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What is a Kunai Throwing Knife Used for?

Kunai Throwing Knife

By Mai SophiaPublished 6 months ago 2 min read

A kunai throwing knife is a type of Japanese weapon that is designed to be thrown. "Kunai" means "needle". The pointy end of the blade has a small hole which will help it fly true, and it can be used as an effective tool for digging up soil. Blades can range from 3 to 12 inches long and tend not to have sharp edges because they're meant to be thrown. For the average person, finding information about a kunai knife may seem trivial or even useless.

But serious warriors carry one in case of battle or survival situations where weapons are necessary. A kunai can be thrown to distract an opponent while you escape or even detain an attacker for help. And since it's not likely anyone will have one on their person as they walk down the street, it's a good idea to know what they are.

This knife is traditionally a Japanese farming implement used for the hoeing of rice paddies. But, in modern times, it has been adopted by martial artists (mostly from Japan) who use it as a throwing knife or as an all-purpose survival tool. The type of instrument being thrown and its intended purpose dictate which form or style uses the kunai knife.

Most well-known is the art of ninjutsu which uses this item for its exceptionally lethal shuriken practice. When carrying out a throw against an opponent, the ninja employs either a front-hand grip or an inverted grip to keep his fingertips on top of the blade in order to maximize force and accuracy.

How is a Kunai Knife Made?

Kunai knife is a Japanese term that typically refers to throwing knives that have tapered points in the shape of a curved sickle. These double-edged blades were used as early as the 12th or 13th century during warfare. The name is a compound word derived from "kunai" (??), meaning "to cut or scratch with care." Kunai are primarily manufactured by forge welding two pieces of metal together to create one long, thin blade.

The blade's shape and point provide significant cutting power when thrown while remaining lightweight and easy to handle even with gloves on. Kunai are now also used for training purposes, including teaching new martial artwork such as ninjutsu. According to Japanese legend, the kunai was created by Kunitoki, a blacksmith who forged the first blade for a boy named Mokuzai. In Kunio Okami's "Ninja Scroll", Kunio is given this blade and through his training, learns to throw it with deadly accuracy and efficiency.

He eventually uses it to defeat the ninja master Kakizaki, who had been torturing and attempting to brainwash him into madness in order to obtain his skills. The ninja quickly lost confidence in his skills after this brush with death. Later on, he develops a strong feeling of respect for the weapon he used so well against Kakizaki.

Historical Uses and Applications of Kunai Knife

Kunai knives are one of the most iconic weapons in anime and manga. One of their best-known uses is for committing Seppuku, which is a Japanese ritual suicide by disembowelment traditionally performed by samurai. Kunai were also used as a weapon by ninjas in feudal Japan, with the purpose of concealment or to throw at enemies from afar. Here are some of the major uses of a kunai throwing knife:

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About the Creator

Mai Sophia

A Writer/blogger by day, a knife enthusiast and survivalist by night. I've reviewed a lot of products and have helped people make the right purchase

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