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Did you Visit an Abbey? THIS Is What your Dream Means...

Dream Interpretation: Abbey, Abbess, Abbot

By Amargeaux RaiPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Did you Visit an Abbey? THIS Is What your Dream Means...
Photo by Geneva Karr on Unsplash

You may or may not be religious, but I want you to know that this doesn't necessarily bring up any God stuff... in case you were wondering. Or maybe it does, it depend on what this means to you... I don't know why I'm starting to ramble... let's get to the point.

To start with, for those who don't exactly know what the hell an abbey is, (Because apart from Downton Abbey I didn't know myself) it's a cathedral, basically. More specifically, it's a building or buildings full of monks and nuns, like a residency, but some have been converted into churches.

From the studies I've gathered, people are usually having this dream after they have done everything they can do in a situation And are waiting for a miracle... see what I did there? No? ...okay. Well, anyway...

By Jason Wong on Unsplash

At the Abbey

If you saw the abbey in the daylight and clearly, it's a good omen. It means that whatever it is you're looking to see taken care of, you're about to see some peace of mind come your way. You'll be anxiety free.

If you saw the abbey at night and in, like, gloom and stuff, it's a more ominous situation. It does predict sadness, but only of the temporary persuasion.

Now, if the abbey is fine, and I mean perfectly intact, it's all good and means blessings, but if the abbey is in ruins, be careful because it foretells that your hopes and dreams may end badly.

*on a side note, you can mix the details: if you see abbey ruins during the day, like when it's daylight and clear, It could mean that there's an end to the disaster you're going through with your hopes and dreams. A light at the end of a tunnel, if you will.

By Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

"I Saw an Abbess!"

If you dream of an abbess (the head of the nuns), and she's smiling and not doing anything, it means you'll be surrounded by real ride or die friends. it also means that you could be surrounded by some great prospects as well!

By Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash

"I Saw an Abbot, Too..."

If you're dreaming of an abbot (head of the monks), praying, it forewarns of flattery and deceit...

If you are an abbot in your dream, it could mean that someone's plotting for you to fail. Watch out.

By Andras Vas on Unsplash

In everyday life

Now, I can't talk about interpretating messages without bringing up how it applies to real life.

The difference between understanding real life versus dreams is that it's only a sign if it keeps trying to get your attention.

Now I know that there are people who are always looking for a sign from the cosmos and sometimes-- don't deny it-- we end up falling for the tiniest little poof of wind knocking over a stick and thinking, "It's a sign! The wind blew the stick to the west, and that's the direction my ex lives! HE'S GONNA COME BACK TO ME!!!" Sorry baby, but it's not that easy.

Say, you're in your second floor bedroom, and something hits the window once, not a big deal. Twice, that's weird, and you hope the window isn't cracked, but you go back to watching Bridgerton. Three times, "Okay, what the hell is hitting my window!?" and you go look, right?

I've been calling it the "Strike Three" Phenomenon, but I'm not holding on to that. It's when you keep getting the same or similar signs of the same thing and eventually you just can't ignore it. THAT'S when you pay attention.

That's the easiest way I can explain it.

If you are having trouble in your life, looking for an answer, and you keep getting approached by people of the cloth, Someone hands you flyers with a pic of a church on it, or even if you overhear talk about a cathedral, nuns, monks, monasteries, etc. and things like that KEEP HAPPENING, not just once, that is definitely the cosmos trying to get you attention. Don't forget that sometimes there are also other details around this one. Pay attention to them to get the full message. Look around.

(Note: don't ACTUALLY look for a sign, you'll either miss it or misinterpret something that isn't a sign as one and get your signals crossed!)

That's everything for now. Don't forget to look at my other dream posts and stories for more info and entertainment!

Until next time. Listen to your Dreams.


About the Creator

Amargeaux Rai

I am a freelance writer, blogger, poet and artist who studies Holistic medicine, palmistry, herbalism, and astrology. I also love interpreting dreams, eating chocolate and giving hugs.

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