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An Introduction to the History of Ninja Swords!

Ninja Swords

By Mai SophiaPublished 6 months ago 4 min read

Ninja swords are weapons that people would use for self-defense. They were used in feudal Japan, mainly by ninjas and samurai. The thin blade is wrapped in cloth or cord and held together with a piece of bamboo for strength. The sword can be thrown at an opponent because it is light in weight. There were two types of these swords, the katana which was a more heavyweight sword, and the kodachi which was a lighter-weight one.

Sometimes they are also called shinobigatana (shinobi meaning "to steal away" or "assassin"). They could have been used to cut enemies as well as deflect their blows. The Katana is more popular because the samurai also used it. There were also wooden swords that ninjas would use. These weapons were designed to lessen the noise made as they are swung, or in case of a miss and hitting a tree instead.

One problem with these swords was that they could break easily and come apart if not used correctly. The wooden sword was also valuable for training or swinging in the air at night to make fake noises, such as oni (demons) running toward you. Along with wooden swords, some ninjas used bamboo spears which could be thrown at their enemies or be used for melee combat.

Detailed History of Ninja Swords

There is much history of ninja swords out there. A lot of the information about ninjas but it time and time again blacked out. There are quite a few different points of view that make it hard to learn all the information on this subject. This piece will be an overview of some aspects as well as look into a few myths that surround these weapons and one design that has been speculated in some circles.

It is believed among them that there was not one type of sword but many, each with their own nuances and design differences with their respective purpose or goals responsible for their creation. It is unknown exactly when the use of ninja swords came about. It was suggested that he encouraged the use of these weapons for the purpose of assassinations and other secretive operations.

Swords in The Beginning

During this time, there are also records that show ninjas performed as guards and bodyguards to rulers as well. It can be assumed through this period they may have used different weapons entirely. The history of these swords did not just start in Japan though there are records dating back to 200 BC in India and China mentioning these weapons by name, katana, specifically.

There are believed to be no images of the sword that were found during this time period. This could be a sign that the blade was created for a special purpose or for use in secrecy that may not have been revealed at the time. Records do show drawings and paintings as far back as 1220 AD in Japan but there are no known images of these weapons from before then.

Swords in Modern Times

Due to the distances between Japan and China, it can be assumed that knowledge and style are what spread from one country to another. It is even suspected that Japan got its start with ninja swords because of Chinese influence. It is also possible that the Japanese simply made their own designs based on something that originated from China or India or was even possibly influenced by their neighbors or their neighbor's trade networks.

As time went on, knowledge of what went into making these weapons became more widespread as swords began to be produced for other trades and purposes. It would be thought that any sword of this time period was meant to kill people at the expense of a good look and function. History shows this was not always the case. The pieces made for longer blades often had handles where they could be used as hooks to disarm an opponent but it wasn't just for use as a tool.

The Popularity and Demand!

Ninja Swords are weapons that were used in feudal Japan. It consists of a blade mounted on a long pole. The blades are usually straight double-edged with a single sharp edge, the other side being either blunt or very weakly sharpened. The handle is wrapped in cloth showing narrow streamers on each side and the sides of the scabbard are bound in dark blue lacquer over heavy brown leather and decorated with intricate designs that provide some protection from slashes to the face by an opponent's sword handle.

Comparing prices can be difficult, but there are many great swords to choose from for anyone who is interested in getting one for themselves or as a gift for their favorite kendo shinai enthusiast. There are many reasons to have a ninja saber: for experiencing martial arts, for the aesthetic beauty of the sword, or as a way to get their hand in training. If a person is interested in learning and practicing kendo or any other type of weapon art, they should never pass up on the opportunity to own one of these swords.


About the Creator

Mai Sophia

A Writer/blogger by day, a knife enthusiast and survivalist by night. I've reviewed a lot of products and have helped people make the right purchase

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