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Springtime life


By DarkosPublished 19 days ago Updated 16 days ago 23 min read
digital by me 2024

We could say that if we are walking and tapping into the space beyond the consciousness this space can feel like an eternity normal to us the feeling and experience of it is really good the world while walking and being in there seems a completely different kind of an experience but how far you can get and disconnect from the humanity for real in there? or connect to the wrong ones as for the good ones You don't need such a state just being yourself.

I prefer the space in between the spaces In between the consciousness and awareness and there are many of them to be experienced and to be discovered and rediscovered for each individual the discovery of such space from the natural because yes it's so simple it's a natural way of being existing and living in life without the carrying of it space and time but realizing feeling almost as syneasthically feeling and being in there. It can come naturally through your own processes and ways of being and living in this world. However you can experience a new discovery of worlds of awareness and consciousness through your own choosen practices and ways meditation and states and you can even choose or when in need be directed by the energy of the stars that you are in for the time of now connected to the heavens sphere or maybe planetes.

In practice you can discover so many different states, consciousness love feelings so many new beings and connections to so many informations and from there act into the reality if you haven't been there yet or reached I definitely invite you it's a journey worth experiencing and you always have a choice where to go with it but in a healing journey things may often surprise you and direct you when you the less thought they will

I know people rarely can even talk about such experience only some can truly be in there touch in there live exist those who through their own practices are creating new ways of being and living for another in their experience of life Those who really live by practicing each day healing and nourishing from the pain and disconnections of this world of narcissists will always discover more and more beautiful state and world no matter the damage of them all

empaths and highly sensitive need to repair fix and help to heal what narcissists entirely is trying to shrink and kill that's the way to live in reality but you can heal in another space and deal with some problems and issues in eternity as metaphysician as I will call in a cheerful way still talks about the new conscious discoveries of this real world the real but still unreal for so many in here that's why it's hard to live on earth if You feel and care for the whole rest.

As highly sensitive You need to help another but also You need to disconnect !!to come back to Your own true real state and focus on where You the most need to transform the physicality or even clean Your chi states many times a day what was working yesterday might not be the answer to today so it's a constant new way discovery creation through a natural gest

created for the needs of the now and the environment

At the same time practices are where You get it all the flow of Your natural living elan vital and You just start from your own time the life!

The new, present, and the past arrive in many moments around so that You synchronize but not overwhelm yourself just with the now of the new world as it does really do not help to maintain the being of it all

You can exist in the real state of Yours nobody else can feel it be it just You

is the only possible freedom for You !

the problem with peace and admiring the peace in another is that most of the peaceful individuals are created in their theatre play

their peace has nothing to do with the real peaceful state of them

but a public Game! They throw it out there so that You will admire their unreal peaceful state.

Mostly in this peaceful state of them, they start to provoke and attack

with all the abusive, gaslighting talk and then asking You to be calm

That is not the way to any peace and any sense to keep with their mind games and playing on human health state this unrealistic way

The real peace is when You adress throw the real out heal digest and arrive into love and from there the peace comes alone real humans knows this state dont need to learn it the hard way over and over again

Most people walk in real chaos especially the ones called by others being in such a zen such a peaceful aura and believe it or not each empath and highly sensitive can feel it from the surface that is not visible by others so You should trust when someone is telling You some sensible advice where to go on and where You should just run

Covert narcissists are the best at playing how peaceful for not real they truly are not because if truly they will be if ever and do the real inner hard work of being in peace in this brutal world they would not have time to play and plan their dirty games harming and hurting people with each of their phrases and this is what they do to the best they play these games and manipulate they provoke they gaslight later they do play a victim and want You to be their saver yes after they have ruined your health and life after You have been saving their ass through all this time they don't care that on

the way someone gets hurt emotionally and, physically as long as they benefit as long as they have supply for them all is all right they can play with another as with a toy that's their way and it brings them peace because they know they bring all the worst to You to work and to heal from forever more

its as if they are able to steal your peace just like that and leave You with complete chaos and dust inside to clean from their most horrible negative acts behind this surface they are Kings of the Peace just only outside which is not that much not enough and definitely not healthy approach to be to live , for most of the sensitive ones they will feel like crying out because of all the bad they bring to others outside

for You highly sensitive the advice is to walk in Your own real inner peaceful sphere but You know that the world and people can't stand You in Happiness and Peace so

