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Touched with Fire - A Movie Review

Watch 'Touched with Fire' during mental health awareness month.

By Marielle SabbagPublished 23 days ago 3 min read

One day at a time.

Touched with Fire is a 2015 film. Carla and Marco struggle with their mental illnesses. Feeling unsafe, they admit themselves to a mental health hospital. During their stay, the two meet and connect. Their relationship doesn’t prove to be healthy with their illnesses.

Touched with Fire is a raw film that forms a realistic portrayal of mental health. Mental health is something we need to take seriously. The film distributes the importance of building connections, while at the same time, highlighting how certain relationships aren’t healthy.

Katie Holmes and Luke Kirby conquer tremendous performances. Both are talented actors. I have watched more of Holmes's films since I watched Pieces of April. As Carla and Marco become close and share personal stories, this relationship isn’t the right time. They’re constantly testing each other and instituting unsafe ideas.

Sara and George (Christine Lahti and Griffin Dunne) administer positive representation of parents supporting their mentally ill kids. Though it is difficult, they help their kids in any way they can. They are the best characters. No matter what, parents will always support you even in the darkest times.

The film briefly takes place in a mental health hospital. Settings like these offer great character studies. A small ensemble fills in as patients or doctors. I particularly liked the therapist who was patient and recommended realistic solutions.

Director Paul Dalio based Touched with Fire on his own life. This is the reason why we tell stories. You never know who needs help right now. Never be ashamed if you need to reach out for help.

The direction and cinematography are done well, connecting the audience to the emotion. The dark lighting is utilized well to demonstrate the character’s battles. Scenes are often quick and sometimes repetitive. Carla and Marco wake up several times and wander in the hospital hallways.

Also, some scenes in the hospital didn’t feel accurate. I don’t know what the safety requirements are in hospital facilities, but shouldn’t cabinets and drawers be locked? As the characters wander around at night, they open drawers that contain potentially harmful utensils.

Although, it’s a good story, Touched with Fire transpires the usual themes we have seen in other films. Scenes are repetitive with the the duo talking or making decisions. Except, Touched with Fire supplies an important lesson about relationships that shouldn’t be ignored.

You never know who you’ll meet in life, however some connections are best ignored. It’s important to make connections throughout your life, but not every person is a valuable contender. Carla and Marco meet when they’re in vulnerable head spaces, but their relationship is not stable.

Mental health is one of the most crucial topics that has gained attention in the last few decades. Thankfully, mental health has been taken more seriously than it ever was. Everyone has experienced moments where they’ve felt weird emotions and thoughts. This film makes a point that even someone you idolize - poet, actor, scientist - has battled mental health.

Some scenes are difficult to watch. I jumped when the characters had outbursts, yelling at one another. Themes about mental health or suicide attempts may be triggering to audiences. Carla’s suicide attempt is distressing, especially with how the scene is orchestrated.

We need to take care of ourselves and look out for others. It’s not okay to ignore mental health because it leads to sad outcomes that could have been avoided. Take it one day at a time. Take a look at Touched with Fire during mental health awareness month.

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About the Creator

Marielle Sabbag

Writing has been my passion since I was 11 years old. I love creating stories from fiction, poetry, fanfiction. I enjoy writing movie reviews. I would love to become a creative writing teacher and leave the world inspiring minds.

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