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Live Positively: How to Cope With Type 1 Diabetes When You’re a Single Mother

According to the 2020 report on diabetes presented by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), type 2 diabetes accounts for between 90 and 95% of all cases of diabetes in the United States.

By Carlos FoxPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

More than 34 million people in the United States had been diagnosed with diabetes as of 2018. People who are diabetic have issues with their blood sugar levels. Although there are some women who develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy, most diabetics have either type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes may develop as a result of poor diet, obesity or other issues. Type 2 diabetics are unable to produce or process insulin effectively. According to the 2020 report on diabetes presented by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), type 2 diabetes accounts for between 90 and 95% of all cases of diabetes in the United States.

People who have type 1 diabetes are incapable of producing insulin because their bodies destroy the insulin-producing cells in their pancreas. People with type 2 diabetes may be able to manage or reverse their condition with diet and exercise. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day. Their condition is irreversible. Without insulin and proper medical care, people with diabetes are at risk of serious medical issues, such as kidney failure or death. Single mothers with type 1 diabetes face unique financial and medical challenges. Fortunately, there are some resources and strategies single moms can use to help cope with type 1 diabetes.


Exercise is an effective component of treatment for type 1 diabetes. Exercise enables your body to more effectively manage your blood sugar levels with lower amounts of insulin. Regular exercise will also reduce the likelihood that you will suffer from some of the serious side effects of type 1 diabetes. You can effectively exercise with your infant, toddler or young child by locating the perfect stroller from Stroller Buzz. With the right stroller, you will be able to incorporate regular exercise into your routine without requiring child care. Pushing a stroller is also an effective way of burning more calories and building arm muscle strength.

Save Money

Humalog is a prescription medication that your doctor may recommend. This is a form of insulin that is designed to combat high blood sugar levels. The cost of test strips and insulin can be considerable and single mothers often have a tight budget. Fortunately, USARx offers a Humalog coupon so that you can access the medication you need for the best possible price. USARx specializes in lowering the costs of prescription medications so that individuals with health issues can affordably access FDA-approved medication that they need.

Take a Break

You may feel guilty for needing some time to yourself, but all mothers should feel comfortable taking a break. Caring for your own personal needs is part of caring for your child. If you are tired and frustrated, having a bit of time to yourself can improve your mood. This will ultimately improve the quality of the time you spend with your child. Single moms with type 1 diabetes need to manage their physical health as well as their mental health. It is important that you look after your personal needs and recharge. This may mean hiring someone to babysit, planning a playdate with your child and their grandparents or scheduling a visit with your child’s father.

Set Yourself Up for Success

Type 1 diabetes is a serious disease that will affect you every day of your life. You will need to test your blood sugar regularly and take medication every day. You will also need to manage your activity and diet. It is important for you to eat on a schedule, and to manage your diet carefully. You may also suffer from side effects if your diet or exercise routine is impacted by the flu or other factors. Be realistic about your health needs and how they can affect you. Set attainable goals so that you can feel a sense of accomplishment. This will prevent you from being discouraged if your health affects your productivity sometimes.

Accept Support

As a single mom, you may be responsible for getting your child and yourself ready every day and dropping them off and picking them up on schedule. If another family member or close friend offers to help sometimes, consider letting them. Hire a babysitter to pick your child up from school a couple of nights each week. Consider hiring someone to help with other tasks, like housework. This can help reduce some of the pressure you feel and improve both your mental health and the quality of the time you spend with your child.


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