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“The Power of the Dog” - My Thoughts 💭

Film Review, 2021 - “Deliver my soul from the sword. My darling from the power of the dog."

By Grz ColmPublished 4 months ago 3 min read
Phil Burbank (Benedict Cumberbatch) in a scene from the film

“The Power of the Dog” - Dir. Jane Campion

*This is a slightly expanded version of my prior film review from 2021. 🎞

Although it doesn’t at first appear to be much like a Campion film, I’d say that “The Power of the Dog” is a return to form for Jane Campion - after two uneven seasons of “Top Of the Lake” (2013 & 2017) and her last feature film “Bright Star” as far back as 2009. Overall, this film is more so Campion exploring different territory with this male-centric neo-western, instead of her back-catalogue of predominantly female-driven stories with highly feminist rhetoric - yet her reoccurring themes of power and desire are still ever present. The widely acclaimed “The Piano” (1993) is probably my favourite of hers, although I appreciate all her works.

The film is based upon the novel by Thomas Savage (1967). Set in Montana, 1925, two very different brothers Phil and George Burbank (played by Benedict Cumberbatch and Jesse Plemmons) own a profitable ranch and meet widower and inn care-taker Rose Gordon (Kirsten Dunst). The wily Phil makes a highly negative impression on Rose and her son Peter (Kodi Smit-Mcphee) and later the shy and amicable George asks Rose to marry him. Loyalties between the characters (and for the audience) become blurred when Phil takes Rose’s son Peter under his wing after initially tormenting him. Jane Campion’s recurring themes of desire, power and sexuality are still present, albeit through the prism of a deconstructed western, with the second half of the film focussing on an unpredictable relationship between both Phil and Peter. The tense & unsettling score is composed by Jonny Greenwood of Radiohead fame.

George (Jesse Plemmons) and Rose (Kirsten Dunst)

It’s a slow-burn psychological drama and not the thriller that the marketing made it appear. Trailers are very misleading these days. The winners here are the moody atmosphere and tense tone of the piece, as well as the impressive performances across the board, particulary Kodi Smit-Mcphee (from Adelaide, SA) and Benedict Cumberbatch. Cumberbatch’s searing portrayal of Phil’s evolution is compelling, in fact this is probably the best I’ve seen of him in film. Awards buzz is already calling for both actors. Campion not one to provide easy answers for her characters’ internal and external conflicts, has instead always been more interested in asking the pertinent questions and leaving audiences to ponder and discuss after the film. Does the ending have enough bite? While it is not what many would have expected, it is still unsettling in that you’re not quite sure what emotion you are in fact feeling come the conclusion - and it is this ambiguity which stays with you to work out symbolism and where your own loyalties lie. This is a highly atmospheric film and is certainly not for all tastes, but those wishing to try something different will find much to ponder on here and admire its craftmanship.

The film was nominated for a total of 12 Acadamy Awards, yet solely Jane Campion took out the Oscar win for best achievement in directing in 2022.

I am giving “The Power of the Dog” ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ out of five stars

Peter (Kodi Smitt-McPhee)

* Thanks very much for checking out my film review. I am a massive film buff, so if you are too and wish to support then please subscribe for more. If you liked it, please let me know by hitting the heart and/or commenting (particularly if you’ve seen the film and what you thought). Many thanks.

You can now check out “The Power of the Dog” now streaming on Netflix in Australia & also on DVD and Blu-ray. You can also read my recent review of “The Fabelmans” below, as well as watch the teaser trailer for “The Power of the Dog”. ⬇️


About the Creator

Grz Colm

Film and TV reviews, 🎞 as well as short stories and free verse poems.

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  • Novel Allen3 days ago

    I wonder if it still is on Netflix..I love Cumberbatch...Sherlock Holmes Yeah. They should do a Cumberbatch/Olyphant protagonist-antoganist film. I will check, great review.

  • Trailers are indeed veryyyyy misleading sometimes! That's why I try my best not to watch them so that I don't have any expectations towards any movie. I don't think this movie is my cup of tea so I'm gonna skip it but you wrote an excellent review of it! Very well done as always!

  • Rachel Deeming4 months ago

    The Piano is one of my favourite films and Michael Nyman's soundtrack is just heartbreakingly beautiful. His music can reduce me to tears. The book is good too. I had mixed feelings about "The Power of the Dof". I felt it was powerful but I don't know if I was ever wholly convinced with Cumberbatch's performance. Something was not quite right for me and it jarred. However, I liked the way that the story developed. It was tense and there was a lot that was suggested rather than overtly pointed out. I remember thinking about it afterwards, for sure and it feeling dark and unsettling. Great review, Grz!

  • Shirley Belk4 months ago

    Agree with you about the superior acting skills of Benedict Cumberbatch in this movie. And I loved how smart the character, Peter was!

  • Leslie Writes4 months ago

    I agree with your review. Not really a thriller, but definitely complex. I remember discussing it with our friends after watching and none of us were sure what emotions to feel either. Great review.

  • I think "The Piano" may be the only of Campion's films I've seen--& both my wife & thought it extraordinary. I have wanted to see "The Power of the Dog" inasmuch as it looked good in previews & reviews & I'm a big fan of most of the cast. Great review. Thank you for reminding me of it.

  • Suze Kay4 months ago

    Oh I have so many thoughts!! So I watched it a couple of years ago and got really sucked in. Campion creates such a landscape of fear, isolation, pride, resentment, and desperation through this film. Everyone is looking to connect. Everyone has their own fierce desires and feels alone in them, in one way or another. One of my favorite pop culture podcasts calls this movie “the power of the slog” and hates it lol. But I like the moody, slow plot where pressure builds and builds. A superb example of Campion’s power.

  • Thanks for this excellent, review… sounds interesting… will try to watch it. Interested to learn about “ Kodi Smit-Mcphee (from Adelaide, SA)… since I lived there a year.

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