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Halver: The Game Where Squares Are Cool and Puzzles Rule!

First Impression Review: Halver Delivers Engaging Puzzle Challenges

By The Nerd HabitPublished 4 months ago 3 min read

As a self-proclaimed puzzle game aficionado, I've journeyed through the pixelated plains of Minesweeper and soared through the complex realms of Portal 2. Both of those games brought me many hours of enjoyment, so how does my latest escapade fit in? Buckle up as I take you on a tour through my Halver experience, where slicing blocks is more than just a pastime; it's a heroic quest.


Picture this: Thomas Was Alone meets a high school geometry textbook in an arcade – that's Halver for you. It might lack the chatty narrator that we all adore, but it compensates with some seriously snazzy features. The protagonist of our tale is a rectangle – let's call him Sir Geometry – armed with the ability to move, jump, push blocks, and fire bullets with the precision of a seasoned marksman. Controlling Sir Geometry feels as intuitive as flipping through your favorite book, with support for both keyboard and controller warriors.

The game's core mechanic involves surgical precision with shapes, a concept that's both unique and brain-tickling. You'll find yourself shooting at stripey blocks that obediently split in half, creating new paths and possibilities. The variety in puzzles is as surprising as finding an extra fry at the bottom of your fast-food bag – always delightful. From gravity-defying lifts to transparent blocks that make you jump higher than your last high score, Halver throws curveballs that keep your neurons firing.

Let's talk about the mysterious white orbs. Collecting them felt like gathering relics from an ancient civilization – intriguing but somewhat puzzling. They're like points you get at your local grocery store that you're not quite sure what to do with but collect anyway. For its engaging gameplay that keeps you guessing, I'm scoring Halver a solid 3.9 out of 5.


The visual appeal of Halver is like a refreshing glass of iced tea on a hot day – simple, yet immensely satisfying. It employs a blueprint aesthetic that's both minimalistic and pleasing to the eyes. It's a style that would make for a trendy t-shirt design – I'd wear Sir Geometry with pride. The game's visuals are a testament to the beauty of simplicity, proving that you don't need flashy graphics to create an immersive experience. For its eye-pleasing graphics, Halver earns a well-deserved 3.6 out of 5.


The soundtrack of Halver is akin to a meditative session after a hectic day. It's calming, almost therapeutic, perfect for those deep, puzzle-solving states of mind. But if you're a connoisseur of varied soundtracks, Halver might seem a tad monotonous. The tunes, while soothing, tend to blend into one another like a well-mixed smoothie. A bit more diversity would be like the cherry on top. That said, the sound design does complement the game's overall vibe, meriting a respectable 2.8 out of 5.

First Impression Score

Jumping into Halver felt like opening a mysterious treasure chest – filled with anticipation and excitement. The game gracefully introduces you to its mechanics, steadily upping the ante as you progress. The visual style is a clear winner, while the sound could use a bit of jazzing up. All in all, Halver secures a first impression score of 3.1 out of 5.

As a final note, remember that Halver is still simmering in the developmental pot, with its grand reveal set for April 11, 2024. Keep an eye on their Steam page for more updates and possible sneak peeks.

Video Content And Disclaimer

Thank you for reading my first impression review of Halver! You can watch my video review down below.

Disclaimer: I received a free review copy of this product from

Written by Christopher D. Horton | Youtube Link | TikTok Link

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About the Creator

The Nerd Habit

Welcome to the world through my nerdy lens! I'm Christopher D. Horton, the passionate mind behind The Nerd Habit. With a controller in one hand and a pen in the other, I navigate the fascinating universe of video games, movies, and music.

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  • Gologames Gamedev и Разработка игр2 months ago

    Thanks for that fantastic review of Halver : )

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