You can choose to be in a state far away from their capacity to even understand anything about what You do and how You live and how You behave as You dont harm and hurt people for any purpose or for any aim and when you talk and write is about truth that need to be taken away from the silent treatment of them

and when people ask How are you doing this all people who lead You to all kinds of human horror not once and You are still there for them as if nothing at all

its the Love !

its not a choice but its the love thats all

Its a hard work day and night its a practice for life !

and now so easy to be misunderstood and taken advantage of as of this sensitivity while in the narcissists it comes from some unexplained situations that are very highly hurting their Ego, something they havent healed from the past so it stays with them forever. Their sensitivity to criticism or even a true real talk about the real life and about the real fact. You should not even start to talk this way to them as it will only serves You another kind of a Hell. What You can do be in their world and communicate with them from their space You can really find so many ways to engage them together in some tasks that You both will like and it can does really better the whole communicative way just dont expect it forever with them as their emotions the so called peace and zen is what will be causing them to explode and act different each day

While Narcissists are very gentle delicate very very sensitive in real they should have freedom a way an activity for them to be able to express it creatively

What is more they also are very sensitive to sound to smell to all kind of sensible nuances that come from the outsider world but its not in the same level as highly sensitive

an example when Narcissists listen to the voice they dont like or someone put something too loudly they will literally if possible as much as they can will try to put their own sound much louder to make it their Win

Can you notice the difference?

Highly sensitive is overwhelmed by such stimulations that are actually not very natural and balanced as nature is or the pieces of the nature left so far nowadays is still all well but loud noises that are beyond natural sensors especially workers outside the street loud music loud tv, it brings literal feeling of being exhousted overwhelmed by whole environment additionally they can feel and sense the anger of people around together with it all it is drawning them and the last thing they will do is to make things louder to just kill the sound or noise that comes from another source?

Many people tell and share their comments often on YouTube when there is a talk about are You highly sensitive ? noises and sounds and lights make You discomfort ?

and I can quickly differentiate the real from unreal They say Yes I am also so sensitive to noise that i need to put my own much louder to not to listen the other ? Oh I am so highly sensitive without the ability to understand that it is sensitivity but not highly sensitive but very very sensitive which is a huge difference I think the labels should be taken over and it could be as simple as calling people real humans and inhumans just by the way they do act with one another but in this world we have names for behaviours and labels so to explain to write for some interested I need to follow the language of this world

so bringing noise to already too much of the noise

That is what narcissists will respond not highly sensitive

highly sensitive approach to life where they look and search and find solutions not competition or more trouble and adding more chaos they find ways to heal not only themselves but people who hurt the most

They need lots of time to process digest information situations experiences if they are not able to do it the pain the sickness will occur

The problem how much of it all They do have in the world full of narcissists mostly ? They are entirely in the service for another that look for attention without the highly sensitive to even bring back their own health

people should often understand why highly sensitive can have phases in life where they need for real disconnect or keep they space as much possible for themselves they carry too much for the whole world and for what is out there and they cant live as narcissists do live because they feel all they feel everything and You can not change it You need to cherish it

the more highly sensitive or empaths is suppressed by the inhuman acts and orders and opinions and judgments and advices from the narcissistic world the sicker they do get and only animal instinct literally animals can help them to bring back the faith love and empathy again towards these all individuals that are so hard to live with and so hard to get a real peace

but as of these similarities like being very sensitive and passionate about something or discovering something new both can be treated as One

and it often happens that Narcissists they will literally play the way highly sensitive are to get the appluase and attention they do really need they will use their mentality their words they approach and their way to gather more in the public fame and at the same time they will be gaslighting torturing the highly sensitive or empath so that they will not be able to come out with the same kind words and love again and again as they will entirely need to heal from these all horrible attacks that narcissists is doing daily

