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Dating in America

Monogamy or diversification?

By Rene Volpi Published 3 months ago Updated 3 months ago 3 min read
Dating in America
Photo by Vows on the Move on Unsplash

Most people know dating in America is far from what it was barely 10 years ago.

Several aspects relate to this important subject, and we’ll try to break them out here as best we can.

So, people are lonely. After the lockdowns, and recognising their consequences, we faced a new generation of individuals willing to give another chance at love (or "relationships").

During those lockdowns, many couples split and never looked back. Domestic dramas, loose words and ugly behaviours all played a part in what happened.

Many are now looking for a partner, a strong relationship, carnal knowledge, commitment, and even marriage if all goes well.

A problem that immediately arises is the question of where to begin.

The Commercialisation of Love

Enter online dating sites. According to numerous polls, the percentages are similar. 60% of participants believe that’s the way to go about it.

13% believe it is not. While 68% of men are confident they’ll find someone, 55% of women are not so sure.

Of those asked, 45% chose apps as the vehicle, 33% said friends are more likely, and 27% believe social media will take them to the top of that mountain.

Many would-be daters (37%) prefer to date multiple people, while 44% desire a monogamous long-term relationship.

As we can see, no one size fits all, and choices and preferences are all over the map.

As the wise would say, some things never change. Men under 30 would like to date, fast and furious, as if the world would end tomorrow.

People of both sexes over 50 are more conservative, for obvious reasons, and would prefer a long-term commitment with one partner they can count on.

Of course, dating sites intimidate many people. They believe they're being taken advantage of because the prospects are either fakes or bots. They have sworn off these sites and will not promote or recommend them to anyone, regardless of promises, full stop.

The New Establishments

As we can see, people are eager for a range of experiences post-pandemic, from casual to non-committal to full compromise.

Something very peculiar is happening with these types of choices and behaviours. It was completely unheard of when dating sites peaked a decade ago.

Maybe the insecurity of today’s world decided for them, but that we have become more of a hedonistic society is a fact. Self-love is a thing, and many players out there have taken upon that like a religion. It's me first, and then we will see about you.

Whatever way we look at it, the days of hitting the bars to find a lover are a thing of the past. Socially speaking, these folks have replaced bars with social spheres, such as membership clubs, where they share common interests.

Those are everywhere, and people exploit them. Some are support groups, and many are betting on them. AAA is an example that everyone knows about. The new ones that have spurred recently are groups for writers, cooks, pottery, struggling artists, weight control, and almost anything you can think of... There’s a group for that!

IMO, if I had a choice and were intensely looking for someone, I’d look into those. I believe the chances of meeting the right person there are much higher than on a dating app because you have instant visuals. And that's just for starters. Obviously, as you meet real people in those buildings, energy is inevitable. If you sync with another soul, that could be the ticket to success—for two (or more) if that's your prerogative.

Life Can Surprise You at Any Moment

Miracles can happen at any hour of the day or any minute. However, it is imperative that we acquire an unavoidable element: a great disposition. If you go beyond that, life will turn even more in your favour. I’m referring to empathy, humour, a positive attitude, being accessible and paying attention.

Pick a group that is at least partly aligned with your interests. It's not a good idea to join one with nothing in common, because that will become apparent rather quickly, and others will identify you. Ask yourself what makes you tick, and only then, will you find the group with your same interests. Not only might you click with someone, but you might also learn something.

Isn’t that the meaning of life, at least partly?

Try it with honesty and confidence, and let us know how it turned out.

Best of luck, and beware of scammers. They are like a plague.

By Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Ref: The State of Dating in America in 2024

Ref: Top Relationship and Dating Trends for 2024


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About the Creator

Rene Volpi

I'm from Italy and write every day. Being a storyteller by nature, I've entertained (and annoyed) people with my "expositions" since I was a child, showing everyone my primitive drawings, doodles, and poems. Still do! Leave me a comment :)

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran3 months ago

    So you're saying that we gotta try to mingle with people who don't share most of our interests? Sorry, I'm a bit slow 😅

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