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Thrive or Die

Bold words to live by

By Jay KobayashiPublished 4 months ago 1 min read

Amidst the wild, the challenge is clear,

Be bold and strong, or succumb to fear.

Courage is the armor in nature's test,

Daring to thrive, not just to survive the quest.


Every creature plays its part,

Fighting for life with all their heart.

Growth is survival, against the chill,

Harsh are the laws, nature does instill.


In the concrete jungle, every step counts,

Jaws of danger around every corner and house.

Knowledge of the neon wild, a lifeline so strong,

Learning to discern right from wrong.


Might and cunning, a finely fickle line,

Navigating risks in "God's" grand design.

Opportunities seized with skill and might,

Predators and prey battling in their eternal fight.


Quest for survival, a tale so old,

Resilience in the face of challenges untold.

Stealth and speed, in the dance of fate,

Thriving in a world, both cruel and great.


Undaunted by challenges, we forge our own path,

Vitality surging to ward off your enemies wrath.

With wisdom and will, we choose to strive,

Xenocracy be damned, we will be fierce with our drive.


Yielding to no one under the electric sky,

Zealously believing that I will either thrive or die.

For Funsurreal poetryStream of Consciousnesssocial commentaryart

About the Creator

Jay Kobayashi

A starving writer from LA who aspires to be plagiarized one day. I like to write about academic pieces that identifies philosophy and psychology in pop culture, and sometimes random fun pieces that interests me or the algorithm!

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