The thing is Narcissists can play can copy but will never be real until will want to heal for real and for the service of people who are capable of who they are dealing with as their harmful behaviour will occure quite fast in just the first moments of connection and communication

Highly sensitive will even feel it all before and sense already healing before the damage will be occurring from these predators

In public service no matter how great a Teacher, Trainer, or Master the narcissists will be they will lack real intelligence and empathy and the ability to feel another human in depth but for some is enough and its okay

for some harming is normal and its fine it doesnt affect their real life they just dont care they act like blind so they support such Inhumans out there

for Highly sensisitve its a loosing game and they need to evacuate themselves from such Morons out there as they will be the first to behurtd and harmed and there is no way of giving a second chance in the life

as this second chance good hearted people should keep only for themselves

most of the empaths and highly sensitive need to take care of so many of them in real life that adding another and another like that creates a complete lack of time for their own real Life or maybe the illusion of the narcissistic unreal realm in the now

To live in this world and to coexist with them You need to not play to their games but to be real for Yourself and it will bring You pain to be real and to let Your emotions be as they are You can practice so much and the most happy You will get they will know exactly where to put the idle to harm You in their way

Most of these narcissists will provoke highly senstive so in the outside world Narcissists will look like the good one and highly sensitive will look like crazy reactive the bad the thing is if people want fake they can choose and follow the fake I prefer the real and the heart and the mind

not the copy of someone who is full of pain and harm not willing to bring anything good from his unhealed not opened Heart

and They can copy forever and the original stays where it stays and its always in its own real place and sphere where human hearts are very high uniting themselves to bring back what has been hurted and harmed the most

they wont need much money for how they serve to another they do not need much help support or applause they are just happy to help just like that but when they are given too much they always have choice to simple leave and say No

so their healing works the best and in psychology they are often called people pleasers so if psychology entirely add to the pain and to the good service of another human it can not be the way to a healthy solution and coexistence with one another because we all know that

no matter what we wont free ourselves from the narcissistic claws and we will need to be and coexist with them all in this world in their own terms as thats the only way to communicate with them other language is just too much for them they will need to work so hard to be able to really even want to understand another human its too much for them they dont love to work for the pure heart and mind to really understand another in this life

so people who are not narcissists will often need to communicate with them through their own reality and language of narcissists. What does it mean It means that psychologically someone can very easily be judged and called a narcissists as mostly psychology identify people through not that so much of a behaviour and energetical senses but mostly as behaviours and language they do use phrases and sentences that are in the repetition following their unhealthy pattern of being like their way of entirely abusing everyone. While psychology is fantastic and almost one of the best way to really identify narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths and other harmful individuals so You really need to educate yourself daily about it all thats why psychology is a must to start from. However for people who only live in a narcissistic environment and are highly sensitive or empaths who need to work on their healing energetically need to learn from other sources and most of them are for free virtually like recordings of qigong, taichi, dance, martial arts and all other practices even the one from the long past and up to the present without this knowledge just psychology won't help people who are energetically tuned with the whole environment. For such highly sensitive individuals, the only way to really make it happen is through their own natural healing and combination of all that they discover works for them. Energetically and to heal all from the ongoing abuse that arrives daily in a toxic family and environment practices of taichi and qigong can be the best source for bringing back health and joy into Your being.

So avoiding narcissistic teachers and masters will be beneficial and if You are not sure about them You can always support yourself with the psychology information and the practice often in the exact practice You can easily feel and recall everything that happened to You as of narcissists and everything that they wanted to remove from Your memory to manipulate and do the crazy-making nothing will be hidden if You just follow Your intuitive way and healing discovery of another, the more You know the more free You gonna be around them all. As the illusion of what they present doesnt exist while You are not just aware but 100 % sure and educating yourself even more day by day.

