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Hugs are Magical Healers

Embracing the power of human connection

By Ameer BibiPublished 2 months ago 3 min read
Hugs are Magical Healers
Photo by C.Valdez on Unsplash

Nothing works better than hugs to connect with someone. Have you considered what it means to hug someone when you greet or say goodbye?

Hugs are a symbol of love and affection.

Last evening, I was feeling low and tired. At that time, my sister arrived, and when she hugged me, it was a tight hug that lasted for at least 20 to 25 seconds. Instantly, I felt energized. I was amazed because my mood immediately became happy, and my level of happiness lifted. It compelled me to think about the importance of a hug. So, here I am sharing some scientific findings about hugging with you.

Here are interesting facts about hugs.

  1. Hugging lowers our blood pressure: Studies have proven that hugging lowers blood pressure, which is beneficial to cardiovascular health. An embrace can reduce hypertension and related dangers by establishing a sense of warmth and protection.
  2. The stress hormone cortisol is reduced, helping us focus and sleep better.
  3. Hugging naturally improves mood and releases feel-good hormones.
  4. Hugging boosts the body's immunity: Studies have indicated that hugging frequently helps build the immune system. Hugging increases oxytocin levels, strengthening the body's defense against sickness and infections.

5. Hugs promote healing by producing growth hormones. They can be especially beneficial for recovering patients because they increase circulation and promote tissue healing.

But there must be some rules to get its true essence:

Please stay in the moment: When you hug someone, all you should think about is embracing them. It should not be a casual hug where your brain is indulged in thinking something else like you are in a hurry and just visited the person for some urgent task. In this case, you are only embracing the arms of the other person. So, only physical hugging will not be fruitful. You'll have to be there right now.

Hold them tight: Hug them gently but firmly to show you care, mean it, and are always there. This gesture also improves your relationship bonding, as you hold someone with intimacy, which indicates that you trust them. Moreover, your communication automatically improves through physical touch.

Hug for at least 20 seconds: Although it seems lengthy, it’s worth it. Studies have shown that the longer you hug, the better are the results. Because a hormone called Oxytocin is released when you hold someone for at least 20 seconds, it is called a cuddle or love hormone. This hormone is also produced when we sit closer to someone and touch them with love and care. This hormone boosts the health of the heart.

Oxytocin helps to reduce the cortisol (a stress hormone) level naturally.

Not only for elders but also for kids:

A child remains in his mother's belly for nine months. As babies, children mostly get more love and embrace from their mothers. Relatively, this affection, especially hugging, decreases as they grow up. But growing babies need more love and hugs than newborns. Therefore, parents must think and care about them more. In some cultures, parents, particularly mothers, don't hug their growing sons and vice versa.

Studies have shown that an average child requires hugs from his parents eight times daily. Smaller kids ask for hugs more than older kids and touch; hugs help them cope with stress.

The best thing a parent can give their child is love, and if this love is expressed through hugs, no other gesture can surpass its value.

Perhaps you know that ‘National Hugging Day’ is on 21 January. All you have to do is hug your dear ones, particularly your parents, siblings, and children, assuring them that you care for them.

Literature Cited

The author published this article on Medium, but the updated version has now been published on Vocal.

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About the Creator

Ameer Bibi

I am a mother of three. My life is full of stories and I love to read human stories.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  • The Dani Writer4 days ago

    This could not be overstated, but I'm glad that you did 😁💜😁 A great read!

  • Mika Oka2 months ago

    Sometimes all we need is a simple hug

  • Spam Spotted2 months ago

    This story beautifully emphasizes the power of hugs to uplift mood and strengthen bonds, backed by scientific evidence. It's a heartfelt reminder to cherish moments of connection and express love through physical touch. Fabolous amazing story

  • Amna Rashid2 months ago

    Great story! Shows how hugs are super beneficial for health and relationships.You shares very well quick tips on hugging well and highlights scientific proof. It's a sweet reminder to show love with hugs.

  • Mohammad Hashir2 months ago

    I agree hugs not only show affection or love but also gives a comfort reduces the level of stress excellent

  • Asad Message2 months ago

    Very enjoyable post thanks for sharing

  • Staringale2 months ago

    I agree hugs heal and provide comfort. Especially a mom's hug - there is no comparison to it.

  • Shirley Belk2 months ago

    Yes, they heal...if people let you hug them. I'm a hugger, but I've learned to ask permission first.

  • Cathy holmes2 months ago

    Good article. Hugs are wonderful healers.

  • Hugging is brilliant and goves both "huggers" so many benefit

  • Guzel2 months ago

    Wow! It's very informative....

  • Oh wow, I never knew hugging has so many benefits. I learned so much today!

  • Murali2 months ago

    Munna Bhai M.B.B.S. has a theme of the importance of human connection, which can be symbolized by hugging🫂.

  • Thank you so much.. well I wasn’t aware of this but I am too shy to hug anyone😀

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