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Paul Stewart: 10 Questions

This is for Rick's self-interview prompt thing.

By Paul StewartPublished 6 months ago 5 min read
Top Story - December 2023

Pre-amble: I gave Dall-e/ChatGPT a picture of me and asked them to make it more psychadelic and they came up with this? I then asked for a quill and paper to be added because you know, writer. AI.

This is following on from Rick's intriguing self-interview prompt thing.

You can find out more below and read his own answers to the questions.

I may not be a lot of things...but...that sentence got away from me.

Anyway, saw this prompt and it meant not writing another Villanelle and delaying the incoming publishing of the latest part of my Psychopath saga thing...

I like the idea of pushing yourself by asking these self-directed questions. I have no idea if what I produce will be enjoyable, but here goes anyway.

What type of writer do you feel you are?

An uneducated, scrappy amatuer with big ideas and a love for experimentation. I love to immerse people in emotions, situations. I have actually been working on a poem or maybe even a piece for the Writers community about it. Since dabbling more and more in Horror and connected genres, I've discovered I love the idea of illiciting fear from people through my writing.

The same could be said, really about any type of writing I do. If I write a funny piece, I really hope I can just hit people's laughter spots. If I write an emotional piece, I care if people care?

I have said many times, I hate rules. I also find rhyming poems hard work. I just it's too obvious it makes me want to rip the screen from my computer and chuck it out the window. or if I hear a rhyming poem that is too obvious, I want to rip my own head off and deleting the strand connected to my brain where the memory of that rhyming poem is stored.

I also, love rhyming poems when they are done so well. So contradictions be thy name. Or something?

It's silly really, because I love things like acrostics, haiku/senryu, tautograms and now villanelles - all forms that have lots of rules and stuff.

I didn't write this question and I would rather not lie. But free form was such a breath of fresh air for me. In terms of poetry. I also, guess, I'm a wordy writer. Given the amount of space this has taken up already.

What type of writer do you not want to be?

A crap writer? Fake writer. All that usual guff. I never want to write boring crap. Really. Like...I would rather write something that was flawed, if it was interesting and pulled the reader in. Than writing something that was essentially technically very well written but was as much fun as reading as a polished turd.

What do you like about yourself as a writer?

I like that I just throw myself in to stuff. I've set myself a lot of stupid headache challenges since writing more seriously on Vocal and outside of Vocal. Being a content writer, just has been quite soul-destroying in a lot of ways. I hate writing good stuff and it then not being credited to me. So, yeah, I like that I experiment, try not to take myself too seriously, while also trying to get better with each new poem, story or whatever I publish.

What do you look for in other writers?

The same kind of stuff. I just love honesty. The more brutal, filthy and horrible the better? There are some writers I cannot be bothered with because you can tell from their writing that it's all an act. Like a writer mask. I look for authenticity. That's a good word, isn't it?

Who am I speaking to? You or me?

I'll let you decide that.

I like writing that suckers me in. Whether it's funny, sad, twisted, scary (good luck with that one...I'm a picky Percy when it comes to what scares me as my first unofficial challenge on this platform was evidence of)

What do you not like about yourself as a writer?

I procrastinate a lot and also rush things out too quickly sometimes. I don't think my poems sound as deep as they could, at times. I know I need to work on my descriptive writing for stories. Something I keep doing. And consistency. I really want to write consistently good. Don't we all?

Here's the thing though - it's impossible.

Which writing genre or category do you feel is your best?

Poetry, horror, twisted stuff and humorous stuff. I also am very good at writing about really sad and depressing stuff. Stuff with twists and turns and surprises!

In which genre or category do you feel the most challenged?

Romance. Like...straight-up romance. Also fantasy scares me a little? LOTR is one of my all-time favourites and I just never feel I can get to that level.

When did you first start writing?

Like. At school...a b c. Sorry, sarcastic answer there. You mean, writing for writing's sake. Well...I've worked as a writer for the last 12 years or so. I think it's probably more know when you do that thing of quoting the length of something, but then forget to add the years that have passed since you last used that number? That's how long I've been writing. Content for websites and the like.

However, I did dabble a little in my teens and at various points over the last 21 or so years... but it was only in the last couple of years that I really gave it any real good go. Poetry was something that never really interested me because I thought, crudely and offensively and wrongly that it was for pompous assholes that thought they were the bees knees (unless you were the bard, Rabbie Burns, Dylan Thomas, or Poe, obviously). I was wrong though. But, I think I'm a fast learner? Maybe poet Paul was hiding in there all along.

Why do you write?

It's in my blood. Pretentious answer, obviously. But, the more I write, the more I want to write. The more I read, the more I want to write. The more I live, breath and get through another 24 hours, the more I want to write.

This last question is off-topic. If you could be part of any television sitcom family, which one would it be and why?

Rick with all he's curveball questions...

I have always been a bit like Chandler Bing to be honest. He was my favourite Friends character. I often feel a bit like Seinfield too, but he's a jerk. I'm a jerk, but not a jerk. Maybe Father Jack from Father Ted? lol.


The only answer I can give to this is Creed Bratton from The Office US.

