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Butterfly Knife Training: Tips and Tricks!

Butterfly Knife Training

By Mai SophiaPublished 6 months ago 3 min read

A butterfly knife is a folding pocket knife into which two handles on one side pivot around the axis formed by a spring or fulcrum pin so that they can be spread apart once again to reveal the blade. This particular type of knife got its name not for its looks, but for how it folds out to form what looks like a butterfly’s wings when opened. It is also sometimes called “butterfly dagger,” “butterfly leaf knife,” or “Batangas blade.”

What makes this practical and clever tool so special is that it has an easy-to-open design with two blades that are securely locked in place with one handle over the other. It is held closed by a latch that can be released with just one hand. Its overall dimensions usually depend on personal preference. Some butterfly knives have blades ranging from two to six inches, while others have handles that are a bit larger or smaller compared to the blade.

These knives are made in many countries, including China, India, Japan, Pakistan, and Taiwan. Though they can be bought anywhere in the world, they are most often found in areas where martial arts or combat sports like Muay Thai (Thai kickboxing) are popular and respected. These knives are also commonly used to cut meats at restaurants and eaten with chopsticks. Some people even collect them as a hobby because of their unique design and unmatched utility.

Tricks of Butterfly Knife Training:

This is a small blade with two ends, used in close-quarter combat. You will not find this on any knife rack at your local hardware store, but that does not mean these do not have an awesome array of tricks and tips to help you truly utilize my abilities.

That is why I am here to share with you the secrets of butterfly knife training: tricks and tips for taking this weapon to new levels! I will guide you through seven different techniques, so pick from one or all of them below!

1) Butterfly Knife Defense:

This is hands down the most important technique a butterfly knife lover should master. This is the perfect way to defend yourself against attacks from a close attacker, whether you are wielding a butterfly knife or some other weapon. Here is how it works:

Place your arm at a 90-degree angle. Holding the knife in the same direction, for example, left arm straight out, make contact with your forearm. The attacker will feel resistance and be slowed down. Take advantage of their hesitation by pivoting towards them and cutting them with the blade side of your butterfly knife.

2) Getting In Close:

To start your training session, grab a partner you trust! Start with a simple attack against them: Cutting them in any way with your butterfly knife. Jabs to their head. Be sure to aim them toward the throat or face if possible, since these are particularly vulnerable spots for small knives.

Breaking their finger bone so they will not be able to use their hand for combat! Holding them in place so they cannot move (I recommend this one). Remember: do not hold them too tightly, or they could get hurt.

3) Throat Fencing:

If your goal is to learn how to defend yourself against an attacker, the best way to learn is to do it in real-life situations! Take part in a self-defense class and let a real instructor teach you, so you can practice getting in close and defending with your butterfly knife. You will also get exposed to all kinds of attacks you thought were only for movies.

4) Knife Washing:

Don't bother with any fancy things like thumb studs or slip joints when it comes time to clean your knife at home. Do you know what really works? A good old fashioned bucket of water and some soap! Just be sure to dry it off well and oil the blade, as well as your handle.

5) Self-Defense:

Rub This technique allows you to create a defense technique based on the same hand motion you might use in daily life. This is a famous butterfly knife training technique. Instead of practicing a block, practice this to get in close with your attacker. Don't let the name fool you: this is a very aggressive move.

One mistake a lot of people make when learning how to use a butterfly knife is they go straight for the blade. That's like trying to learn how to play baseball without first learning how to hit a ball. In order for you to be able to slice your opponent with your butterfly knife training, you must first learn the proper technique behind drawing, striking, and sheathing the blade safely.


About the Creator

Mai Sophia

A Writer/blogger by day, a knife enthusiast and survivalist by night. I've reviewed a lot of products and have helped people make the right purchase

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