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Here's The Buzz🐝: The Day I Found Love on Bumble

True Love does exist online

By Carla SofiiLove Garcia Published 3 years ago 6 min read

I would like to start by saying I am not sponsored nor am I sponsoring Bumble, but I would like to share my story as to how it all started and where I am today with my Bumble Journey. I am an old-fashioned girl that is used to finding love in person, I never believed in finding love online. I have dabbled in a couple of apps (tinder, mocospace, match, etc), and I had one success for which I was engaged after one and a half years of being with that person; but like any relationship, it had its issues, so we separated. Other than that, I was rarely interested in looking for a partner online and was never one for having a fling or any other than a serious relationship. I recently was feeling bored, I had just gotten out of a 2-year relationship, and was curious as to what the hype was when it came to online dating. I had created a few profiles on this app, met a handful of people, but there wasn't that spark nor attraction when I met them in person. Then I met this one guy that seemed like a sweet, decent, humble human being, he spoke about his vegan journey, politics, his time in the military, he had a boat on the marina... everything seemed perfect. I go to meet him in person, he was a gentleman helping me to get onto the boat, he bought us dinner, and had a great conversation. Further, into the evening, I told him that I was going to head home, he asked me to spend the night, naively I stayed... then things took a turn that I wasn't ready for considering we just met... he told me that he just wanted sex. I know it sounds naive of me that I wasn't expecting it, but I didn't think that men nowadays were so quick to jump into a sexual affair. Long story short, I ended up sleeping with him, we saw each other for a couple of other nights, and it ended shortly after. As soon as I thought I was done with this app, I decided to give it another chance without any expectations; I met the most amazing man in the world.

I met this man in April 2021 (I don't remember the exact date, lol), but it was around the time that my ex and I had separated and I felt heartbroken and alone. I loved my ex more than anyone I had ever been with before, he was everything to me, but the loss of our job and the sufficient time apart made the relationship fall apart. I felt I was holding on to the memories of when we were happy and ignored the signs of when we weren't, so I finally came to grips with my reality and decided to walk away. That's when Brian came along. Yes, his name is Brian, and he had shown me love like I've never seen before... or at least in a long time. He has given me the things that I had expected from my ex and much more; he has been a gentleman, opens doors for me, takes me out, plans ahead to see me, tells me he loves me, and makes me laugh. The bonus to all of this is that in a short amount of time, Brian has made my life so much better, it has made my heart feel whole again, and it is all thanks to Bumble. Brian is so a sweetheart, that he has been so comfortable around me, I enjoy his corkiness, his sense of humor, and the fact that he buys me flowers; what girl doesn't like flowers? Brian is the man that I had always dreamt of, always prayed for, and worked so hard to achieve... he is the man of my dreams! It took so long and so many relationships to find myself here with this man, but I do feel that the way someone was raised and their environment play a big role in how someone is. Brian came from a joint household, parents married for 50 plus years, the way he describes them is magical and inspirational. He grew up with the example of two people being together through trials and tribulations and working things out along the way. On the other hand, I grew up with a single mom raising two kids that were 11 years apart and working multiple hours to make ends meet, with a dad that would only make appearances when necessary. It's refreshing to have met someone that comes from a great foundation, has a great head on their shoulders, great career, is established, and is willing to put in an effort into a relationship. I can't say that I don't feel lucky at this point in my life.

The first night we chatted on the app, he asked if he can have my number, I was hesitant if I should've given it to him, but I still went for it, I am glad now that I did take a chance on him. We talked for hours during the first few days, he immediately asked if I would go on a date with him, and we met up at a cute little cafe in Sherman Oaks CA. He chose the venue, which I have to give him credit for having good taste, and he hit it off so well. After the date at the cafe, he invited me to go to Lake Balboa, which was close enough distance, this is where we came to our first roadblock; it was very hot in the valley and by the time we arrived, it was full and there was no parking. I personally do not like the heat, Brian doesn't mind it, the A/C in my car wasn't working (he didn't know that), and is only one road that goes through the entire lake area, so it took a while to get out of the lake parking. We finally were able to find somewhere to pull over, he apologized for not knowing it was going to be packed, he asked what I wanted to do next; I apologized for being upset but told him I wanted to go home, we went our separate ways. Furthermore, he has been so patient, understanding, and thoughtful as to when he makes plans for us, I have learned to appreciate him so much more. One thing Brian has done that my ex never did, was invite me to his home... Brian trusted me enough to invite me into his home to spend time together; I have been there a couple of times when I am available. Unlike my ex, I was with him for 2 plus years and wasn't even presented with the option of going to his home; when I would go see him, I would either sit in the car, wait by the curb, go to a hotel, or see him at work, but never step foot in his house. Brian sent me his address, told me I was always welcomed, and even gave me a tour... all after a few days of knowing each other. To top it all off, Brian even presented the idea of moving in with him when I mentioned I didn't have my own place. I'm telling you... I have found myself the ideal man!

The other captivating part of this man is that he is Italian/Irish, he has gorgeous green eyes and has an amazing smile. As soon as I got a glimpse of his picture online, I knew I was mesmerized by him and needed to know more. I could go on and on talking about him, but I will cut it short here. The point of my story is that true love can be found on a dating app, you just have to be patient, know what you're looking for, don't lower your expectations for anyone, and keep an open mind... I promise there is someone out there for you.

Brian, if you ever read this, I would like you to know that I appreciate you and everything that you have done thus far. Thank you all for your love and support!


About the Creator

Carla SofiiLove Garcia

Writing is my passion... find me on Twitter @goddesswriter90.

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  • despoina tsa9 months ago

    Interesting!! please support me :

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