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The Magician and The High Priestess

The Fool's Journey

By Dark Moon EmpirePublished 12 months ago Updated 5 months ago 3 min read
The Magician and The High Priestess
Photo by Cat Crawford on Unsplash

In the Tarot deck, The Magician is the next major arcana. It’s the number 1 card. Right alongside the fool, it is the card of new beginnings and new opportunities. Of manifestations coming in, needed resources, power, and action. It is the connection between the 5D and the 3D, or for you none spirituals, spirituality and materialism. The magician is all about utilizing spirituality to manifest his or her dreams, the action we need to take in the physical to grab a hold of those dreams, and make them reality.

In the Fool’s Journey, the Magician is all about orchestrating and carrying out the necessary plans to create a life worth living. It’s the magic in the process, the alchemized energy into the harvested manifestations. It’s the masculine energy of power and force. When you meet the Magician in your journey, you are seeing the clear path to the destination, and the tools you need to get yourself there.

By Viva Luna Studios on Unsplash

The High Priestess though, oh what a magnificent being. She is the dark to the Magician's light. She is the deep dive into the unknown, your spiritual awakening. The feminine energy of intuition and connection to the divine. She is the mirror you are so afraid to look into because she brings out the shadows within yourself. These shadows, once faced, can bring you to new heights of ascension, or they can plunge you straight down into the depths of your very own hell. Do you have the courage?

In the Fool’s Journey, The High Priestess rips out the necessary secrets we hide to amplify our creativity. It’s the pain, the tournament within our souls, that gives us the images to create art and other creative work. She encourages you to turn your pain into pleasure, effectively of course. These shadows can lead you into addictions if you are not careful, or they can awaken your soul to levels of creativity you never knew you had. With the High Priestess, you do not distract yourself from the dark parts of yourself, you feed off of it.

The Magician and The High Priestess are the highest forms of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. They are the spiritual level of the Emperor and Empress. They are the power couple of the tarot deck. Together, they balance your energies so that you can dig deep, pull out the purpose the divine has bestowed upon you, and put that idea into action which will further ascend yourself, and the rest of the planet.

By Soulful Stock on Unsplash

If you fully believe you were put here for a reason, I suggest you sit down with the Magician and High Priestess. Allow them to school you in the deepest parts of your darkest soul, empower you to discover your purpose, and put that very purpose into action. Structuring and strengthening your purpose is what this Fool’s journey is all about. You can not proceed further until you are willing to take that dive within. And if you survive that, do you have the motivation to take it as far as the Universe is asking you to take it? Only you can decide.

This journey isn’t for everyone. It’s for the ones who are ready for the next level. Those who are ready to face every part of themselves. It’s for the ones eager to be woken up from the monotony around them. It’s for the ones who are fully prepared to be ripped away from their perceived reality. It’s for those who seek the truth and are ready to live in their authenticity. Is it for you?

The Fool

The Empress


About the Creator

Dark Moon Empire

Just think of all the places you could go, and all the things you could do, with all of that magical potential.

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