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Anatomy of a Fall - A Movie Review

'Anatomy of a Fall' permeates a layer of ambiguity.

By Marielle SabbagPublished about a month ago 3 min read

Murder cases like these merit attention to every miniscule detail.

Anatomy of a Fall is a 2023 film. A young boy discovers the body of his father lying in a pool of blood outside of his home. As the police investigate their home, they question Sandra about her relationship with her husband, sending the case to trial.

Anatomy of a Fall is a slow-burn mystery film that dictates the intricacies of a mysterious incident and the trials surrounding it. The cinematography and narrative are compelling, elevating the suspense. The film’s downfall is that it’s too long as it investigates every piece of this complex investigation.

Sandra Huller was given specific direction to elevate her performance - act innocent. She also learned to speak French. Sandra undergoes a lot of challenges throughout the story. Despite tensions and hardships, Sandra is good to her son. Huller brings a perfect blend of vulnerability and determination to the role. It compliments her subtle demeanor.

The supporting cast is equally commendable. Swann Arlaud is the best performance as Sandra’s lawyer, Maitre Vincent Renzi. Even he is unsure of whose side to believe.

Milo Machado-Graner did an excellent job as Sandra’s young son, Daniel. This role was a tough emotional challenge, especially for a child his age. Filmmakers spent four months searching for the right actor to conduct this tough emotional endeavor.

Messi, the dog who played Snoop has obtained recognition for his role, like his Palm Dog Award at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival. Furry friends always contribute an important emotion in films. One scene involving the dog was rather disturbing to watch. The dog was specifically trained for this trick, but I didn’t find the scene appealing.

The cinematography is a significant element in Anatomy of a Fall which was used to its advantage. I have learned how essential editing plays as a character in films. The quality of camera angles and movements enhances the mystique and ambiguous nature of the case.

As every fragment of this case is speculated, the camera zooms in closely or with a quick pace it retreats, depending on whose perspective it’s from. Most of the film is tense quiet, with emotions and secrets hovering in the air.

Justine Triet’s scholarly vocation on garnering accuracy in a (possible) murder investigation trial is noteworthy. Police and court operators look at everything. The scene I found the most interesting was investigators using a dummy and tossing it out the window to equate the victim’s fall.

This is where the film slowed down for me. There’s a lot of dialogue throughout the trials. The film could have been a half-hour shorter. Did we need to listen to a full scene with Sandrs and her husband arguing? We already get how much mental toll this situation has on the characters which the film elongates.

Too many scenes of filler were added like Daniel almost losing his dog because he accidentally fed him sleeping pills. That scene didn’t make sense to me.

What sets Anatomy of a Fall apart is its ability to maintain a layer of ambiguity that permeates the entire narrative. More films need to do this. I am satisfied with not knowing the culprit, but I wish the film wrapped things up sooner. Viewers are left to meddle with ideas about the events and if anyone is involved.

Anatomy of a Fall maintains a layer of ambiguity to stimulate a cinematic experience. This film wasn’t my favorite of the 2023 nominations. I preferred a shorter duration. If you don't mind watching several long trial scenes, it’s a captivating film.

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About the Creator

Marielle Sabbag

Writing has been my passion since I was 11 years old. I love creating stories from fiction, poetry, fanfiction. I enjoy writing movie reviews. I would love to become a creative writing teacher and leave the world inspiring minds.

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