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Flowers to my Funeral

A journal entry on Love unravelled

By Natasha CollazoPublished 2 months ago Updated 2 months ago 4 min read
Top Story - March 2024
Flowers to my Funeral
Photo by Mayron Oliveira on Unsplash

Writers block is clouding my mind these days. I took a break all to return to nothing. So, I decided to write a three line haiku today about the thoughts I’ve been holding captive in that cranial blob that sits in my skull.

The haiku can be viewed here.

Olvidada : translation; forgotten

It seems the older I get the worse it gets when it comes down to this topic of love and abandonment. I admire those who can love and be loved and then be cast ashore by love and come out the other side to say “It’s okay, I’ll try again.”

It takes immaculate strength to keep believing in something that cauterizes you repeatedly.

I understand the “scientific method” of love, so to speak. What to observe, question, believe etc. I understand the spiritual/ biblical depths of love, and how God the Creator IS love. I understand that people truly love and things don’t work out. I understand break-ups are healthy. But what I struggle to commiserate with is the deserted island, the desolate desert, the wilderness of confinement that is caused by abandonment when it comes down to being a “victim” in misconstrued love or what I like to call-abandonment.

A healthy break-up to me is when two individuals make effort to nurture a relationship and it comes to the resolution that separating is overall the better and healthier decision because both parties worked at it for awhile.

What’s disturbing and causes an individual traumatic distress is a parting without goodbye. A love that promises, but ends in an instant leaving you feeling haunted by the ghost of their presence with the weight behind the vigor words “I love you” and then suddenly it’s as if flowers are sent to your funeral when you’re still alive.

You are left expected to agree. The conflicting part about that is, you’re forced to. It’s pretty incredible.

So, you accept it without truly letting go. That is trauma with a fork in it. A slice of perjury for breakfast lunch and dinner. When this occurs, whether it’s a parent, or an intimate partnership, a person is left putting in work to learn, train, and even unlearn things about topics they once believed in, resulting in guilt upon their actions trying to piece together what made a person ‘run out’. That’s the key word here, run out. If anyone is willing to run out versus step out, this most likely indicates it wasn’t anything you could’ve done. As I stated earlier, if effort was put in, this would be indicated as a more thought-out exit. I can get behind any break-up that’s had trials.

There is nothing wrong with you when a person abused your fortress or place of safety because you allowed them to reside there, stripping your temple of innocence and grace, creating a creature inhabiting fear and anxiety.

Once I allowed myself grace to infuse all of this information, for it to make sense, I had this thought today, that I am so glad this happened to me and not him or them. Faultlessly loving someone is not detrimental. Don’t regret loving even the wrong person. Love is the most pure attribute of God. Correctly loving someone never wishes ill, or revenge upon them even if they never seek your peace again.

I imagined the love of my life loving someone so fiercely and that person walks out on them, breaking their heart to itty-bitty pieces. I then imagined it leaving him stripped to question everything about himself. This simple thought caused more grief to my heart than it did actually being done to me. Thoughts about his heart being strangled by pain, the wholesome side of anyone's heart being taken into battle, urks my inner core. That’s when I concluded I was going to be glad that he’s happy, living, laughing, dating, exploring, and even resting at night. I’m glad he can lay his head on his pillow at night and sleep the whole night through without nightmares. I say this without animosity, because this one did a number on me and I’ve had nightmares ever since. I think the reason being, is “it’s just another loss.” I would never wish this feeling of abandonment on the ones I love or have loved before, because they matter too.

How to love and who to love is really free-range, and for someone who can not properly reciprocate it, doesn’t make yours fraudulent. The moment I decided to free myself, was when I became content with the fact that pure love really needs no explanation.

To the man or woman going through the grief of a break-up, take as much time as you need, and I mean AS MUCH, because everyone's limit hits differently. For some, this may be the first heartbreak and for others it's their tenth, therefore scarring may look different across the board, and so does time.

To the next person I get to love, it will be my joy to love you.

