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Whispers of Love

A Hunter's Journey Beyond

By The Writer Published 3 months ago 2 min read

In a village, where the trees whispered secrets and the river hummed ancient tunes, lived a hunter named Sam. His eyes held stories, and his heart beat for one - a lass named Lily, with laughter as bright as the morning sun.

Through the dense woods and shadows deep, Sam sought to win Lily's heart, promising a life they'd never part. He traded his arrows for flowers, his solitude for shared hours, hoping love would bloom like wildflowers.

But fate, a wily specter, had other plans. A rival appeared, a wealthy man with silver spoons and a deceitful plan. Sam, the village hunter with dreams so grand, faced a battle he couldn't understand.

He toiled and tried, fought with all his might, but Lily slipped away in the cold, dark night. The rival's promises outshone Sam's humble light, leaving him with emptiness, an endless night.

A tear-stained pillow, a heart full of sorrow, Sam trudged on, chasing a fleeting tomorrow. Lost were the woods, the once-familiar trails, replaced by desolation, as his love set sail.

Yet, amidst the shadows of despair, Sam clung to a flicker, a whisper in the air. Love, a resilient ember, refused to expire, kindling a flame, a secret fire.

n pursuit of his love, Sam wandered far, past mountains high and beneath the evening star. He faced storms and shadows that tried to maul, but his belief in love stood tall.

Battered and bruised, he reached the end, a weary soul with a heart on the mend. Lily was gone, the village left behind, yet in his dreams, her laughter still entwined.

Sam, a hunter who lost it all, found solace in a distant call. "Love never dies," a voice so clear, as he envisioned Lily, forever near.

In the realm beyond, where sorrows cease, Sam believed they'd meet in eternal peace. A laughter echoed, a shared joke so divine, as love transcended, forever entwined.

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About the Creator

The Writer

Crafting worlds with words that sure leave an impression.

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Comments (3)

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  • Adams Nchini2 months ago

    Is this a poem or a story!?

  • Hi there, it wouod be more suitable to post this in the Fiction community 😊

  • Bitrus Mary3 months ago

    Beautiful but sad poem 🥺🥺🥺

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