Narcissists have plenty of talents and abilities but most of them They use to manipulate and play with human health and life unfortunately coexistence is the only solution to be taken and considered. Its obvious running away from toxic dangerous horrible people is a normal human reaction. While You are able to free Yourself and have a real safe place for You and support with non narcissistic individuals its a real paradise and a blessing so cherish such people and place and environment. However for people who are just one in the whole family clan of narcissists and environments around them the things is much more complicated and more dangerous if they will want to live the way other coaches psychologist psychiatrist even qigong masers teachers are not aware of it all. So in Your discovery for sure You have came across on people who are aware of the dangerous individuals and they do offer lots of healing examples and practices that deal with this issue. I also started to create and record how I am dealing with it all being inside the narcissistic hell where they play with a human life like with a toy. Only being aware of the danger and synchronizing with their being and rituals can help you to exist and coexist. You can not fight manifest even if as a human You do have right to do so freely . You can not share it or spread it in front of the narcissists. They wont let You for be a human for be Yourself for be and for do what You know is the best for You and Your surrounding unless there is a great benefit for their own life and way.

The thing is there is so much danger in the way they do truly behave so in this coexistence some guards are needed and they are never in the human form in real so supporting Yourself with the right ones is the way. Often on the way You will still paradoxically use practices created and taught by the same dangerous individuals and dont feel bad about it its not always easy to find right and fast solution or a good-hearted human beings for real.

You just learn and focus on the being in between synchronizing with the whole but get Your freedom back the freedom is in everywhere and in everymoment even in between the coexistency of the narcissistic individuals around. Accept for who they really trully are and it will train and teach You day by day that this coexistency supported with qigong and awareness that comes from the practice and information from psychology will make a great sense and start for You to be free not free from people from their unhealthy behaviours but from the world that is adding more and more chains into your being. While it can be solutioned in a various new ways that do work according to Your age, health condition and ability to not give up stand up in the worst and after the worst. No ego involved and You gonna arrive in Your freedom easily daily just by the way of simple living and doing what You need to function in between many different individuals heal daily the resources are there for free mostly all that truly helps is already on Youtube and also in the nature learn from animals and You gonna survive and free yourself faster than You really thought.

Many people or psychologists or psychiatrists that deny the solution through the healing of ancient tradition are actually very misleading in the real help because how you can manage it all if not with qigong taichi and martial art to get better to be more and more mentally and physically stronger and how You can even heal from the damage for real if not through these practices that are part of the healthy natural human nature way that You modify on Your own according to Your state, need and all.

You can do it safely even without communicating with another virtually in this way You gonna avoid many behaviors of humans that You were so admiring as the practices that were saving Your life on the way finding out they are exactly the same kind of individuals You are healing from. Yes it will happen a thousand times but it's the same in psychology and if you heal through a coach how many of them will occur to be not a real empath but a black empath ? The paradox in life and healing are a cycle like in the nature and being aware and not blinding yourself about the beauty of another human through our own beauty of the heart and mind is the only way to stay free for real and healthy and much more safer. If You want to live fast like a crazy while You are in Your 40 its all right because being Young and free and not that aware or aware but not carrying yet the whole knowledge that You gain through years about human behaviours and the way You have been alone not free from all these patterns You are lucky to be alive but once You are growing older and wiser maybe it's a bit time to slow down and use it all for Your own beautiful being in life even in between all these dangerous individuals. Why not combine psychology with healing practices that really do bring so many benefits and according to another life and environment inject them daily. You gonna meet narcissists daily so You need keep the knowledge open in Your head daily You can heal and practice daily. Practice doesnt mean You gonna show the narcissists next to You or virtually how great You are doing now as You found practices for life it means use every moment when You are alone or closed the room bathroom for Your advantage to start healing Yourself without them even realizing it. We know that if You have no support from the outside and narcissists do really take care of that very strongly that the person will have zero support but mostly will have even worser kind of environment around who will be adding to the pain. So still dont give up I was in there too and I am still in this world living around narcissistic folks as highly sensitive soul so I am sharing not from the comfy of a safe place but from a safe place of my being and the way How i handle life with them living with me. As no matter where You gonna run away narcissists will be there. It may be your luck that you not gonna even see it if your life is all set up about work issue family and so on. However highly sensitive are tuned into whole environment so such individuals from a very early age should be send instead to a school to a healing teachers and masters from qigong, taichi and kung fu as only they can help them to develop their naturally different way of being that they need to cherish talks with psychologist may help as long as psychologist or psychiatrist is an aware not ego professional what I mean by ego is not living their life through who they are by profession but how they are as human in the interaction with one another and opened for listening instead of diagnosing.