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." ----------1st Cor 13:13

humanityhow toadvice

About the Creator

Natasha Collazo

**Studying Modern Journalism @ NYU **

Student @ American Writers & Artists Institute

Project: The diary of an emo Latina

Content and freelance creator


Inquiries: [email protected]

Instagram: @sunnycollazo

Do all things in love

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  • Hermoine Granger🧑‍🎓2 months ago

    Its a top story! You deserved it. Congrats❤️

  • Shirley Belk2 months ago

    I don't know how I missed this one of yours! But so glad I found worthy of being read and Top Story!

  • Abdul Qayyum2 months ago

    Read your haiku now. It had strength and beauty. You're correct, too. How come someone isn't around anymore if they could love you that much? All I can say is that you are in the proper person's presence. I'm sending you my best wishes.

  • ROCK 2 months ago

    I love the photo you chose; I recently used it in a short story. Congratulations on Top Story!

  • Romano Meyer2 months ago

    I enjoyed reading this. great work.

  • Cyrus2 months ago


  • Anna 2 months ago

    Congrats on Top Story!🥳🥳🥳

  • The Best Trend2 months ago


  • Paul Stewart2 months ago

    Not surprised to see this here, Natasha. I know it's a personal exploration for you, but I think your wise words will help others too and it's nice to get the recognition. Congrats on the Top Story, is what I was trying to say in a ridiculously long and drawn-out fashion! :)

  • Caroline Craven2 months ago

    Just read your haiku. It was beautiful and powerful. And you’re right. If someone could love you so fiercely, then how come they’re not still around. I can only say that the right person is out there for you. Wishing you all the very best.

  • Back to say congratulations on your Top Story! 🎉💖🎊🎉💖🎊

  • Ameer Bibi2 months ago

    Congratulations for top story "Your humanity infuses your writing with authenticity, empathy, and depth.

  • Sajan ali2 months ago

    Great dear congratulation

  • I'm so sorry that you've had to suffer this kind of heartbreak, Natasha. But I agree with you that I would rather it happen to me & I suffer the heartbreak than that it should happen to another. If I could take the pain from you & heal your broken heart, I would. Just remember that you are loved by God & by a whole host of family & friends who surround you & to whom you are considered a blessing beyond all worth. And when your heart is ready, take a closer look around you, for I'm guessing that there is someone very near to you whose heart aches for you even now who would love to be more to you than just a dear friend. Blessings, grace & shalom to you.

  • Well written, Natasha. Praying for you.

  • Paul Stewart2 months ago

    Ah, sorry you are going through a break-up...makes sense given the haiku. I have to say, this is such a mature piece...I know you have said you struggle with these kinds of things...but it seems like you've worked out some things too. The fact that you want the person who split with you to be happy and genuinely, in no spiteful or horrible way, is remarkable. I mean, I genuinely think that is how we should be...but...when someone's done something bad to you, like dumping you or's hard to be so willing to be happy for them. So I applaud you for that, because that says a lot about your character. And I am sorry you are struggling with writer's block right now...but I will add that maybe you're getting through that as you've written two equally exceptional pieces. That last little paragraph is pure gold and and if anyone takes one take away from it it's that.

  • "Correctly loving someone never wishes ill, or revenge upon them even if they never seek your peace again." I cannot be that way. I cannot be a good person like you. He cheated me with his words and empty promises and left me because his mother told him to. So it's okay if it would be deemed that I didn't love correctly but I would always be out for revenge. Whatever pain he caused me, I would wish he experiences it millions of times more. I'm exhausted being good all the time. It got me nowhere in life. I want to show that there would be consequences to whomever that disrupts my peace. This is how I advocate for myself. I know that you wouldn't approve but that's okay. We can always agree to disagree. I'm not forcing you to follow my way and neither are you forcing me to follow yours. So I guess we can just do whatever makes our heart happy. Sending you lots of love and hugs ❤️

  • Rachel Deeming2 months ago

    I'm sorry to hear about your break-up and I read your beautiful haiku. Writing about it helps, like sorting through a drawer and seeing what's all muddled in there. Identifying those muddled feelings and giving voice to them helps to sort them, order them, make them manageable. It may not make the pain any less but it brings them to the fore and in the recognising, comes the acceptance. But I reckon you know this already. So I will merely send hugs.

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