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What Forge Of Empires Can Teach You About Life

For a few weeks, I play the world-building game Forge Of Empires on my iPad. The goal is to build and develop a small stone age settlement and to lead it through the ages into the distant future. While playing the game, I came across many principles that are also important in real life. In this article, you can read which ones are important.

By René JungePublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Thomas Habr on Unsplash

Don't spread yourself thin

In Forge Of Empires, you should decide sooner or later whether you want to be a warlord, a businessman, or a builder in the first place.

Either way, you will need to fight, trade, and produce, and build a city, but you will have limited resources.

If you try to fight every battle, build every production facility, and always have the latest buildings, you will soon run out of air.

However, if you focus on one of the three areas and use the mass of your resources in that one area, you will progress quickly.

Superiority in one area allows you to make progress in other areas as well. For example, many battles you win secure vital resources, which in turn increase the efficiency of your factories.

Ownership of many goods and a large amount of money and supplies will allow you to construct more magnificent buildings and recruit better army units.

The constant construction of legendary buildings will, over time, earn you more and more Forge Points (one of the game's currencies), which you can invest in researching new techniques.

So if you are extraordinary in one thing, it will also help you with those parts of the game that you neglect a little.

It's the same in life. If you do too many projects at once, you will not get good results anywhere in the end, because your strength and material resources are as limited as the time you have available.

Don't be tempted by the shiny apple

In the world of Forge Of Empires, so-called events take place regularly. These are small extra games within the game in which you can earn exclusive rewards over several days or weeks.

Furthermore, there are guild expeditions, guild tournaments, and you can found villages abroad and develop them to the point where you can finally install an ambassador there.

Forge Of Empires is like a vast fairground in this respect. There are merry-go-rounds and sweets on every corner, and you'd love to have them all.

But if you ride too many merry-go-rounds and overeat, you'll get sick. And you get sick of the whole fair, and you leave the fair.

In real life, we are also surrounded by a thousand opportunities, which we all find incredibly attractive. We want a great car, the new smartphone, and the big trip. We want everything at once and immediately.

By the time we realize that we are not getting any of this or that it will ruin us financially when we have got everything, it is too late.

We then say that life is hard. But that is not right.

Life is like a fairground, and we have to decide which of the attractions we want to use and which we want to do without.

Sometimes too much of a good thing can just be bad. And then suddenly nothing is right anymore.

Show up

If you don't log in to Forge Of Empires at least once a day and complete your tasks, you will progress very slowly.

For example, you will only be able to harvest your citizens' taxes and the revenue from your production facilities manually.

For example, if a house produces a certain amount of coins every hour, but you only come by once a day to collect them, you will only get one coin a day, not twenty-four.

Also, treasures containing rewards will appear around your town at irregular intervals. These treasures disappear after a while. If you don't visit regularly, you will miss many opportunities.

Life is about the same thing. If you don't take care of the essential elements, you will miss opportunities, and you will always be lagging behind instead of having everything under control.

Those who train regularly will improve faster than those who train only every three weeks. In school, those who get better grades will be those who come to class daily. On the other hand, students who play hooky often will lose touch and perform less.

Showing up is the basis for every success. This applies to the game as in real life.

Do the work

Now it is, of course, not enough to log into the game regularly. You also have to do some important things over and over again.

Collecting goods, supplies, and tax money is the first thing you do when you start Forge Of Empires.

Then you help your fellow players, visit their taverns, and motivate their subjects and buildings.

There are regular quests that you have to complete to advance in the game, and you also have to keep an eye on your army.

Logging into Forge Of Empires and just looking at the city is as ineffective as driving to the office and falling asleep on your desk.

Showing up is the most important thing, but without doing the work that awaits you, you won't make any progress.

For me, this lesson of the game is the most important. Only those who reliably do the right things over and over again over a long period will finally be successful.

This knowledge is the reason why I am sitting at my laptop again today and writing.

I sit here every day and do my work because I know that it is right.

adventure games

About the Creator

René Junge

Thriller-author from Hamburg, Germany. Sold over 200.000 E-Books. get informed about new articles:

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