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By Victor MendezPublished 18 days ago 1 min read
Photo by NASA on Unsplash



I am come upon the prism of time

The end of all

it would seem..

My body has hit the invisible barrier,

uncrossable in this form..

But not unpassable..

essence split upon departure..

I am become the colors of the rainbow,

atoms in the sun.

I am iridescence..

haunting colors in your peripheries..

I am your mother's beautiful eyes,

your father's booming feet,

announcing his return..

I am dinner on the table,

the dog in your yard,

the cat in your tree..

I am the air filling your lungs,

with life,

the water in the sea..

I am the traveler in the clouds,

til I settle on the mountain tops,

become too heavy I dive to the ground..

I am fire and ice,

spring and summer,

winter and fall..

I am silence and joys,

Girls and boys,

here and there..

I am leaves,

and mud,

and time itself..

I am mortal

..and not!

I am Immortal

..but not!

I am the whim in the middle of the night,

the song bursting forth,

coffee in the morning..

I am bubbles in the streams,

thunder in the ears,

raindrops in the heat..

I am the steam,

the lava in the water,

an island in the sun..

I am power...

and the vulnerability of a mother..

I have become..ashes,

and dust,

and tears in the eyes....

What I am not...

is gone!

I am all around you...

in everything..

I am a sip of wine..

I am forever...


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About the Creator

Victor Mendez

Born in 1958.There's a lot of road beneath these feet.Worn out pairs upon pairs of shoes.Been a ranch kid,a city kid,a Marine,a dad, a grandfather now,an avid reader and just recently began writing poetry in 2015 just to vent.

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