The same issues are arriving in the same fields paradoxically havent you notice how many terms and new terms are arriving in psychology and until you are young you can have fun with it educating but when you get older you can feel the mess that comes out of it and a complete nosense the same goes about practices these all terms and names and creating more of them it doesnt leads to solution but to a more complex confusion and more complex conflicts. Healing is simple is the neurons for highly sensitive and their different kind of structure that make it all complicated to live in a narcissistic world. As long as You are not highly sensitive the most simple healing practices are the best to heal from cancer, tumor and all new diseases and issues with the help of a real good hearted trainer or a healer.

Sure on Your way You gonna want to advance but believe me or not even simple practice can develop abilities and open a knowledge where You are reaching states maybe just discovered by You and maybe they are who You are and who you were just the world education not fully narcissistic only destroyed that ability inside of You and real healing is reborning not a child inside of You because You are grown mature and You cant have baby face and baby skin through Your whole lifetime as long as You are obsessed about it or genetically gifted or focusing your life on it as its surely possible but if in Your life Your aim is or was service to another human. You are a grown adult and You want to be who you truly are synchronized with the environment You are in and nature and with Yourself. The best thing is to do things Your own way as only this way You are able to bring Life to Yourself the one You carry inside of You the one that helps You to rebuild.

So many wise psychologists talk about it all as the spiritual way I don't believe in the word spiritual I don't even go into that trend it's something completely different and You will never experience it if You don't try it first before You will reject it. Its a real true modern way of healing that comes from the past and it has tranformed to serve in the world of the now.

Spiritual practices are said to melt Your ego so it only refers to humans that carry an Ego issue problem we all know what kind of individuals are they and how they are called by psychology which I no longer feel fancy repeating it what about the whole rest that don't live through Ego or don't use Ego to show their high level of tunning in into another issue or a problem but are using their abilities to form a solid foundation to solve the issues for themselves and humanity through practices that really do serve them beyond and so natural and common in everywhere around nowadays.

What about people who heal as of the ones with Ego issues ? are their practices spiritual ? I dont think so its all too generalized and for me healing practice is a practice that will result in the healing the same if it goes about meditation there is no spiritaullity or cleaning of ego but soothing the harm and unblocking all that the Ego issue people caused to another. Names don't work even the name narcissists straight away gives power to them every time we use it so it is better to shift it into behaviors of dinosaurs or so as They do carry very small heads so there is not much brain left in it to think how does their words and behaviours affect energetically another human being and how their way affects life of another.

in both fields and areas of psychology and psychiatry and qigong and taichi and martial arts, there are so many dinosaurs out there so it's a not a good reason to say its the reason I don't go for it if Yes how You can choose only psychology if it for real doesnt heal and even brings another kind of pain and frustration ? that need to be healed through the more natural way that only healing gestures can serve to open up to release all the blockages again and even be more open to share what has been stuck and silent out there

its not just opening of the mind and heart and training or practice and meditation its a science its a knowledge its an experience beyond the human level of being where You can have a rest from all these harmful individuals out there Its a medicine without a drug and side effects

If You dont believe in the natural intuitive way of healing You will always struggle to heal in whatever chosen way as a humans we do belongs to nature not to a machine or a system even not a system created by another human

human is alone able to heal intuitively choosing the right ways from all the possible things out there

Using their own wisdom beliefs and faith

and believe it or not, animals are much better guides, healers for most of the humans out there

so if You observe the animal world you will know and learn how to coexist how to forgive how to love and how to heal and rest

without locking yourselves in frames of any kind of unhealthy not solution able system

You need learn, practice to create to let your own real natural instinct create the best healing way for yourself and its neverending way

its an everyday act of love for yourself and another out there


About the Creator


Human : painter, digital art maker, sound composer, poet, writer, qigong healer & trainer

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