

  • Babs Iverson4 months ago

    Insightful, blind judging. Therefore, no conflict of.

  • Judey Kalchik 4 months ago

    Thank you! Have already shared in a Facebook Group!

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