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Diary Entry

Here I have shared my experience with diary writing and want to tell why even you should start it now if not yet.

By Risha AlmeidaPublished about a month ago 2 min read

I remember on a trip abroad I got a cute little notebook with a frozen-themed cover. I was 10 years old and a grade 5 student. I kept thinking about what to do with it. Soon I came across some videos on “Reading my old journals” on YouTube. I decided to try it once and it turned out to be one of my best decisions ever. I am sure even the reader won't ever regret it if start now.

It started with writing what I ate, what I studied, what I played, and just my daily activities but then it slowly turned to something more than that.

It turned out to sharing my deepest secrets. Sometimes I get the thought of burning them in flames because I keep thinking about what will happen if someone reads them when I go dead.

(I know that my mind thinks about things too far)

I have nearly 5-6 diary books, although none of them have been filled.

There are mainly two rituals that I follow every last day of the year. The first one is to read most of the entries of the year. It fills me with so many emotions. All the ups and downs that I went through in that particular year. I even start prepping my next year's journal. The second thing is making a New Year's resolution to enter the entries every day of the upcoming year.

(It has never been completed just like my other resolutions like working out, learning Spanish, and waking up early)

Whenever I read my 5th-grade diary I smile seeing how much my thought process has changed and matured while I grew up.

In the sixth grade, I decided to take it to school and show it to my friend.

(She ended up reading the top-secret one)

In my life, till today I never had a person whom I could call a bestie.(Although I used to say some names when asked by others because I didn't want to be sympathized by others)

I was very much introverted (and still am) and to this day I prefer being alone rather than with a bunch of people. I sometimes used to feel like talking to something or someone about a bit of what I feel about things. I would never do that with an actual person so I kept writing in diaries

I even started getting episodes of depression. (I am still coping with it btw). I suddenly started being very harsh towards my parents which led to a couple of fights. But they never really understood my side of the story about why I was acting a certain way. I would write everything and it used to feel like I kept a huge burden on my head, aside.

(Even BTS songs helped me a lot)

I have not read those depressing journals because I didn't want to recall that part of my life again. It's not that I write only about daily happenings, sometimes I even get it out and start writing g when I get some plans for my future might be in my studies or in my career path. Whenever it starts raining heavily in my region, I take it out and start scribbling(writing) whatever comes to my mind and it feels so good.

I just would like to recommend everyone (especially my introvert buddies) to try diary writing and see the magic.


About the Creator

Risha Almeida

Just a normal college-going girl who loves writing poems and stories. I appreciate each and every one who takes the time to read my writings. THANK YOU!!

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