That is all.

I hope this has proved invaluable to someone. Maybe you could print it off and use it for darts practice...or if you are into archery or using semi-automatic firearms, print this bad boy off and fire away.


Thanks for reading!

You can find literally hundreds of other pieces by me at my profile. A veritable mixed bag of just...everything? Right here.

HumanityVocalCreatorsCONTENT WARNINGAuthors

About the Creator

Paul Stewart

Scottish-Italian poet/writer from Glasgow.

Overflowing in English language torture and word abuse.

"Every man has a sane spot somewhere" R.L Stevenson

The Accidental Poet - Poetry Collection is now available!

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  • Dr. Jason Benskin7 days ago

    Awesome work! Love this read. Keep up he good work. When you get a chance please check out my work let me know your thoughts.

  • Chandler Bing & Friends really resonate with me. Jerry Seinfeld, not so much. That he's a jerk, I won't argue with you on that, lol.

  • The Dani Writer5 months ago

    My favourite part: "I have said many times, I hate rules. I also find rhyming poems hard work. I just it's too obvious it makes me want to rip the screen from my computer and chuck it out the window. or if I hear a rhyming poem that is too obvious, I want to rip my own head off and deleting the strand connected to my brain where the memory of that rhyming poem is stored." I could just read that part over and over and over again 😁 Great story. Even better top story. All YAY!

  • Aaliyah Madison6 months ago

    Congratulations on the Top Story!

  • Oh my goodness. I just fell in love with you more as a writer. I honestly could not stop laughing for a good portion of your self-interview. I'll just pick four parts that resonated with me: 1. The wtf for a quill and paper not automatically being part of your autogenerated pic 2. "There are some writers I cannot be bothered with because you can tell from their writing that it's all an act. Like a writer mask. I look for authenticity." I've literally stopped reading a book cold for this very reason, if it came highly recommended. 3. The back and forth, love/apathy relationship with rhyming poetry. 4. When did you start writing: "Like. At school...a b c." LOL!!! And congratulations on Top Story!

  • jacki fleet6 months ago

    Cheeky irreverence. Truth. No 'polished turds' here. I love it..oh and the Ai image drew me in and your first paragraph.

  • Grace John6 months ago

    That's great

  • Cathy holmes6 months ago

    Wonderful piece. Loved your answers, especially about authenticity. You, my friend are exactly that. Congrats on the TS.

  • Caroline Jane6 months ago

    Smiling all.the way through reading this. Fun to get to know you more. These are good questions!

  • Melissa Ingoldsby6 months ago

    I understand why you say writing is in your blood. It feels so intertwined to your bones, soul and blood. Great work and cool AI pic

  • Kristen Balyeat6 months ago

    Congrats on the top, laddie! 💫💞

  • ROCK 6 months ago

    Authentically you; dashes of wit and wisdom tossed nicely, served with finesse.

  • Novel Allen6 months ago

    Yes, very Paulitical answers. I like the part about reading interesting versus the load of turd. So Villanelle or no Villanelle?

  • "Print this bad boy and fire away" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Jokes aside, you're King Paul Shakespeare and that's why you write. Also, romance and fantasy, they both scare me so much. I wanna take this opportunity to wish you and Ruth a veryyyyy Happy New Year and may only good things come your way! 🥰🥰🥰

  • Grz Colm6 months ago

    Some great answers. I don’t like rules either Paul..even though you kinda contradicted yourself as now you love Villanelles! hahaha. 😊 I can imagine how that is very soul destroying like you said regarding the work writing! 😞 I do not think I ever finished Father Ted! But enjoyed what I’d seen.

  • Sara 6 months ago

    Loved reading more about you as a writer - your authenticity always comes through!!

  • Zara Blume6 months ago

    I LOVED reading this. 🤍 I agreed with so much of it. And I L’d My AO at this: ‘I have said many times, I hate rules. I also find rhyming poems hard work. I just it's too obvious it makes me want to rip the screen from my computer and chuck it out the window. or if I hear a rhyming poem that is too obvious, I want to rip my own head off and deleting the strand connected to my brain where the memory of that rhyming poem is stored.’ You’re so dramatic. 🤣🙃 I agree, though. I hate rules, and I refuse to write rhyming poems. It just hinders my self expression. I occasionally come across rhyming poems that I enjoy. And as you know, I like rhyming artists like Drake, haha. But more often than not I read rhyming poems that make me cringe. Not everyone can be Dr Seuss. These were great questions, I might have to answer them myself.

  • Mother Combs6 months ago

    Very insightful into the workings of your mind. Thanks for sharing


  • Yep... I'm now careful which pieces I read of yours... I don't want to risk nightmare ridden nights! Emotion sure is evoked!

  • Well done really enjoyed reading this Paul

  • Shirley Belk6 months ago

    You make me laugh, Paul...and your stories and poems have also given me joy and fear, so you've made your mark!

  • Hannah Moore6 months ago

    You're always all about the authenticity I think!

  • Dana Crandell6 months ago

    Insightful and enertaining - much more so than my straightforward, cut-and-dried attempt. Well done, as always!

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